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Everything posted by spook

  1. I'm back to training tomorrow The elbow has healed and I figured out I like BJJ too much to let it go. The US is MMA heaven man. Go find some good schools and have fun! About Gracie fighting again, I hope he doesn't if he doesn't start cross-training, or starts training with some UFC Big Dogs to find BJJ solutions for the current wave of fighters. What happened to Royce in UFC 60 is the same thing that happened a year before when he fought Tokoro. He tried to pull guard, but Tokoro just dominated him with GNP. I think Royce could do much better if would train with/against the kind of fighters he will face in the UFC.
  2. I have seen S&Ws that are shootable right out of the box. I have also seen some that are so awful, so heavy, so gritty and ratchety, that I suspect even Ricardo would have trouble shooting them decently. Note also that I said a "slick" action is important--I didn't say a "super-light" action is necessary. True, his action was indeed slick, but heavy.
  3. A slick action and chamfer is important, but all that other stuff is purely optional. I'll go as far as to say that except for maybe a chamfer, NONE of that stuff is important. The action on Ricardo Lopez' gun is stock (and I don't mean Performance Centre stock). It was roughly 12 pounds. He had a chamfer and HORRIBLE sights (a home made fiber optic front and a home painted white outline rear)
  4. The Edge fits the box. Keep in mind that it also depends on you magwell. STI sells IPSC-legal magwells. Saul Kirsch also has a very cool one on www.doublealpha.biz (the asymetrical one) You will also need different magtubes, because the 140mm tubes will be too long for the box. IPSC standard is a cool division with simple rules: 1) Fit the box in ready condition 2) No comps, ports or optics 3) .40 or bigger at 170PF for major 4) Holster and pouches behind the hipbone
  5. You will either love or hate revolver. Production is like what you shoot now, in 9mm with a heavy trigger. Tough decision
  6. I am also fine with both USPSA and IPSC rules as they are now. As a matter of fact, I think most other divisions would look a lot better with "similar" rules.
  7. I had the same problem. Ditto on removing the crud from the primer "slide" and keeping it lightly oiled (don't oil anywhere near the areas that contact the primer!) Also, you can adjust the travel of the primer slide. Mine moved just a little too far after the primer dropped from the tube, causing it to flip. I adjusted it so the slide would be just in the right place when the primer dropped.
  8. My thoughts exactly, on Gracie, Hughes' cockyness and the friggin' Sanchez fight. I was screaming at the TV too man
  9. I felt really sorry for Royce. I saw it coming, but still... I guess that is what happens when you refuse to evolve along with the rest of the MMA world Kind of ironic though that Matt beat Royce with mainly BJJ-like moves. His GNP win reminded me a lot of Royce's first win over Pat Smith
  10. +10 I love them all, but some drive me insaaaaane, even though I love them!
  11. Nice vids Walter, thanks!
  12. I don't think all UFC fighters would get killed. But Chuck Liddell got stomped by Rampage pretty badly. Chuck is a great fighter, but he would not be the absolute best in Pride. Wanderlei for instance, IMHO is a good couple of notches above him. It's true what you say about the cage. It eliminates the problem of the restart. Jake, Fedor is a bad, bad man I wonder how long it will take for him to get his first defeat. I agree that it will probably be Cro Cop (or maybe Mark Hunt). I agree with what people say about Gracie (Royce and some other family members) holding onto their submissions for too long. I think that is totally unacceptable and shows little to no respect to the fighter they are dealing with. I have heard however that Royce had some reasons to do that in the first two UFCs. In his first match against Shamrock in UFC I, the ref missed Shamrock's tapout and there was a little argument as to wether Shamrock tapped or not. Royce didn't take any chances with his next two fights. I also believe he had some stuff with Gerard Gordeau (finals of UFC I). Gordeau is an infamous eye gouger and was trying to bite Royce. No harm in holding that choke a little longer with that in mind In UFC II Jason Delucia (the Kung Fu guy) was beat by Royce (before the UFC), than seeked his help and Royce trained him. When he thought he knew enough, he wanted to fight Royce again. So it seems like they had some personal stuff going on there as well. I say it's still very disrespectful to ignore the tap out and I'm glad the fighters of today are a lot more careful with eachother
  13. Wasn't really sure what to expect from the title of the thread. I always thought they came per pair, not per group
  14. I like Pride rules. I don't really like elbows (UFC), because they just cut and don't really knock out. I don't like it when a fight ends because someone was cut. I do like knees on the ground and being able to kick a downed opponent. I also like it that fighters can use the Gi in Pride (like Yoshida) I like fighters of different weight classes fight eachother as in the Pride OWGP. And somehow, I can't shake the feeling that Pride has more talented fighters (especially in the Heavy Weight Division). What I really like about Pride is the audience and the commentary. Bas Rutten is very skilled and funny as hell. The audience will actually applaude guard passes etc. I don't know, it's probably the whole setting. I feel Pride has so many "signature fighters" like Rampage (who unfortunately just left), Wanderlei, Fedor, Nogueira, Cro Cop, Yoshida, Sakuraba. I really like UFC though
  15. D'oh! Should have done a search! I just checked the other UFC threads to see if anyone updated them. (Edit: Oh, I just checked the times, and this is just a case of great minds thinking alike!) Yeah, crazy that both of us start a thread about the same subject within 4 minutes of eachother Man, 4 more hours and it's the 27th over here. Makes it feel a little closer Too bad I can't watch this on PPV. I'll have to download it immediately after and not watch any forums aor other possible spoilers
  16. I guess I'm not alone http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...topic=35974&hl= I hope Royce can pull off a submission on Matt, but my gut tells me it will be a grueling 5 rounds of ground and pound from Hughes and a struggeling Royce trying but failing to submit (kind of like the Royce/Tokoro fight).
  17. I don't know about the MMA fans out here, but I have been counting the days towards UFC 60. I love MMA, and although I am more of a Pride fan than a UFC fan, I am really looking fowards to UFC 60, because of Royce's reappearance. I hope Royce can pull off a submission on Matt, but my gut tells me it will be a grueling 5 rounds of ground and pound from Hughes and a struggeling Royce trying but failing to submit (kind of like the Royce/Tokoro fight). Anyone else here going to watch this?
  18. Man, too bad to hear this. I saw some funky barrels and revolvers at the World Shoot that were in no way legal, yet they passed the equipment check like nothing was wrong. I personally didn't care much, because I know how much competitive advantage it gives the shooter (0%) Is there any way you can weld up the holes and polish the barrel so you can't see it without close inspection?
  19. Glock 17 1) You can play so many games with it 2) Cheap to feed 3) Reliable and cheap parts
  20. I shoot Standard with a Glock without a magwell too
  21. Yes it does. Reloading a wheelgun quickly and consistently is very much a visual thing. Even when running, the shooter should look down and watch the moonclip go in. Just another example of how important "seeing" is to this game of ours. Very true indeed. I haven't practiced for some months now and picked up the revolver for this thread. The thing I noticed immediatel is how important the visual input is. Unfortunately I don't have a cam, or I would shoot a little video. I know I do a reload "Travis style" shot by Saul Kirsch on his World Shoot DVD. It's also shown in half speed I believe.
  22. Amen. I also read some MMA forums and the atmosphere there is horrible compared to this place. We are truly blessed with this special place
  23. spook

    18 + 17

    Actually, it's closer to 150%. Some RO's shot revolver just for the hell of it
  24. spook

    18 + 17

    Man you should come to Europe next month. Last year the German Nationals alone had about 50 It's nice to see the division grow.
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