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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I'd love to see a video with .08 or .09 splits with a production gun if you've got one. Shouldn't be too hard to replicate in practice if you've done it several times in matches.
  2. Bill drills are from the holster, yes.
  3. That's the way these things go. If your skill level is high enough, people that are significantly less skilled or otherwise unfamiliar will look at what you do as magic. It's just the culmination of a lot of work. The inverse of this, I've brought a lot of people to matches that couldn't understand why I wasn't happy with a stage that had a few extra shots or I had to take a swinger in 2 passes or had another small problem. From my perspective I just wasted a huge amount of time, but from theirs it was just a tiny little blip. As you get better your perspective on fast will change as well. The times aren't out of reach. Just glance to the top of the mountain you're climbing, keep most of your focus on your feet.
  4. Can't really tell by the video, not enough information. If his jump originated from inside the fault lines, no penalty.
  5. I don't know about today, but back when I did it it was usually with the AMU guys or the Limcat guys at the time. So that's Max, Travis, KC, and JJ right there.
  6. When I was B class, I would write a polite request on the registration form to be squadded with the best shooters I knew were going to the match. More often than not, I would be squadded with them. Don't think it's necessarily luck, you usually won't get things you don't ask for. I would usually sit back and watch everything they did, if possible I'd tag behind them the day before when they were looking over stages. I'm sure I was insufferable, but I learned a ton and tried to be unobtrusive.
  7. So by extension you are saying that shooting IPSC where they use non-humanoid targets is as "harmful to the match experience" as creating a .22 or airsoft division. That's more than a little ridiculous.
  8. Don't take your time. Just go out there and shoot the targets.
  9. I would guess they are talking about a few things. The first is calculating hit factor to see if the stage is weighted towards either speed or accuracy. A 14 hit factor stage, every second is worth 14 points. That means every point is worth about .07 seconds which usually means a fast C is better than a slow A. If you are shooting Production, you would have to make up a C with an A in less than .14 seconds in order to gain ground. Obviously C's aren't worth making up here, and D's probably aren't either at .28 or less required to come out ahead. On the other hand, if it is a 5 hit factor stage, every point is worth .2 seconds. Now all of a sudden it becomes a bit more mathematically reasonable to make up shots out of the A or do whatever is needed to ensure to alpha in the first place. This can sometimes come into play on the plan you decide to shoot and where you engage targets if you have some options. On more rare cases, it can sometimes be mathematically reasonable to skip disappearing targets. That being said, I've won and lost 14+ hit factor stages on points. Ultimately, the best bet is usually to just go shoot.
  10. Click on your name upper right hand corner, then manage ignore prefs.
  11. Shoot them no differently than you shoot any other stage.
  12. you have misunderstood imho. What is unamerican is forcing someone else to shoot different targets because their targets hurt your feelings. I can see that it may have been meant that way, but to me it isn't a measure of feelings. I personally don't care what target we shoot at, the question to me is will a change facilitate growing or bettering the sport? People will have widely different ideas of what better is in this case but I'd love to see the sport in a position where it was a viable career path for more than half a dozen people. I don't know if changing targets will be the genesis of good or bad changes or if nothing at all will change, but I'm certainly open to at least talking about it instead of just threatening to take my ball and go home. One could make the argument that people's feelings are being hurt by the suggestion of changing the targets. I personally much prefer USPSA to IPSC in most things. I also think we can find a middle ground that may be beneficial to shooters as a whole with minimal concessions.
  13. There are certainly places to make your stand, it amazes me that so many of you think this is one of those places. The fact that someone actually implied that not shooting humanoid targets in competition is unamerican illustrates how ridiculously dogmatic this is.
  14. Yeah screw those people who want to actually make a livable wage doing what they love.
  15. Well I wasn't totally sure until this morning with his most recent post and also a buddy of mine texting me saying he's pretty much a full time troll. So yeah, I'm done acknowledging him.
  16. I really don't get people who troll full time. It's not funny, it's not cool. Move out of your Mom's basement dude and get a life.
  17. I should have been more specific, it's not that I'm against modifying a drill, I just think you need to be careful in what you modify. I like scaling distance or time before I change the actual substance of the drill. To me, the actual shooting procedure is usually laid out with intent of testing and improving a specific skill so I don't want to alter that if I can avoid it. If I can't clear them at 10 yards or do it in 5 seconds or whatever other figure you want to use, but I can clear them with a different distance/time variable, it makes sense to progress on the edge of what you are capable of instead of beating yourself into the dirt with effectively impossible difficulty. This is basically threshold training in that you are practicing just slightly past what your current ability is so we can encourage growth. If you want to test/improve a different skill then sure you can modify the procedure as well, but do it in addition...I wouldn't do it to the complete exclusion of the original. If you are using the method outlined above, I would also occasionally do the full drill at prescribed distance/time as well just as a benchmark.
  18. I don't understand why you're wanting to change the drill? Why don't you just work at the drill as written until you are successful at it? It won't happen overnight.
  19. Ok....I've read most of your posts and I'd like to think you are just a beginner with no real knowledge of the scene, but with that dickish ignorant response now I'm leaning towards you're just a complete troll. If by chance I'm wrong and you aren't a complete troll, you may want to consider reading about 10 times more than you're posting, because the stuff you are saying is beyond ridiculous. Perhaps you should start by looking up what a bill drill is instead of posting what you think is a bill drill from super tactical hands forward start position. For Christ's sake, I can read the title of the video and know it isn't a bill drill.
  20. All this is why I programmed the nod when I'm ready into my regular make ready routine. I do it everytime so it doesn't matter if I run into the RO that doesn't understand the range commands.
  21. Yeah that's what I said a bit earlier. If my weakhand doesn't have anything to do but there is going to be a reload, I'll have the mag in my hand before the reload is necessary. There is no disaster factor in that. I think there is a high disaster factor in shooting freestyle while holding the mag.
  22. I think you'll get the most for your money by building skills conventionally. Reloads down to .6 and even faster are certainly possible, although I wouldn't go that speed in a match. Consistent sub second reloads are a great benchmark to strive for and are very possible for most people that take it seriously.
  23. I have tried it and about the only time I would consider it was if the stage was all strong hand only and required a reload. I don't want to be trying to shoot freestyle with a magazine in my hand. By the way you describe it in my opinion any perceived advantage in reloading time is more than lost in time shooting/accuracy with a goofy grip. Yes it is legal as far as I know.
  24. I'm not saying it is bad to use aggregate for comparison purposes, I'm saying it shouldn't matter to anyone if a PCC shooter wins high overall.
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