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Everything posted by mgood

  1. When I finish a stage, or think I am finished, I pause for a moment and scan for anything I overlooked. Sometimes my plan is to shoot x number of rounds here, reload, x number of rounds there, and so on, and I don't finish with the right number of rounds. I know there's something I was supposed to shoot but didn't. I have, twice now, dropped the mag about the time I spotted something I missed. In each case, I fired the round in the chamber SHO at that target. Once, the RO was in the middle of the command. "If you uh - " BANG! " . . . IF YOU ARE FINISHED, unload and show clear." Yeah, I know that if it took me that long to find it, I probably didn't gain anything by shooting it. But as slow as my times are anyway, it probably didn't make much difference.
  2. To shoot Open? Would be Minor in Limited. I was wondering how many 9mm would fit in a 170mm singlestack mag if someone wanted to shoot Limited Minor.
  3. I did this on CM 06-06 Golden Bullet Standards. Starting right to left, I drew and put two rounds in T6, then remembered what I was supposed to be doing and put one round each into T5-T1. I was not trying to gain a competitive advantage. I'd been shooting two rounds per target on every other stage and when I got there, I just drew and fired two rounds at the first target, like I'd been doing, before my brain caught up. Reloaded and, SHO, put one round in each T1-T6. While making ready for my next string, the RO pointed out that I'd already earned a procedural for shooting two rounds at T6. He told me that if I finished the stage with too many holes in that target, that would be another procedural. "So I should burn one?" I asked. "I'm not telling you to miss," he says, "I'm just saying that if you have too many hits on that target, it'll be another penalty." So on string two, I drew and put one round in each T1-T5 and missed T6. Reloaded. WHO put one round in each T6-T1. I fired 13 rounds in the first string, 7 before reloading and 6 after. String 2 I fired the correct number of shots. In the end, all the targets had the correct number of holes in them. I was given one procedural. Right or wrong, that's how it was scored. If that is the case, why do we even have an "extra shot" AND and "extra hit" penalty in the first place? The fundamental logic there would seem to be that the shooter is already penalized with either one...why do they get hit with another?
  4. If you used the same bullet weight and loaded to the same velocity, would it feel any different? Just the different diameter bullet? (A heavy .40 and a light .45 could be the same weight, in the 180-210 grain range, right? My carry load for my compact .45 has 165 grain bullets.)
  5. Are 10-rounders mags that much longer? My 8-round .45 mags are about 4.5" (114.3mm)
  6. Interesting. Thanks for the reply. Only got 10 or so loadings per spring? Combined with the 80% reliability, this isn't sounding like a lot of fun. I'd probably go for 10 round mags that are 99.9% reliable rather than deal with all that to get an extra 2-4 rounds per mag.
  7. I started shooting USPSA at a club in a state where open carry is legal. It's uncommon enough that most people don't know it's legal, but it is. I worked in a gun store, where I was more or less expected to carry openly. (Concealed carry is very common there as well. Much more so than open carry.) I left from and/or arrived at this range just about every day with a loaded pistol on my hip, coming from or going to work. When I noticed 2.5 in the rule book, I asked the club president / match director about a unloading/loading station. HE told me "Don't ask, don't tell." That's how I was already handling it. I was looking for something more definitive (and USPSA legal). It's not discussed, but knowing the guys, I'd bet that the majority of them have a loaded gun in their vehicle while at the match. But that's seperate from their competition gun. My issue was that my carry gun was my competition gun and where I should change it over from one role to the other. Stop out in the street before I enter the range and unload. (Probably the most "legal" way in this situation, but also seems the silliest.)
  8. Appendix D2 -- Limited Division 8. Maximum magazine length . . . 5.561" (141.25mm) or 6.742" (171.25mm) in single stack guns Say I wanted to shoot Limited with a singlestack 1911 (just hypothetical), does anyone make a ~170mm 1911 magazine? How many rounds of .40 could you get in there, 14 or so? I did search. Only found a couple mentions of this and no answers.
  9. I tend to agree but I don't believe it falls within the rules.
  10. I wasn't there and don't pretend to know the details of the situation. But as far as why someone would holster during COF, I haven't seen it, but have heard of stages that required someone to climb over something or carry something with two hands or do some other activity that needed two hands. They might holster, do whatever, then draw again.
  11. No age limit in USPSA, if he can safely handle the gun. I lived in California for a few years. When I fired 15-16 rounds without reloading at the range, I noticed that I got some funny looks. So I started loading 10 at a time in the mags.
  12. I wondered if that was the purpose of the flat triggers, just never got around to asking.
  13. I like short, curved triggers. My hands are slightly smaller than average.
  14. I agree. I like my paper magazine. It's easier to read than a PDF, requires no electricity, gets laid out where non-shooting friends can see it and ask questions, and the articles are just the right length for bathroom reading. I can also swat the cat with it when he tries to check out primers or small parts on the work bench. You do have a point about the cards, though. Some states may accept them for CCW purposes (It was one of the options for proof of training Florida allowed when I got my first CCW), but I suppose you could just as easily print out a PDF. Yeah. I like having the card . . . but it's not like I need it for anything. Make it available online for those who want to print one and save a few bucks. I'm cool with that. PLEASE DO NOT go to pdf on the magazine! HUGE pet peeve of mine. Magazines are for reading when I'm not at my computer. Yeah, yeah, I could print it out. Then I have hundreds, or thousands of loose papers from all the crap I read getting mixed up. Buy notebooks to organize them? How 'bout subscribing to the freaking magazine? Make it available online. Then offer different rates for membership, with or without magazine, just like the associate membership deal now, but available to anyone, not just those living in a household that already receives one copy. That's like companies who have gone away from paper catalogs. Or who have them, but it's hard to get them. It's much easier to flip back and forth in a paper catalog. Hold one page while looking at another and flip back and forth. Circle things, make notes, etc. I like it. Update weekly, or daily or hourly, whatever. For the people who send paper rather than submitting electronically, enter them once a month. Maybe someone in the club who owns a computer and wants quicker updates will volunteer to be their score person. When I joined, I drove an extra couple hundred miles, each way, to shoot a match with another club to get that fourth classifier. . . . Then they didn't get the scores turned in until over a month after the match. (They had the match results by the time we got the props put away. But it wasn't sent to USPSA.) I sent an email, in which I may have said some things that I should not have.
  15. Scores that are turned in by the 10th of the month (and they told me on the phone that they usually get the ones turned in by the 12th or 13th) get posted on or about the 15th, depending on where weekends and holidays fall (or major matches).
  16. Classifiers By Club? This, or a very similar question, may have been asked and answered. On the old site, there was a place where you could enter a club number and select unprocessed classifiers, processed classifiers, or classifiers deleted without processing. I think it was uspsa.org > Additional Content > Classifiers By Club. I'd use this to check to make sure the classifier(s) I'd recently shot had been uploaded. If not, I could begin harassing match directors about getting the stuff in on time. Without it, I guess I just have to wait until the monthly update to see if anything is missing and then ask them to make sure it gets in on the following month. I've been looking, but not finding. Is this one of the things left out of Phase I, hopefully to be added later? Or is it hidden somewhere I just haven't looked? EDIT: Never mind. I found the answer that I thought I'd seen before. Just couldn't find it until right after I posted, of course.
  17. Shot this again this morning with Ridge Runners Gun Club in Breckenridge, TX. Shooting Production. 8 Alphas 4 Charlies 6.28 seconds + 7.30 seconds = 13.58 seconds. 52 points / 13.58 seconds = 3.8292 HF. 30.1415% according to classifiercalc.com. 30.135804% according to cmcalc.com. Eh, shoulda been better, coulda been worse.
  18. Welcome. Thank you. Where are you located? I'm sure someone here shoots matches nearby and can point you in the right direction. Nice pistola. I've been wanting to get a Spartan myself.
  19. I finally tried some, after saying I was going to for over a year. 400 rounds of .40 Minor arrived on the brown truck this morning. I went out and shot up 50 rounds just to make sure they run my gun. No failures of any kind. It's freakin' awesome having .40 that kicks like a 9mm! I've been shooting Production with WWB, shooting major and being scored minor I would've liked to burn up a couple hundred to be absolutely sure, but I could only afford to buy 400 at this time, and the rest are for matches. Going to shoot Sunday, so we'll see how they do.
  20. Not sure I need that picture in my head while eating breakfast. Ok, you got me. Done that. Doesn't everybody? Yeah, I've been the gunstore clerk who said that more than once. We had a serious bow hunter who came in several times a week and sat there for a few hours at a time (not unusual among our regulars). Whenever anyone asked me an archery question, I got Tracy to help them. There were a few, very few, who we'd ask gun questions, usually in their narrow area of expertise. The owner of the store where I worked really was a walking encyclopedia of firearms, hunting, and reloading info, so we rarely had to look further than him when we wanted to know something. Or notice that the sound effects don't match the gun being used. LOL I've done similar on musical equipment forums. Looking for an answer to a question, do a search, and turn up a 5-year-old post where I explained it in detail to someone else and don't remember. I thought I forgot my mags once, at an out of town match. Found them pre-loaded and stashed in the console of my truck rather than in my shooting bag. Not sure why I put them there, but at least I found them. Last match I went to, I forgot my ear protection, but found extra in my truck.
  21. Welcome, fellow Texan! What part of Texas you from? I'm in Levelland, just West of Lubbock.
  22. I got really tired of WWB from Wally World, in my Production gun. Shooting major and being scored minor really blows. I just ordered some minor .40 from Atlanta Arms & Ammo. Expecting it Friday. (I know this has nothing to do with open guns. I just couldn't resist chiming in there.)
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