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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by spook

  1. It's not bad at all. Many World Class (and even current World Champion) shooters do this.
  2. Well, unfortunately I am getting a little less range time than I want lately. So, what I like most that comes closest to shooting, is WATCHING some shooting I just saw Saul Kirsch' new Med Cup 2006 DVD and man, he's taking this shooting-DVD-stuff to the next level Multiple camera angles, hat cams and commentary from a guy who knows how to shoot This is definatly going the right way. Keep 'em coming! A small sample
  3. Congrats on the press. The reason there are so many problem threads on 650s is probably because there are so many out there It's a great press indeed.
  4. Great accomplishment Stu! Looks like the Mojo is coming back to its rightful owner
  5. Rolff, is that you? Yes it is perfectly legal to do. But I do not think it will give you any real advantages
  6. Another vote for a Ruger. Great guns. Very accurate and they can be had fo' cheap (even though it's a gift)
  7. How rude - what about us old people going through it too Well, it will make you smile when you are even older! Nah, just kidding. I have tons of respect for people who pick up educations at a later time during their lives. All y'all keep it up now y'hear!
  8. I wouldn't call those grades "survival" Awesome job! Keep it up! I am in the same situation It's hard, but kind of fun at the same time. At least it is something that will make us smile when we are old
  9. Not cool FWIW, it's better than the other way around. You'll be shooting powder puff loads once you're at 170
  10. Stew, first of I want to say I'm sorry to hear this. I know exactly how it feels. I have been in this position two or three times now. I do however, totally agree with DMH. The only thing that makes lost mojo worse, is forcing it. Find something FUN to do. If you don't want to shoot, then don't. Mojo is like most other things. You will find it when you stop looking for it Take care buddy and keep us posted! Edit: I just read this: Nothing could be further from the truth. I've shot my best matches after a layoff. As most people will agree on these forums, shooting requires a great deal of focus. I have found that my general focus fades when I'm stuck in a rut (like forcing myself to practice, even if I don't feel like it). Whenever I shoot after taking some time off, I see things differently. It's a great way to break through a plateau and reach new levels. The only difficulty is to let go of the idea that you will "lose" your skills by not practicing. Half this game is ninety percent mental It's all between your ears. If you "quit" now and pick up the gun 5 years later, you will be back where you are now in less than 5 months (more like 5 weeks). There is a big chance that you are actually holding yourself back by practicing against your will.
  11. Well, I went to see my doc today and she sent me to the hospital to have some x-rays taken. Fortunately nothing is broken, but when I make sudden movements, or the movements like pushing a mag into a gun, it hurts really bad. She told me to take lots of rest and expected it to be over within a couple of weeks. I think it's going to be more. What sucks is that operating my 650XL really hits the spot where it hurts. The good thing is that I will visit my brother in NY for three weeks in a week, so I don't get to do a lot for that time anyways. I already sent an email that I'll quit taking these classes. I thought BJJ would be a nice to get into MMA, but then again, I don't want to jeopardize my shooting by getting injured (the first thing that went through my mind was "crap, I can't shoot anymore"). I'll drop by to thank the teacher for his classes. Sandoz, I think his feelings are genuine. But I talked to a one year student the way home and he told me this guy pulled something like that on him too one year ago. I am not going to risk never being able to shoot again just to help this guy overcome his personal problems KimberKid, I hear ya man. I love to see a good NHB fight. I couldn't pull a Forrest on him though, because a ) I almost never get mad at people, but just very disappointed and b ) I can't throw with my left hand worth a s*** Merlin and P99, your stories are exactly the kind of things I've witnessed over and over in different martial art schools. It's such a shame. Most martial arts could be so much fun to do, but somehow these egomaniacs start ruining the game. XRe, I'm afraid you're right. As much as I would like to forgive this guy, I'm just scared he will do it again and ruin me permanently. The funny thing is that I don't even mind rolling a little more seriously, but his over-the-top way of acting came out of nowhere. It probably wouldn't have happened if I knew what to expect.
  12. Thanks Dale Yes, it is Ude Garami indeed. It sure feels like inflamed tendons. The crappy part is I blew out that same elbow about ten years ago bench pressing. It took me well over 3 years to fully get rid of it. And it's my strong hand, so I'll have to see how it holds up on the range with SHO shooting. I'll take your advice and have some aspirin. Thanks again for the advice Bjorn
  13. Thanks guys Well, I put my elbow on ice overnight, but it feels very sore and painful. Some motions (like the"armwrestle motion) produce a stinging pain on the inside of my elbow. I hope it will be OK I will try to give it as much rest as I can. Anybody here with martial atrs experience ever got a Kimura put on too hard? If so, what did you do about the pain? The guy wrote me an apology email yesterday night. It clearly shows that he is sorry. I just wished he thought of that before he snapped my arm...
  14. Man, I've started Brazilian Jiu Jutsu three weeks ago. I Love it. It's great to gain some energy by totally wearing yourself out. I found a great school with a very nice and good teacher (he's been training with Carlson Gracie since he was 8, for those that care ). The second guy in line (who also teaches some classes) is a purple (almost brown) belt. I got a really weird vibe from this guy the moment I saw him. He seemed very insecure and like he had a big ego. So today was my fifth class and he asked if I wanted to roll with him. Well, the first round I made him tap with an armbar. I was having fun and was rolling in a very relaxed manner. I was kind of afraid to put the armbar on him and was very careful not to hurt him. He was mad at himself and yelled stuff I'd rather not write down here So now we I notice he wakes up and gets serious (probably because the teacher was watching us while I made him tap). He gets me in an armlock and I tap and yell "TAP". Unfortunately he puts the armlock on in a very agressive fast manner and I feel someting inside my elbow go "pop". It didn't break, but it sure as hell didn't feel right, and it still doesn't feel right (it hurts when I practice my reloads). I was kind of mad (and also disappointed, because I thought someone who has the skills to own me all day long would not be so pathetic to try and dominate a 5 lesson old white belt for making him tap). I told him he could have ruined my arm for life. He apologized and told me he had a crappy weekend and is in a crappy mood. I tell him that's still no reason to kill my arm. He apologizes again. So now I'm disappointed and get dressed and ready to leave for home. The teacher walks up to me and gives me some advice about taking care of my elbow (he didn't see it happen). All the guys in the group were great about it, and told me this guy is kind of moody. The guy walks up to me again and says he's really ashamed and really sorry. I tell him it's okay, and say next time he is in a bad mood, he should tell me so I will not roll with him (though I'm thinking about never rolling with this guy again ever in my life). Why is it people act this way? I love to see the guys on my shooting range improve and actually encourage them if they kick my ass. I really want to learn this Brazilian Jiu Jitsu stuff and like the rest of the guys (they're all very laid back guys). Well, I just had to let that out...
  15. Left Liberal Centrist. Well, with my Dutch roots, that doesn't really surprize me
  16. What EricW said. Shooting minor will not make you shoot more accurate.
  17. Right on Luca. But then again, if you consider TGO's 1.36s Bill Drill with a Stock Springfield and 200 PF Factory Hardball ammo, I wonder how much of a difference the weight of the bullets will make Sounds like a .45 in Limited/Standard would be a nice (or at least an OK) setup. The only reason I would not shoot it is price/availability of brass.
  18. I think 14 or 15 is more accurate. A Glock 21 already holds 13+1 and some +2 box fit basepads could get you 15+1. Still not great, but good enough to do really well.
  19. Happy Birthday Brian!!!
  20. Just draw your gun from that holster about 3000 times and you will be fine with it
  21. The one thing I hate more than that is when the bullets "skip a hole" (bullet 1 is in hole 1 and bullet 2 is in hole 3)
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