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Jake Di Vita

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Everything posted by Jake Di Vita

  1. I do remember seeing that Manny Pacquiao has had an annual IPSC match in the Phillipines so he has done some shooting, but it was nothing impressive from my memory.
  2. Super athleticism doesn't really transfer to USPSA style shooting like it does to other sports. The biggest thing the USPSA talent pool suffers from is lack of participation. If there were 5,000,000 active action pistol shooters, then yeah I would expect a much higher skill ceiling in USPSA, but a one second bill drill would still not be common place in any way shape or form. There gets to be a point where it physically isn't possible to improve beyond. You'll never shoot a split faster than the cycling rate of your gun. If you just put your hands through the normal motions of a draw at max speed without a gun, you'll never be able to do it faster than that with a gun. A one second bill drill is barely inside these limitations.
  3. As I said before, I don't think anyone currently could claim it either, but it certainly isn't impossible. If it is possible to do the constituent parts separately, it is possible to string them together. .50 surrender draw? Possible although difficult. .10 or lower splits? Possible although difficult. Combine them all? Extreme difficulty, bordering on limit of human function, but not impossible. With a cool million on the line, I think several people would at least get very close.
  4. This. If you're shooting minor against major, you are pretty much starting around 10% in the hole. Not that it matters in any way shape or form. It matters if you are shooting Lim Minor. Of course it does. I'm saying the comparison between divisions doesn't matter in any way shape or form. It doesn't matter if pcc beats all the open shooters or vice versa. Who cares?
  5. This. If you're shooting minor against major, you are pretty much starting around 10% in the hole. Not that it matters in any way shape or form.
  6. I didn't say the winner of nationals would have the fastest splits and I have a pretty good understanding of where match performance comes from. Here's is the deal with Open division. It is the easiest division to shoot and the hardest division to win. Highest hit factors means every mistake or delay is more costly so things that don't matter as much in other divisions like splits add up a lot faster in Open. Since I obviously need to be more specific with you because I didn't expect you to take me to mean only open targets inside 7 let me change the criteria from open targets at 7 yards to whichever targets in a match that are able to be shot consistently well by multiple shooters at sub .20 splits. After checking out my video data and taking a chance to reflect back on the year, it is probably closer to any target 10 yards and in and open targets out to 15. I did some figuring on my match data from this past year. Of the data I was able to collect, I shot 899 splits with a total time of 188.67 seconds for an average split of .209. That's actually faster than I thought it would be and I'm going to amend my statement in the last post as I no longer think averaging .20 splits is incredible. I've shot more matches than a few squadded with the top guys and I can tell you with absolute certainty that their match pace is faster than my current match pace. So anyway, yes I think it's possible that Open nationals can be won with average splits of .20, but in order to average .20, you're going to need to be capable of splits faster than .20.
  7. reasonable point... i also don't have data, just a fuzzy intuition which may well be wrong. I don't think we need to discuss the importance of splits because I only know about my skill level and my division. at the national level in open, I'm sure it is quite different. I figure I'll know when those hundredths are holding me back and start working on them intead of the tenths and full seconds that are available to me by improving in other areas. I wouldn't worry about it too much. You can win open nats with .20 splits. I don't agree with that statement one bit. Any division other than open, sure. I suppose we should define what you mean by that though. If you average a .20 on every split in the match, then sure. If you're shooting .20 splits on open targets under 7 yards, no way. I have a bunch of match video from this year, I should tally everything up and see what my average split was this past year.
  8. I mean if you said shoot a bill drill under 1 second and win a million dollars, yeah I think times in general would improve but I still don't know if anyone would be able to claim it. I think you could do this with just about any drill, you just have to be able to accurately determine a score that is close to the limit of human function for that drill. To name some off the top of my head, el prez, plate rack, texas star, any classifier. The classifier thing could be cool if we possessed the ability to know what the highest hit factor ever recorded on a submitted classifier score was.
  9. I don't really focus too much on splits, but i've seen some pretty fast ones. Not sure when RO-ing big matchs that I've noticed a huge difference between top production guys and top open or limited guys. It also usually seems like the guys with the very fastest splits are not winning the match. not sure what that means. it may also make a difference that top production shooters can not afford charlies, so they are getting a teensy bit more sight picture before breaking the shot, or the lighter (except tanfo, lol) guns just move around a bit more. What gun do you use for production, Jake? How good is the trigger? Well I don't have the data to support it, but my guess is if you paid attention to (checked the timer between runs) splits from top shooters in each division you would notice a difference. If you want to have a discussion about how important splits are to match performance we can do that (the importance differs per division), but that really isn't very pertinent to what this thread is about I don't even own a production gun that I'd take to competition right now, I did shoot an elite 2 when I shot production. I've played around with some people's cz's and glocks that had good triggers, never fooled around with a stock 2. It's rare for me to shoot under a .13 with a production gun. That could partially be because I don't shoot them much, but I don't really think so. I can adjust from platform to platform very easily.
  10. I don't know, I guess it's possible, but how many .10 splits have you ever seen someone do with a production gun? I can't think of any off the top of my head. I usually hit at least one .10 per match with my open gun and can do it with regularity in practice, but I've never hit a .10 with a production gun.
  11. I think that's a cool idea with a whole lot of different challenges.
  12. I think it is possible but would be incredibly difficult. I don't think there is anyone right now that can do it.
  13. I don't think there is anyone capable of running .08 splits with a production gun. I'd be very surprised to see it. I've only shot one at .08 in my life.
  14. I'd like to know to whom you are referring. I find it interesting when people come up with excuses why they can't do things.
  15. Even when I was a C class production shooter, the only results I cared about were the aggregate of all divisions and classes. I see the purpose of separating gear and classes, I don't much care for it personally though.
  16. This is more than a little ridiculous to me. You can become a GM with about 90% dry fire practice. I know this is true because I and others I know have done it with no sponsorship assistance whatsoever. You compete with sponsored people by out working them. I would venture to say a lot of people that qualify under your criteria to be pro don't even possess GM shooting skills.
  17. No one is making you man. You've already mentioned the fact that you will opt out of this. That's totally cool, I don't know why it bothers you so much that other people give it a shot.
  18. I don't know why you couldn't just put a 3x3 foot box outside of the fault line that only the pcc division would use. As long as it is safe and the same for everyone in each division, who cares. I haven't seen any problem listed that can't be fixed with a fairly simple solution.
  19. Without watching the video, I'm guessing your grip needs work (check the thread on recoil control) and don't use a par time. Shoot as fast as you can see the sights, and when you are hitting all alphas, push a little faster.
  20. Pissing match? A bit sensitive aren't we? Good luck on your problem, I'm out.
  21. There isn't a lot of steel challenge in the area, but there are some great USPSA clubs.
  22. I'm saying a 3 inch group at 10 yards isn't what I would expect from a shooter that calls 100% of his shots and never shoots fliers. It's not impossible that you simply called a shot incorrectly. It's easy to say something like "I bet my life" because you can't actually bet your life. Even as a GM I've had shots on 7 yard targets at matches that I swore were alphas that ended up alpha mike. It doesn't happen often, but it happens and no one is immune to it. Leaping towards blaming the equipment is rarely the correct path to take. By all means, keep investigating, but you should always at least be open to the possibility that it was operator error. It seems like if it were an equipment problem, you'd have more than one flier.
  23. FWIW, I first read it as the target at 30 yards and 10 rounds....30 rounds at 10 yards does make it less likely that it is you, but I still wouldn't rule it out completely. A 2 or 3 inch group at 10 yards isn't good enough to where I'd be shocked to see a 4 inch flier in there. If you were putting 29/30 through the same hole, I'd be more inclined to say it wasn't you.
  24. That's a pretty bold statement. One I would not make if it were me.
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