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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. It's been a long time, but I did many drills like this. I remember that the sights really seemed to find the center of the plate quickly and directly. I also remember noticing that I shifted my feet a hair between each draw (without planning on doing it).
  2. Lethargy sounds like a much deeper problem than shooting related....
  3. Yeah, saw that earlier. Can't believe Flexmoney didn't tell us his sister was famous!
  4. Nicely done brother. FWIW, acne is absolutely an auto-immune issue. I've also read that all you need is one exposure to gluten a month to keep your gut under constant low level inflammation. Also note that to get leaner, cutting out the whey protein shakes will probably give you immediate benefit (being that whey is dairy and liquid food is inherently more insulin spiking than solid food). Especially since you are strength training, carbs are of little important to you. Lots of protein and fats. How was the first month for you? I'm a big Robb Wolf fan myself.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv87T1CQF8E
  6. He probably spends all his time doing crunches and looking in the mirror lol. Another quote from Rip, "Strong people are harder to kill, and more useful in general"
  7. If this turns into an argument about carpentry I'm going to jab myself with an ice pick.
  8. Pretty sure there is a rule for each and every one of those instances that doesn't involve diving "intent" through clairvoyance. I'd also say all those things you suggested would count as the "punch in the face" referred to in the rest of the post you quoted. The point of the thread has little to do with what you can get away with and more to do with adjusting a rule that quite obviously is impossible to uniformly enforce. All these extraneous discussions are moot if this rule is 86'd.
  9. "…we have not spent the last 65 million or so years finely honing our physiology to watch Oprah. Like it or not, we are the product of a very long process of adaptation to a harsh physical existence, and the past couple centuries of comparative ease and plenty are not enough time to change our genome. We humans are at our best when our existence mirrors, or at least simulates, the one we are still genetically adapted to live. And that is the purpose of exercise." -Mark Rippetoe
  10. Right. I've usually found reloading at a dead run to be a loser anyway though. People are different and we all learn skill differently. Just interesting to look at it from a few angles.
  11. Actually, I'm not that against professional athletes using steroids. If I was in their place, and I was approaching the end of my career, I'd consider doing it for an extra 80 million dollars. Most pro athletes use, most just don't get caught. They know the risks, and they do it anyway. I am against teenagers and college kids juicing though. Whether you berate people who round dump or not, won't make people stop. I realize you are trying to take the moral high ground...cool, good on ya. That isn't going to change the fact that most shooters do it or have done it. Now since it obviously can't be caught 100% of the time, is it fair to you who legitimately doesn't round dump?
  12. That's interesting because it wasn't the same for me. I very rarely practiced moving reloads, but I practiced static reloads a lot. Eventually, after many months, it just got to the point where I got good enough at reloading that it was just done before I could get any head of steam up. As long as you can maintain a neutral body position regardless of what your feet are doing (even reloading while actually on the move), I'm not sure it's really any different. This obviously just gets exponentially more difficult to execute the faster you move.
  13. Since this is merely a game, and practically everyone (upwards of 75% I'm sure) is (whether they should be or not) doing it, I don't view it quite as black and white as cheating or not cheating in this particular case.
  14. You know what Vince Lombardi said: "Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser."
  15. Unrelated to the moon landing, but here's an interesting video I stumbled across just now. BTW, I'm not even almost going to get in an argument about this, I posted the video as food for thought...and that's it. Here is another account of the OP.
  16. Wasn't talking about the OP, was talking about the comments after it. What could he possibly say other than the obvious? I don't know if it's true or not, and I don't pretend like I do. By that same logic, I wouldn't walk up and insult the guy, although I'd like to ask him a few questions.
  17. I'm not saying I wouldn't have clocked him for getting in my face and screaming that - I think the guy is an a_-hole. Whether or not he believes we landed on the moon just shouldn't be relevant.
  18. I haven't seen anyone post in this thread about his rudeness...only people laughing about his ideology.
  19. Glad it's cool for dissenting opinions to be punished with battery now.
  20. This is only one hypothetical example in which there were 7 shots required. Seeing how in IDPA there is a 6 shot max per array (IIRC), you don't need to worry about it. "Real apparent" is not conclusive. But for the third time, if people want to dish out 20 second penalties on what they think the shooter's intent was, go for it. Expect to lose some shooters though.
  21. I think that is a reasonable solution for all parties.
  22. No it isn't. But rules get changed all the time in other sports when they are flawed. It's blatantly obvious that this rule cannot be enforced 100% of the time. As such it quite simply is unfair to other competitors. How do you disagree with this?!?!? I wouldn't be so sure about that. Why don't you put yourself on the clock doing a load with retention and a speed load and see the difference. If you're good it will be under a second...most people will be well over. That compared to an extra .2 for a split...seems worth it to me. Maybe we should just come up with a database of all assumed "round dumpers" and give them all a 20 second penalty before they show up. Afterall, they have the intent to do it don't they? Just calling people for it when SOs think it happens isn't far from this. How do you think this would be handled if it were a mainstream sport?
  23. It could in the sense that you're held accountable for every shot you take.
  24. So you're telling me that you know that Johnny Shooter dumped a round because of some pre-conceived notion of what the pattern sounds like? Well that sure doesn't mean it doesn't happen. And if you started calling every shooter who "conveniently" triple taps a target on it - it would sure start happening more frequently. I do think that is a reasonable solution though.
  25. And what about the people that get called for round dumping when they legitimately weren't? Are they just SOL? What happens when people wise up and stop dumping on the last target and do it on the first target (or any other)? It's still illegal but much much harder to catch. Doesn't sound very fair to me. Especially considering how drastic the punishment is.
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