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Everything posted by spook

  1. Very cool! Keep us posted on how the Load Master works
  2. I am not very vulnerable to addictions, but this stuff has got me hooked! You can make anything taste great by stir frying it in this: Beware, extremely addictive Sliced beef is the best
  3. There is no money in IPSC If you are very fortunate, sponsors will make sure it will cost you nothing to shoot
  4. Very true and a shame indeed. Every gun related site/forum is more and more about the latest gadget instead of techniques on shooting or asking good shooters how they do it. Even this great place here: 7607 of those posts are in the Shooting Technique Forum. That's not even 2% I saw the same thing at Rob Leatham's site. People got the chance to ask him questions and most of those questions were about what bullet weight he shoots and how his gun is set up Sorry for the drift...
  5. Congratulations Allison! Great going! I see you shot great points!
  6. Well, the fact that you're asking probably means the gun is good to go as it is You'll find out for yourself (as you practice a lot) which mods you want and which ones you don't want. The few mods I did to my guns are very specific to my way of shooting.
  7. Happy Birthday Flex! I hope you have a great one!
  8. I would get a press that auto indexes (SDB or 650) and I would prefer the 650 for the powder check. For less than 1000 rounds a month, the SDB will do fine and the 650 will be great. I would leave the 550 alone, because it lacks a powder check. It might work great for you, but I am easily distracted and kind of chaotic, so a press with no auto index and no powder check would be a big no-no for me. YMMV
  9. Mike, I agree that the changes have been minimal in revolver. The problem is that the main change in autoloaders (capacity) is very hard to change in revolver. And despite that, the 8-shot .357 wheelies have been one of the few improvements over the years. I feel the one thing that could improve is the trigger, but after handling one of Randy Lee's miracles, I think humanity is already headed in the right direction
  10. That is not really what I see in IPSC. The number 1 and 2 guns in IPSC Production are Glock 17 (which has been around since 1980) and a CZSP01 which is basically to the CZ75 (around since 1975) what a S&W625 is to a S&W25. In Standard/Limited Robbie still wins with a Hi-Cap Springfield that is set up with a short dustcover and a really good trigger. Nothing fancy about that. He could still win with a 1990 Para Ordnance. Same goes for the holsters. Rob did a .45 draw and a 1.36 Bill Drill from a stock Safariland holster. In Beyond Fundamentals, Brian still draws from a holster that we now can only find as fossilized remains in the Arizona desert Still, his .7 and .6 draws from that ancient thing aren't too shabby, even for today's standards The only divisions that seem to change some in equipment are Open and Modified (especially modified). But still the changes are minimal. I doubt Eric Grauffel's 4% margin over Todd at the last World Shoot was all equipment. Both Eric and Todd are sponsored by gun companies that are not exactly considered "top of the line" (Tanfoglio and Para). What remained the same in all divisions is the principle that if you practice a lot, you will do well
  11. Forum member Stewart Lewis (HeyQuicksDraw!) PM-ed me that he was crossing the Big Pond to visit my hometown Amsterdam for a couple of days. I must say I always like meeting new shooters, but Stewart is a class apart. One of the most fun and friendly guys I have ever met. And he has visited Amsterdam so many times (over 20 times), that he practically knows the city better than me As a bonus I got to thank him in person for the support he gave me for getting to the World Shoot last year It's amazing how many good people this sport and these forums have
  12. +1 and 2 on Jake's comments. If KC was a master at 8, I would contact him to ask how he was guided by his folks. Apparently they did something right About shooting on flip flops, I do it a lot. I wear Land Sharks or similar during matches, but that's only because I want all the advantages I can get.
  13. What I hate is that after reading all these posts, I hate reloading even more
  14. And his head is in the wrong place...
  15. The long sessions made me hate reloading as well. It might sound dumb, but if you hate reloading, do it every day. I have a 650 and really HATE to reload. I just make myself do only 100 rounds maximum, every day. I get 700 rounds a week in just 10 minutes a day this way and it doesn't get nearly as painful/annoying as the long sessions. Adjust the daily amount of reloading to one 7th of your weekly amount of shooting. In the mean time, save your pennies for something blue with a casefeeder and powder check
  16. Cool!! Now get yourself a new Sig 220!
  17. Great post Hop! As long as YOU want to shoot that round gun thingy shoot it! And.....have fun!
  18. Looked at that one a while back and it does look good. Only thing I'm not sure of is if trading in the powdercheck for a bulletfeeder is such a good trade. Yes, you can go faster, but you also lose some "security" I would never make that trade-off. Maybe it's possible to put the bullet feeder where you would normally seat the bullet and change the crimp die for a seat+crimp die?
  19. A buddy of mine broke at least one within 6 months. The gun was built by one of the best and most well known gunsmiths in the US. I would never use them. I'd get a nice slide to frame fit and Hard Chrome or TiN the slide + frame.
  20. DEF --- ABC I would start out on my draw side on the most difficult target, so I can "fan outward" for an easy exit to the next array. On the other side, it would be just shoot 'em as you see 'em...
  21. Since the original poster didn't day anything about a holster type, I have to mention the 1.36 s Bill Drill TGO did with a Factory Ball ammo. I think the gun was either a Commander or a Long slide though. No plain Jane 1911.
  22. Open: 1. Eric Grauffel 2. Todd Jarrett 3. JJ Racaza 4. Jake DiVita 5. Max Michel Prod: 1. Dave Sevigny 2. Adam Tyc (if he shoots) 3. Angus Hobdell
  23. I would say VV N320. It works great in both my 9mm (G17) and .45 (S&W 625) Nice and clean and very tame on the recoil. Meters very well in my Dillon measure. Almost no spread with my .45 major loads (still have to chrono the 9mm). Some of my shooting buddies have used N320 with great results in their .40s. Both in Glocks with aftermarket barrels as in S_Is.
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