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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. So far, I've shot matches in: Michigan Illinois Indiana Kentucky Pennsylvania New York Tennessee Georgia South Carolina Texas Oklahoma Missouri Idaho Wisconsin West Virginia Mississippi Might be others I can't think of...and none of those have been in the last 2 years.
  2. That's like me recommending someone practice with a cap gun to improve their shooting. Sure you can try it, but there are much better ways to do it.
  3. Your definition of in shape is obviously quite different from others who've posted on this thread. Work capacity across broad time and modal domains is where it's at.
  4. I'd say lose to sports drinks entirely. Spend time before the match (ideally 2 months at least) training in the heat as often as possible. Drink lots of water, stay out of the sun when possible. Dress appropriately! Bring extra socks, shirts, shorts, underwear, etc. When you have downtime, you should take advantage of it.
  5. We've never strayed from the original topic, which was "Exercise for Oldsters." Unfortunately, the majority of doctors really don't know what they're talking about when it comes to fitness and yes even health. The actual fitness required for most of Tai Chi is negligible at best. If that's what you really want to do, talk to Steve Moneypenny about it, from my understanding he's pretty accomplished in Tai Chi and other martial arts, but don't confuse doing Tai Chi with exercise that will enable you to do more and keep you around longer. Yes, CF is hard work, but anyone who's accomplished anything of value knows that nothing good comes from things that are "easy." Good luck in your endeavor for better health. I strongly recommend trying CF for 1 month and then seeing how you feel. You might be surprised, and your doctor sure as hell will be next time he does your blood work.
  6. I take 1000mg pills (which only have about 300 mg of DHA and EPA) there is no taste with them. If you're talking the fish oil burps, those happen because the pills you take are rancid. Good fish oils pills taste like absolutely nothing. Nope, actually CrossFit coupled with proper nutrition will undoubtedly save you astronomical amounts of money in that area. Not to mention let you do more, increase your overall health and work capacity, and rehab many injuries you've probably been living with for quite a while. When you think you CF, you probably think of 25 year olds throwing 150 pounds over their head 30 times in 2 minutes. Yes that is a facet of CrossFit, but don't forget that it is scalable for absolutely anyone, regardless of age or ability level. The needs of our olympic athletes and grandparents differ by degree not by kind. When considering the 10 general physical skills (cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, stamina, flexibility, speed, power, coordination, accuracy, agility, and balance) everyone needs and uses them. The athlete may be looking for functional dominance in one or more of these area whereas someone in your situation is only looking for functional competence. The exercises that increase these are the same, we just scale by reps, load, time, rest, etc. By doing so we utilize the same functional movements and their ability to manifest capacity in whomever does them consistently and correctly, but we do it at the client's physiological and psychological thresholds. Where do you get that info from? Hundreds of seniors, cancer survivors, athletes, grandparents, moms, and physically disabled people will disagree with you. Health, nutrition, and every other aspect of health of fitness is always considered by any CrossFit trainer worth his/her salt. By the very definition of CrossFit we are looking to improve health, and doing a damn good job of it. Also, the zone as prescribed from Dr. Sears is damn close to Paleo by definition. The zone in CF circles has been bastardized a bit, but it's still far better than conventional "nutrition."
  7. I'd heavily recommend CrossFit, the zone, and loads of fish oil.
  8. Wean yourself off the carbs brother. Add good amounts of monosaturated fat. Lose the grains, potatoes, corn, peas, and sugar. Eat lean meats, vegetables, and some fruits. Load up on the fish oil...10-15 grams a day.
  9. Pull the trigger straight to the rear of the gun without moving the sights.
  10. I don't even know who's competing in what division. Off the top of my head. Open: Max - he's gotta be the favorite because right now, no one executes as consistently as him other than Eric. Chris will be up there, as will KC Limited: TT - gotta pick him to repeat. Rob and Manny will be close Production: Dave - Bob and Ben are gonna be damn close
  11. I'm not saying it's not hard. It's always hard to push yourself as hard as you can. I've done P90X myself and have had clients who swore by it come in and be seriously humbled - myself much included. I have done P90X, have you done CrossFit? I'm saying do a Fran or Linda or Murph (obviously with correct technique and coaching) and compare afterwards.
  12. There needs to be a *cries emoticon.
  13. Compared to CrossFit, P90X is quite tame and much less functional. I have testimonials from a few people I'm training now who came from P90X if you're interested.
  14. If it rains at a major are you gonna bow out? The rain = excellent training opportunity. Use it as often as possible.
  15. Hell *$%&in yeah baby! Go B. Favre Green Bay is so screwed.
  16. My boy Ari. Just a little over 6 months old.
  17. I personally recommend a tucked chin and shoulders "active" in the shooting. This helps to raise your aggresiveness a bit. If you're an Open shooter - it's really easy to get lazy at this.
  18. KC was a Master at 8 years old.
  19. Yeah, I want them to be tough to hit. Intensity is key.
  20. Keep it constantly varied. See the dry-fire wods are back up and running strong?
  21. Hey everyone. As you guys know, I haven't been shooting a ton lately....however it has never been out of my head. I love the coaching aspect and doing what I can to help people excel as much as they want to. Anyways, if you visit my website you will see a few things of note. First is that I post a daily dry fire WOD (workout of the day). These are 100% free and I encourage everyone to experiment with them and post your findings/thoughts to the comments section each day. Secondly, there are many shooters out there who have a desire for personal instruction, but for one or more of a multitude of reasons, won't be able to get it. In order to fill that void, I'm offering digital coaching. There are two tiers to the level of digital coaching you can receive. Tier 1 involves a one-time fee of $25 which allows you to upload a video (or several) up to 5 minutes in total length to have a detailed analysis returned to you with a two-week period of programming geared specifically towards strengthening the weakness you are addressing. Tier 2 involves a fee of $100 for which you will be able to get feedback on 8 videos. Thirdly, USPSA/IPSC is regarded as a sport where you don't need to be in top physical condition in order to compete. While this is true, if you take 2 shooters of equal skill level, the fitter one will win. I also have consultation available for strength and conditioning geared towards what we can expect to see at any given major match. This is primarily a local service, although digital coaching will be available for this as well. There is no set price because this is something that will be handled on a case by case basis. If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an email or pm. I look forward to working with you all towards achieving whatever goals you may set for yourself in the world of practical shooting.
  22. Thanks John, I'm just going to try and offer the best service I can and we'll see what happens.
  23. Thanks brother, I appreciate it.
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