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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. Ah yes, the a_-hole's rallying cry/credo. "But it's the truth and needs to be said." Give me a break and stick to the 96 page thread.
  2. So jake is slower than average? Sure doesn't seem like that from seeing him shoot. Maybe they are old videos. lol. I guess that says a lot about how much reaction speed matters in USPSA. I'm slower than average and can still hit sub .7 draws without much difficulty.
  3. I don't know about you guys, but my auditory reaction time is a tenth faster than visual. .23 to .33
  4. I have truly grown to hate this cliche, even more so when preceded by "slow is smooth". There are plenty of people who can shoot smoothly and do it slow as dirt. Smooth is not fast. Fast is fast. I have no problem with starting deliberate though.
  5. As far as dry fire goes, I'll start a little slower to warm up because I can do that exact same thing on the range before the match starts. When it comes to live fire, I start at match pace or higher.
  6. It doesn't matter how good I get, there is a difference between fully weighted mags and empty mags to me.
  7. For what? Doesn't have to be weighted with shot if for some strange reason that was a problem, can put anything in there with the silicon to make the desired weight. I'm not aware of anything in the rules prohibiting it.
  8. I'd actually like to take a spare mag tube and fill it with silicon and shot until it's equal weight to a loaded mag and use that for safe area dry fire at matches.
  9. Difference is, I like Chris more than I like you.
  10. Ooooh. You are in trouble now. Really? Not getting baited into it again. Go troll someone else, I have better things to do.
  11. I actually rarely drop the hammer when I dryfire anymore, I'll just manipulate the dead trigger with more force than is required to fire a shot. As long as I'm keeping the dot where it needs to be, I'm doing my job.
  12. Speed comes from practicing it.
  13. You can watch some of my match video on youtube, there is usually at least one .12 or lower per match without trying for it and I averaged about 95% points last year across all matches. And someone needs to convince old Truk to put more than one mag pouch on his belt.
  14. With using zhunter's guide realize that every IDPA stage is effectively a 2 hit factor stage which means accuracy is extremely weighted in your overall score. You do need to work on going fast in practice, but in IDPA your match pace must revolve around hitting the center of the target just about every time. If it does go to 1 second per point down, you should basically never drop a point. If you are running the ragged edge of speed and accuracy in practice, your ability to translate that speed to a match without suffering in the accuracy department will increase. Speed won't just come by itself. You cannot learn how to shoot fast by shooting slowly.
  15. We don't often agree, but I definitely agree with this sentiment. But what Jake is saying is also true in my opinion, that if you CAN shoot .1 splits then that can give you some interesting options and help you make up time in the match on certain targets. It's more a matter of perspective. If shooter A can't shoot faster than .20, .15 is mind-numbingly fast. Shooter B can shoot .10s at will, .15 isn't very challenging at all and is likely more accurate than Shooter A who is shooting .20s at the limit of his ability.
  16. It's called a discussion. It's educational and interesting. There is no reason to get annoyed when people question or discuss what you say. I think due to minor scoring, there may simply be less interest in super-fast split times among top production shooters. Sometimes, yes. But in cases like what is further down in my post that you left out of your quote, it can be not educational or interesting. I'm not annoyed when people question or discuss what I say. You are doing it again. Stop misrepresenting me and re-read the rest of the post you quoted. I'm sure there is less of a interest in fast splits in matches. We aren't talking about match shooting, we are talking limit of human function.
  17. Thank you. I've shot with Yong a few times in the distant past, he is a hell of a shooter. I threw that into Max's app, and it looks like he got some down to the .11 range. Not quite .08 or .09, but definitely makes the premise more reasonable to me.
  18. You make some good points, but comments like this overshadow them and make it appear like you take yourself a little too seriously. If a discussion is tiresome for you, do something else that you like better. Note that I didn't claim people can shoot sub .10 splits with production triggers, just said that in my personal experience the SA on a good DA/SA gun can be just as good as on an SAO gun. So I can't think of any reason a sub .10 split shouldn't be possible. Doesn't mean there isn't a reason, just means that I can't think of one. Sorry if you find that discussion offensive. This has nothing to do with me chief. The tiresome aspect is in my experience, even when I'm not involved in the discussion, you reach for any reason you can to disagree with things that you may not necessarily have much personal experience with. I've known a lot of people like you in my life. You're the guy that points out the one single "i" that isn't dotted. "Maybe production shooters are worrying about hitting the targets and calling their shots instead of learning circus tricks. ;)" This adds nothing of substance to the discussion, and when used as a response to me asking for someone to point me to a video is very tiresome (causing one to feel bored or annoyed....in this case annoyed). And by the way just so you know, tiresome =/= offensive.
  19. that seems likely. the SA mode of my cz production guns is pretty much the same as my competition 1911's. I can't hit fast splits with either one tho. I'm chock full of slow-twitch muscles and .15 seems to be about my limit. It's possible, but at the same time I still haven't ever seen someone pulling sub .10 with a production gun. If someone could point me to a video, great. I'll be more willing to accept it once I see it. Until then, I remain very dubious. Maybe production shooters are worrying about hitting the targets and calling their shots instead of learning circus tricks. You are getting very tiresome to talk to. First off, don't act like "hitting the targets and calling their shots" has to exclude doing it at a very high rate of speed. Regardless, that isn't even almost what this is about. This is about potential limit of human function ability. If you don't want to discuss that, you are probably in the wrong thread. Secondly, these "circus tricks" go a long way towards actually producing formidable match skills, which is evidently something you don't yet grasp. Having a higher skill ceiling is always going to be a good thing. If your earlier assertion is correct in that there isn't necessarily a trigger speed difference between SAO and DA/SA guns, I expect to be able to find at least one video illustrating that or I'm going to call your claim bunk. I haven't called it bunk though, I've only asked for a shred of evidence. It's on you to reinforce your earlier statement with that evidence. Instead, you're just reaching for reasons that explain away the lack of proof. Weak.
  20. that seems likely. the SA mode of my cz production guns is pretty much the same as my competition 1911's. I can't hit fast splits with either one tho. I'm chock full of slow-twitch muscles and .15 seems to be about my limit. It's possible, but at the same time I still haven't ever seen someone pulling sub .10 with a production gun. If someone could point me to a video, great. I'll be more willing to accept it once I see it. Until then, I remain very dubious.
  21. I usually just put a rubber o-ring under the hammer so the noise doesn't hurt my feelings, but I did show up to a match once with mag full of dummy rounds still in my gun from dry-fire. I'm thinking dummy rounds in the safe areas is a DQ ? I think it would be legal if you realized dummy rounds were in the gun, if you immediately sought out RO assistance to clear the gun and continue normally. Certainly if you remove the magazine yourself or otherwise handle the rounds or loaded mag in the safe area, it is a DQ. Every RMI I've ever taken a class from has made the point that what we're trying to prevent with 10.5.12 is a one step into the gun/chamber approach for ammo. So -- it's perfectly ok to remove closed boxes of ammo from your range bag so you can retrieve a tool that's stored underneath -- but you better not scoop up any loose rounds, brass, snap caps, etc. If you rack a snap cap out in the safe are -- you actually did not have a clear chamber in the gun and this unfortunately does result in a match disqualification...... I get not handling loaded rounds, I even get not handling dummy rounds, but could you explain to me how picking up an empty piece of brass or a snap cap is unsafe?
  22. What you need to do is develop your natural point of aim then by extension your index. (From my memory, there are good threads on this if you search) Basically what that means is you need to be consistent enough and familiar enough with gun handling that you can close your eyes, draw, and have the sights aligned on target when you open your eyes. Once you develop enough trust in yourself to do that everytime, acquiring your sights during extension and firing at press out becomes easy. You have many hours of dry fire ahead of you, but it is a skill well worth developing.
  23. Never seen anyone do a .08 with a DA/SA gun. I've pulled sub .10s with LTD or Open guns, but never even close with a Prod gun. Maybe all the Prod guns I've shot just had trash triggers, which I suppose is possible. It's about 20% doubt and 80% curiosity for wanting to see it.
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