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Everything posted by spook

  1. Congrats man! I remember you had some serious doubt about the sports not too long ago. Look at you go now! Rock on dude!
  2. Ahhh...way to go man! Those are impressive records!
  3. I must say I have shown some interest in the 625 .38 super. It seems like a great steel shooting revolver. Problem is that steel games in Holland allow only six shooters. So that would mean I'd buy it for the Steel Challenge only I think I'd be better off investing in one of them "auto-loaders" to compete in Standard/Limited
  4. Thanks Viggen! NPSA, I'm not sure which division I'm going to participate in after the EC2004. It would be fun though to not have to reload every 6 rounds.
  5. I'm in, but it will have to be AFTER the match. I need my sleep
  6. I recently rented "They". Pretty scary.
  7. Thanks for alowing the chamfering IPSC rules Committee
  8. 1) I always try to do my reloads in between shooting positions 2) If you have to sit down while you do you reloads, you need to work on them
  9. spook

    the simpsons,

    Fry: "Wow! They discovered an intact 20th century pizzeria! Just like the one I used to work at!" Bender: "Interesting! No, wait. The other thing. Tedious." Bender: "I've been perusing your fortified wine list, and I've selected the '71 Hobo's Delight, the '57 Chateau Portey, and the '66 Thunder." Waiter: "Exquisite choices, sir." Bender: "And...mix them all together in a big jug."
  10. spook

    the simpsons,

    The Simpsons are my favorite (with Futurama as a close second). Some cool quotes: Lionel Hutz: Well, he's kind of had it in for me ever since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace "accidentally" with "repeatedly," and replace "dog" with "son." Homer: [drunk] Look, the thing about my family is there's five of us. Marge, Bart, Girl Bart, the one who doesn't talk, and the fat guy. How I loathe him. Ralph: [whispering] Lisa, what's the answer to number seven? Lisa: [whispering] Sorry, Ralph. That would defeat the purpose of testing as a means of student evaluation. Ralph: [pauses] My cat's name is Mittens Grandpa: My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star.
  11. Happy Birthday Mats!!!!
  12. On shots longer than about 12 yards I do what Erik does. I get double images at those distances. Anything closer I shoot with 2 eyes open (I have -2.25). BTW, Eric Grauffel does the same thing, so it is possible to be an OK shooter that way
  13. Congrats Nik. I'm thinking more and more about doing the same thing. Way to go dude!
  14. Thanks you guys !!!! Awesome match! Great stage designs. BAAAAAD weather Roger, I was wondering where I dropped those points Good job on the chair stage. I thought I had that one in my pocket Too bad I did not get to talk to you very much at the match. It was fun meeting some of the other Enos people: Even, Dalmas and Tim the RD from Denmark. Thanks again. I hope to do as good at the Europeans in three weeks.
  15. spook

    Job Search

    Dude that rocks! Congrats!!!
  16. Powerman, what kind of gun do you shoot? schmitz, FYI Nill makes all kinds of grips including, but not limited to target grips. They do make grips for bianchi and IPSC shooting.
  17. Cool man! Those look pretty effective too!
  18. Travis, that is the best news I've heard in a looong time!!!! Way cool!!!!
  19. Thanks guys and gal! Had a nice birthday with the most miserable weather a Dutch summer has to offer Plus I made an idiotic bet. I told a friend (SWAT instructor) at work I could shoot 6 classic targets at 6yds with one shot, do a reload and hit them again in under 5 seconds with my wheelgun. I will "prove" it tomorrow, lol So much for getting wiser with age huh?
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