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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. As for why it isn't playing in Michigan...if production and distribution companies don't foresee 20 million in revenue for movies, they likely aren't going to push the release. Sucks but I'm looking forward to the DVD.
  2. If your job is going up and down ladders all day, I bet that would be a fantastic piece of equipment.
  3. I wish I could find a theater in the area that was showing it.
  4. That's not even an accomplishment anymore lol.
  5. Also I would highly recommend staying away from NSAIDS. They have their uses, primarily in certain very acute joint strains and sprains, and even then, only as prescribed by a physician. Do NOT self medicate with ibuprofen. Inflammation is best treated through ice massage (as was mentioned earlier) and diet. I have two clients from totally different backgrounds. One had an extremely bad ankle sprain several months ago. Bad enough to where it still isn't 100%. The other had tendinitis in this hand for about 5 months. Basically hurt to do anything. Both went to the doctor for advice and help, both took their advice. Fast forward 3 months, still loads of pain. They finally take all grains and starches out of their diet and supplement with fish oil (not even as high of a dose as I recommended) and in 10 days, there was a very noticeable improvement in every way of measuring joint health. Restricting what you eat may suck, but the thing is, most of us feel like crap every single day of our lives and never even realize it because we have no point of reference. Try it for 2 weeks...strict paleo with fish oil. I literally guarantee you see a large improvement. I'd recommend starting a food journal recording everything you eat and drink. If you'd like feedback off of it, feel free to email it to me.
  6. Step number 1 is taking all inflammatory promoting foods out of your diet. This means all grains and most starches. I'd also supplement with high doses of fish oil daily. Try this for two weeks and I guarantee you see an improvement.
  7. Bowflex = Get yourself some free weights (preferably rubber) and a squat rack before anything else. I highly recommend Rogue Fitness Remember: Don't use machines, become one.
  8. Reggie is still playing, he just never made the transfer from college to pros everyone was expecting. Loving the Saints and loving the Vikings. "Brett Favre should retire" "He's too old too play at the top level" Man am I laughing at the people who said that.
  9. Go back to the fundamentals. Find the target. Ge the sights on the target. Keep the sights there till the bullet exits the barrel. Repeat as needed and don't concern yourself with anything else.
  10. It seems you could very easily associate desire and impatience with each other. Looking at it another way: how about a desire to shoot alphas as quickly as possible? Liking it.
  11. No need. There's a very easy way to tell if you are flinching without doing that. Look at the target when you're done shooting.
  12. I like it. I would say at the top levels that calculation and instinct almost become one in same.
  13. From my perspective it was much easier to become a GM then win as one.
  14. For what it's worth, the real work starts once you hit GM.
  15. October to March is the best time to gain ground on your competition.
  16. Those targets were made for 1 handed bullseye shooting over 50 years ago. If you are missing it's because you are moving the sights before the bullet leaves the barrel. It isn't any more complex than that. You don't need fancy targets or new sights or a new trigger, you just need to pull the damn trigger straight to the rear of the gun without moving the sights.
  17. If the bullets are not going where you are aiming AND the gun is accurate (it probably is) - At some point during the process of pulling the trigger you are moving the gun off the target. There is no other possibility.
  18. Whenever you have problems with consistency, you need to keep it simple and go back to the fundamentals. Find the target. Superimpose the sights over the target. Keep the sights on the target till the bullet leaves the barrel. Repeat as needed.
  19. This drill unfortunately doesn't differentiate between a flinch and timing the gun. You can pull this drill on any top shooter I know and you will see the gun dip - and they are more than capable of shooting accurately.
  20. Those are definitely cool, but I prefer parallel grip deadlifts if you want to increase your grip strength.
  21. It's generally accepted that the weak hand is primarily responsible for control recoil and the strong hand is primarily responsible for trigger control.
  22. Do a search...no topic has been covered more in this forum than that one.
  23. Must be nice to be independently wealthy.
  24. This is an interesting topic. I am fairly notorious for having a very pronounced bend in my arms. I would venture to say the bend doesn't matter so much as making sure you have good muscular-skeletal tension for returning the gun back to the target as quickly as possible. It's very easy to get lazy - especially when shooting Open. I firmly believe this to be a major cause of all the malfunctions I've had while competing.
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