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Everything posted by mgood

  1. ClassifierCalc.com is dead on, as usual for me. When USPSA posted scores, it came out to 28.5585. CmCalc.com is 0.001734 off in this case.
  2. Yeah, they must've gotten up early this morning. From this thread: uspsa.org Website Getting a big revision
  3. The idea was that you have to activate the disappearing target. You don't HAVE to shoot at it, since there are no penalties for not doing so. Nothing says when you must activate the disappearing target. Your time, of course, stops after the last shot is fired. So some gamer suggests ignoring the activator (say it's not a target, but something you step on or whatever). Shoot the non-disappearing targets. When done, your time stops. THEN walk over and activate the target - off the clock. Debates over whether or not that's legal and/or ethical followed in a fairly lively discussion. I'm not sure if this is the original thread or not. I haven't read it recently and just glanced at it just now. It difinitely touches on the subject though: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=110665&hl=disappearing&st=0 Also, this looks interesting: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=111961&hl=disappearing&st=0 And maybe this: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=110633&st=0&p=1256028&hl=disappearing&fromsearch=1entry1256028
  4. I've seen the discussion of activating after firing last shot. Never heard of FTS. Always knew it as FTE. I figured it was something like that. Thanks for setting me straight.
  5. My hearing is not what it should be. Most of my trouble is in the frequency range where you get all the speech intelligibility. I often have trouble understanding people who have spoken English all their lives (or what passes for English here in Texas). A thick accent further complicates things. Nothing racial here. I don't hear well + they don't speak well = a lot of things not being communicated properly. My doctor, who is a brilliant man, and who has been a friend of the family for 30 years or so, not only has an accent but is also very soft spoken. I get about every other word and put the rest together from context. On the other hand, I had a fairly good experience with a couple of computer tech support guys in India. The accent was obvious, but they both spoke clearly and distinctly. And they didn't use made up American-sounding names. I think one was named Ahmet. (I don't believe Ahmet knew much more about computers than I do, which is to say not much, and was just reading answers out of his tech support handbook. But he did get me the part I needed quickly and without hassle.)
  6. What's an FTS? No-Penalty Mikes on disappearing targets. EDIT: Never mind. I believe mhs was answering the second part, about not activating the target. When I posted, I thought we were still discussing a target that had been activated, but missed or just not shot at. Yeah, penalties if you just skip the whole activator thingy: 9.9.3 Moving scoring targets will always incur failure to shoot at and miss penalties if a competitor fails to activate the mechanism which initiates the target movement.
  7. I kinda like that idea. I liked the original idea, but this way it can be a legal stage in a USPSA match and not have to be a side match or an "outlaw" match. Yeah, sometimes Level I = "We're going to follow the rule book . . . except when we don't want to."
  8. Thumbing the slide stop (with whichever hand is easiest for you on your gun) seems much faster, to me, than pulling the slide back. My support hand jams the mag in and then just sort of rolls up around my strong hand to resume the firing grip, hitting the slide stop lever along the way. If I were to take that hand off the grip to move it to the slide and then back to the grip, seems like a lot of wasted motion to me. (Reloading is one of the few skills I don't suck at ) On my production gun, the slide nearly always drops on it's own, when I insert the fresh mag. It started doing that after about 1000 rounds. Surprised the hell out of me the first couple times. (Like "WHOA! What happened?") Now, I've come to rely on it to the point that it frustrates me when it doesn't happen. I need to get back in the habit of thumbing the slide stop on that gun all the time. If the slide goes down on it's own, great. If not, I'm already in the process of releasing it.
  9. Was this ever answered? I'd like to know.
  10. Fantastic. Do I win a prize if I'm the 100th Snob? Ya know, I really need a full-size 1911. No prize, but you can buy the rest of us a tall cool one. Consider it done, when we meet at a match somewhere. (That's assuming the whole club doesn't show up at the same time to collect, and also assuming that I haven't spent my last pennies on ammo.)
  11. *sigh* That metric system has really got these kids messed up.
  12. Fixed-time is the hangup, right? I mean, if it weren't for that, it would be fine, wouldn't it? Why must it be fixed time? I guess your concept is that the zombies will get you in X number of seconds if you don't pop them first within that time. I think you're going to have to require calibers that start with a four to have any hope of slowing down zombies anyway.
  13. Fantastic. Do I win a prize if I'm the 100th Snob? Ya know, I really need a full-size 1911.
  14. I'm cool with it being a SS only match too. (And you're probably right, it would be better that way.) I was just thinking that we could let them shoot if they insisted, but make it so most would see it as not worth the time/money to shoot a division other than SS.
  15. Thanks, although I don't know if it's official yet. (I mean, I know the Founding Father has spoken, but the Membership Chairman hasn't made the pronouncement.) Oh yeah! I'm just looking at the thread for the Western States Single Stack Championship and wondering how in the heck I can swing that. I'd really like to go in 2011 and compete as D Class. I can sandbag in D until January (I plan to compete in B Class in January 2012 and A Class in January 2013 . . . after lots of practice.) We have the Texas State Limited, which I'll probably go to next year mainly because I know and like the people in the Ridge Runners Gun Club (shot there a couple times now, including last Sunday) and I have family in Breckenridge I can stay with. I got classified in Limited for just that reason. There's a Texas State Open, down around . . . Houston? I wouldn't drive across the street to shoot an Open match, let alone 600 miles for one. A Texas State Single Stack would rock! If people want to come and not have to reload, take their money and welcome them. And if they win some division other than SS, they get a pat on the head and a "good job," while the prizes and trophies are reserved for Singlestack shooters.
  16. I wondered that myself. Then I noticed that where it shows the results, you see "Quit Whining JT (12 votes [27.27%] - View)" Click "View" and it shows who voted that way.
  17. I've shot my Kimber Ultra CDP II in the following USPSA matches: 02/07/09 Lea County Action Shooters - Singlestack 03/07/09 Lea County Action Shooters - Singlestack 03/22/09 San Angelo Gun Club - Singlestack - Won Singlestack Division (but I was the only shooter in SS). 04/04/09 Lea County Action Shooters - Singlestack 05/02/09 Lea County Action Shooters - Singlestack 08/01/09 Lea County Action Shooters - Limited 10 03/06/10 Lea County Action Shooters - Singlestack 03/14/10 Ridge Runners Gun Club - Singlestack - Won Singlestack Division (but I was the only shooter in SS). 03/28/10 West Texas Practical Shooters - Singlestack - Won Singlestack Division (and I actually had to beat another SS shooter to do it ). 04/03/10 Lea County Action Shooters - Singlestack Plus a handful of non-USPSA "Concealed Carry" matches at Lea County Action Shooters. BTW, when I've shot this pistol in competition - Singlestack and once in L10 - it's been with leather gear, if that's worth any brownie points. I use the rosewood grips in competition, but I couldn't find a pic of the holster without the Lasergrips. B-55 Belt and Compact Under Cover Holster from Kirkpatrick Leather in Laredo. Also, not shown, I have and use both the Bikini Double Holder Mag Pouch and the Bikini Single Holder Mag Pouch from Kirkpatrack (both of which take up too much real estate on the belt for what we do). I've been reading this thread from the beginning. I'm on page 27. I have a ways to go. I've glanced at it before, mostly just looking at pictures. And since joining this forum, my avatar has been a picture of this pistol, or a picture of me with this pistol.
  18. I'm not worthy. 2) I shot my first match in February 2009, so I don't have anything going back to January 1, 2007. I did shoot that first match in Singlestack Division though. Proof of shooting SS? Um yeah: A-64298 March results from Lea County Action Shooters March results from West Texas Practical Shooters April results from Lea County Action Shooters No one said we have to shoot well. 3) I have shot a plastic gun in divisions other than Production. That may be my big disqualification. Singlestack is my first love, though, and the one at which I really want to get better. I need (am planning to get) a 1911 with a barrel longer than 3" and that weighs more than 25 ounces. (And no, I'm not blaming my shortcomings on the pistol. Just saying that maybe I'd be more competitive with a full-size, steel-framed 1911.) Hey, I bought it for carry and it's great for that. Getting better with my carry pistol was THE reason I got involved in competition. With the factory rosewood grips and a short trigger that was added: With Crimson Trace Lasergrips and the factory trigger: I have more pictures, if anyone is interested. The forum only allows so many per post.
  19. Are you using the Dawson basepads they make for the No Gap Ice?
  20. One club where I shoot usually takes several days to post results to their website. It drives me nuts. Even though I know I didn't win, lol, I like to see the stuff. I'm a numbers and stats geek anyway. If I knew I was going to be there most of the time, I'd ask them to let me be the stats guy. I'm still tempted to get my own copy of EzWinScore and show up at their match with my computer and power inverter in my pickup and see if I could have the results by the time the got the stages cleared and props put away. If I couldn't get it done that quick, I've no doubt I could have it that evening. I always copy down my classifier score from my score sheet and take it home, figure my HF, and punch it into classifiercalc.com (and now, I get a second opinion from cmcalc.com). Then I look at my previous classifiers and figure what my average is going to be. So I already know, pretty dang close, what it's going to look like before USPSA updates them. Even though I'm in no danger of moving out of D Class I'm still very impatient to see the official numbers. Before the website updates, I've alreay figured up what I need to shoot on my next classifiers in order to move up to C Class. (Time that would be better spent dry firing, lol.)
  21. Agree. When I show up early to help set up, there's usually lots of chatter about "can you see this from over there? How 'bout over here?" and "Ok singlestack guys can shoot 8 and 8 and . . . " and just lots of discussion on how to shoot the stage goes into setting it up while checking angles for potential pass-throughs and whether or not the short girl is going to launch one over the berm if we set this up a certain way. That way, when I get there during the match, it's not quite so intimidating because I already have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do.
  22. I use my support hand thumb on a 1911. I don't believe there's a right or wrong way, just what's comfortable for you.
  23. + + Electronic - weekly. Snail mail paper - monthly.
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