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Everything posted by SteveZ

  1. Don't need it. Its redundant! We've already got a single stack division...its called Limited 10.
  2. I'm pretty sure the new rule was put in place to serve two situations. One as we know is when a round is detonated by the primer hitting the ejector. The other, as unlikely as it seems is when the round is ejected and hits a rock on the ground and goes off. Under your definition of "goes bang", these rock incidents would be DQ's
  3. Online match application is available here Area 1 Match Application
  4. I'm goin'.....and RO'in! I'm playing in L10 also (with a single stack I might add). Sounds like there might be quite a few L10 shooters.
  5. At the rate things are going....Washington State may soon be added to the list of states with their own AWB laws. Bills have already been submitted and from the tone of things....the initial hearings didn't go well at the state capitol. If SS division is the answer to the L10 problem...then maybe we should do away with Limited and make everyone shoot L10 nationwide! Sounds pretty stupid huh! About as farfetched as creating a SS division to "fix" L10
  6. I got to experience this in an "odd" sorta way over the weekend. Went down to Mesa to shoot the Western States Single Stack Classic. Saturday morning while putting in my contacts, I realized I forgot to bring a spare pair with me. Saturday went great. Sunday morning....I tore my right lense. I tried putting my left lense in my right eye (its close to being correct) and shoot the match with one eye clear.....and the other fuzzy. I figured I had either discovered a secret shooting technique...or would be a miserable failure....it was the latter. I shoot with both eyes open...I found that I couldn't "find" targets and detecting movement and depth of field was nearly impossible. I can't figure out how people shoot with tape over their weak eye. Moral of the story...bring an extra set of contact lenses!
  7. I was in PDX over the weekend and they've got free WiFi. There are signs about saying that its only on the main level...however I found that they've got also on the lower levels (like where Alaska is located).
  8. Except for those members who are shooting widebody guns in L10 today who live in CA,NJ,HI or MA (or any other state that decides to pass their own AWB). If L10 goes away...there only choice is to shoot in Limited using 10 round mags
  9. Ok...well just to be more clear...yes it is easier to reload a widebody gun....but once the reloading skill is mastered by any serious competitor...the difference between the two is diminished to the level of insignificance. If someone is serious about competiting...they will do EVERYTHING they can to refine their skills. If they aren't willing to devote the time...then they really aren't all that serious about winning....and if they're not serious about winning....they shouldn't be complaining when they lose. Spook: sorry...I misunderstood what you were saying...looks like we're on the page.
  10. I think that's probably for one of two reasons (which is really only one reason). (1)Either those shooters are more experienced shooters and have been shooting Limited for quite some time and decided for whatever reason to shoot L10 for that particular match...or (2) many of the single stackers may be somewhat newer shooters and aren't as skilled as those that happened to be shooting widebody guns on that particular day....the commonality between the two....shooting skill! If I'm shooting a single stack gun against widebody guns and get beat by them...its not because their gun has a bigger magwell than mine...its because they shot better than I did. If they are...its probably not because they're shooting fat guns...its probably because they are "exceptional" people....aka more skilled at reloading/shooting. I honestly don't believe there is any difference between widebody and skinny guns when it comes to reloads....sure it takes a bit more skill and practice with a skinny gun (and the disaster factor with a skinny gun is obviously higher)...but if you hit the mag hole on either just right...the time will be the same between the two....single stackers just have to realize they have to PRACTICE more at this than their fat gun counterparts. And I know it can be done! There was a speed shoot stage at Area 1 that had 4 ports...the L10 guys had to reload between the ports...the stage was won by a single stacker over S_I widebody guns...there was no room for error reloading...and the reloading was on the move. There was another stage at Area 1 sponsored by S_I...it was won by yet a different single shooter who smoked EVERYONE else.
  11. I guess either we're shooting at different clubs...or you're dreaming of different people. Everyone around here (shooting L10) are already shooting single stacks.
  12. Well for the record...I wasn't implying that Gary is trying to kill L10 because I know thats not his intent. What I was trying to point out is that even though it has been said that L10 is safe (i.e. this thread isn't about L10!?!?) ...the truth is....if a SS division is created, it will affect L10 in one form or another in the long haul...either L10 will consume SS and become larger....or SS will comsume L10 and L10 will be no more. I'd rather not see L10 sacraficed for a nearly look-a-like division....especially when L10 already provides an outlet for all these single stacks as it is. Oh yes...I've also already written MV and my Area director (BG) concerning my view's on all of this.
  13. Seems like a lot of people are mesmerized by the forest but can't see the woods regarding a single stack division....lots of comments like "good excuse to shoot my single stack". Well I hate to break the news...but there is already a division you can shoot your single stack in...and you don't have to wait any longer...its called Limited 10...perhaps you've heard it mentioned before! What is a specialized single stack division going to provide that Limited 10 doesn't already accomplish? You can shoot your single stack TODAY...using production gear if you want...and 8 round mags if you want....and do it in L10! Later if you want to get more specialized equipment...you can...or just stay with the stuff your using. Everyone's already mentioned that production gear doesn't make that much difference in the end. The way I see if...IF there is a new division (provisional or stand alone) it will only serve to dilute Limited 10 (is THAT what we really want to happen?). Either it will consume Limited 10 or Limited 10 will consume it. 5 years from now...one of them won't be around. Gary mentioned previously L10 is off the table and that this is new...but as I see it...this is a direct attack in the long term against L10. Limited 10 is already the single stack division.
  14. Just out of curiousity...what is the "intended purpose" that isn't already being served by L10.
  15. SteveZ

    '05 Mustang

    I went over to the dealership yesterday to check the car out...it was still in the detail shop. I brought my digital camera to work with me today...I'm going to run over to the dealership in about a hour and shoot some pics of the car on the showroom floor (assuming they've got it there now). I'll post one of them when I get back. The lighting in the showroom was bad in that the sun was filtering in and messed up the exposure. I might swing by again later and reshoot when the lighting is better.
  16. SteveZ

    '05 Mustang

    Its here!!!! My girlfriend just got a call from the dealer. Her car is being offloaded from the truck right now and headed to their detail shop....then its going onto the showroom floor for display until she can pick it up on Thursday. I've been given "permission" to drive it next week....then I probably won't be able to drive it for a LONG time!
  17. yeah...I did this, this year! It was great!
  18. L10 WAS created in response to the AWB....even though the AWB has sunsetted on a national level, versions of it still exist at the state level (and who knows how long or if more states jump on board). If the real reason for L10 was in response to the AWB...then L10 should be left alone.
  19. Prior to Limited 10, I shot Limited using my same L10 gun. It was my understanding that L10 was created in response to the AWB and not as an endorsement of single stack guns per se (however it turns out that single stacks have come to dominate the division. Dominate in the sense that they're the most common gun used...not necessary that they always win). While the AWB has sunsetted on a national level, there are still many states that still impose their own laws regarding magazine capacity. CA, MA, NJ and HI come to mind! I think what we need now most of all in the USPSA is rule stability and not a moving target. While many would probably like L10 to become either L8 or single stacks only, I'm in favor of leaving the rules (gun and equipment) the way they are. The beauty of L10 is that Limited competitors can cross over and play in either sandbox. While I don't and won't ever shoot a widebody gun in Limited (I have no interest in them) I see no reason to restrict L10 to single stacks only. L10 is the ONLY division I shoot....and I as crazy as it sounds, I have a heavily customized Springfield made just for shooting L10. I won't want to loose the investment in equipment (holster/mag holders/mags) just so a group of people (those who keep calling for "single stack" division) can feel good. If those people keep loosing to the S_I guns.....they're not loosing because they're shooting single stacks! In my neck of the woods there are both single stack and S_I widebodies competing in L10 and the single stack hang just fine with the widebodies. As far as the "big 3" sponsorship is concerned; Springfield has shown a little interest, Kimber has NO interest and Colt doesn't have the money. Leave L10 alone......PLEASE!!!!!!
  20. I was going to say the same thing as Tom...but he beat me to it. I've been shooting MasterBlaster bullets now for about 2 years and have put probably 30K through my Springfield. I'm very satisified with the results.
  21. I don't shoot Production...I shoot Limited 10 so I don't feel its my business to comment on Production rule changes...having said that....I am in favor of leaving the rules as they are for ALL divisions!
  22. SteveZ

    '05 Mustang

    Uh...not like I am. She shoots pistols...and has shown some interest in getting involved in IPSC/USPSA....but nothing serious yet. BTW...this is my bike! We have "discussions" all the time about who's bike is faster!
  23. SteveZ

    '05 Mustang

    Yeah..I saw the review in Road and Track...thats her car to a T....same color, wheels, interior upgrade package, interior color...everything. If you think she has good taste in cars...you should see what she rides. Personally I don't do Suzuki's...I'm more of a Yamaha R1 kinda guy!
  24. SteveZ

    '05 Mustang

    My girlfriend has one on order (GT in Torch Red)....delivery should be about Christmas. If you haven't seen the '05 Mustang commercial on TV with McQueen...check this out! http://bradbarnett.net/mustangs/ads/05/cornfield.wmv and this.... http://bradbarnett.net/mustangs/ads/05/anthem.wmv
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