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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. The press coverage will come back to haunt the buyer, as someone will see it and conclude they have ownership that never passed to the renter of the locker and will retain counsel to contest ownership, or know thy have a bogus case but realistically concludes that enough legal filings will get a settlement on the basis of "cheaper to pay than defend". If you make a killing in the storage locker business, and want to keep it that way, STFU.
  2. You will generally want to have an interchangeable breechface fitted (just a bit on the bottom so there is no little bump where it meets the slide) but, once fitted, it may be changed using a 1/8" allen wrench and no gunsmithing skills are required to change them. The retaining screw is made by SVI, and you won't find it elsewhere, so I suggest keeping a spare. The firing pin actually passes through the retainaing screw as shown in this photo: http://www.sviguns.com/4007.php The Infinity 40 and 38super/9mm ejectors are slightly different, however, I expect one could get away with a bit of cross functionality.
  3. The rules allow for completely paperless scoring at local (level I) matches and a couple of clubs in my area are using this with great success. It should be possible for one of the new generation programs to support capture of initials (no, it's not practical to teach 200+ people to enter a personal password at each stage) to sign an electronic scoresheet. Naturally, this would require a tweak to the rules. In order for me to support such an electronic capturing of initials, the system would need to be designed so that NOBODY could change a score after it was signed without erasing the initials from the electronic record.
  4. SV has that as an option I don't think so - but they have a seven side profile. You need an odd number of sides to have the flat part of one on the top of the slide.
  5. No quotes needed - I'm not sure if the system routine I use implicitly strips qoutes out or not, but I have been doing my runs without them. The easiest way to look at a transfer file, or manually generate one, is Microsoft Excell. TSV is valid for import and export. Fields like Country and Phone are optional. Member number has no dash, and may also be PEN or blank.
  6. This will be available very, very soon (almost certainly within a week) The 4.08 build is done, and HQ is having some preliminary testing done. I expect to have the file format up on www.uspsa.org by the end of the week, however, I've pasted the data below as a preview. The update will be available on the USPSA EzWinScore page when it's released. If anyone calls HQ asking them to hurry up, I will suggest they delay release for a few days. Seriously - calling Roger is NOT going to speed things up, and will just suck his time away from getting the job done. It seems to be working pretty well, however, there hasn't been much testing with Three Gun (particularly the calculation of the aggregate division based on the divisions for Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun). If you are using this for a Level II or above match and have problems, email me directly (rob at boudrie dot com), and be sure to attach a copy of the file. I recommend TSV rather than CSV since commas in the CSV file will confuse the parser since it's fairly simple and isn't fully RFC4180 compliant. Registration Import file TSV or CSV EzWinScore prompts for name and location First line contains column labels, separated by tabs Data starts on the line #2, with fields as follows: Field Content ----- ------- 1 compno Competitor number 2 uspsa member number 3 first_name 4 last_name 5 address1 6 address2 7 city 8 state 9 zipcode 10 country 11 phone 12 foreign bool 13 email 14 division blanjk, Junior, Senior or Super Senior 15 female bool 16 military bool 17 law bool 18 age Same as prompted for in EzWinScore 19 deleted 20 power_factor 21 rifle_power_factor 22 shotgun_power_factor 23 rifle_entered bool 24 shotgun_entered bool 25 rifle_division 26 aggregate boolean (true if aggregate entered) Approved division abbreviations LIM Limited LTD Limited L10 Limited 10 Lim 10 Limited 10 SS Single Stack REV Revolver Booleans may be True/False Yes/No or 1/0. Note that the other files require Yes/No only. Blank defaults to False/0/No. Competitor numbers must start at 1 and contain no gaps in sequence (but it is OK to mark a competitor as deleted)
  7. There is a team in Utah developing an Iphone/Itough and Droid scoring program, and is already using the Iphone version to score matches. I've been working with the developers, and it's a pretty impressive piece of work. On a semi-related matter, we are about to release an EzWinScore update with the first version of registration import from an external data source (CSV or TSV files). I am also working with another vendor who is integrating their electronic scoring system with EzWinScore.
  8. At least you didn't get a note "There are witnesses to this, so I am writing this note so they think I am leaving my contact info, but I am not".
  9. All this sort of info is in publicly accessible databases (though often ones for which you pay a fee). The technique is a fairly common to confirm identity, and is frequently used by banking and brokerage houses to confirm the identity of someone opening an account on-line. Previous addresses would show up in a credit report, however, I am not sure that use of an on-line system like UPS meets the "consent from customer" requirement for a business to run a check, or if a lookup of such info by UPS would be considered a hard of soft inquiry (Hard inquiries downgrade your score; soft inquiries do not)
  10. UPS has a new system "UPS My Choice". While it has some pay services, what I like is the FREE service. I signed up and just got my first notification a package is arriving Friday. Once you register, you get an email whenever there is a package addressed to you at your address on the way telling you when to expect it. This works for any package shipped to you via UPS; not just ones you expect.
  11. Does anyone ever wake up from this having a recollection of being abducted by aliens? So did I, and I won (hyperplastic polyp removed). I hope you win your bet as well.
  12. Except for a really, really old model like the RL1000 (Dillon no longer stocks parts for this model).
  13. I'm impressed - his post shows he cares about his on-line rep. It's been many years since I ordered from any of the NY camera places, but if I have need for their product, I'll make B&H my first stop.
  14. I suggest you re-read your policy. Most policies have low dollar limits on certain items like firearms for losses by theft (as such items post a particularly high theft risk), but do not impose any such limit for loss by fire. It's something to consider when deciding between a couple of safes and one is thicker steel but less fire resistance than than the other - forcing a trade-off between the two. Most policies consider firearms lost by fire to be covered under the "household contents" limitation, with no separate cap. Another thing to consider (and not just because of the gun issue) is to pay for a "replacement cost endorsement", since absent such an endorsement, EVERYTHING you own will be depreciated based on its useful life - and you may find that your furniture, clothes, guns, antique dildo collection, and household furnishings are only paid at 50% of what it costs to replace them. If you have guns lost by theft, be sure to itemize the scopes as a separate item. I know this worked for a friend who lost some guns in a residential burglary about 20 years ago. Actual UL ratings on gun safes are pretty rare - usually, it's "self rated" or a rating from a second tier testing lab.
  15. People tend to vastly over-estimate the number of rounds they shoot. If you load 5,000 per month (and I'm not saying you're not), that's 100 boxes of ammo a month, or over 3 boxes a day average if you shoot every single day. It's over 12 boxes a day if you shoot every weekend day of the month, but leave weekdays off. It would also mean you are spending in the range of $500 - $750 per month on reloading components alone. If you're running that sort of volume, spending an amount equal to a couple of month's worth of supplies to buy a 1050 would be a very reasonable course of action so I would say you have made the right choice.
  16. Homeowners insurance typically covers firearms up to your general personal possession limits for losses from fire, but limits coverage to a very small amount for losses by theft or mysterious disappearance - making protection from theft much more important than fire resistance when setting up your ordnance locker.
  17. Got it. A curious difference between "elections" and "credit cards" is the different security requirements. Elections do not have to worry about interlopers finding great value in merely observing the data, so in some senses credit cards require a "harder" system. On the other hand, it is acceptable for specific individuals to have access to member credit card data when required by their job function, but not acceptable for those same individuals to have the power to fix the election.
  18. Actually, you don't need to be unloaded from the time you park your car to the time you head home. The USPSA rules were updated a while ago so that our cold range rules do not interfere with the carry of a defensive sidearm to/from matches:
  19. Almost - they don't coil their own springs. Another interesting point - all the metal parts are machined from bar stock. There are no cast or MIM parts in the gun.
  20. What individual or group of people (by position, not name) has access to the database, or root/administrative access to the server on which it is hosted? What procedures do you follow to assure that your server remains hardened and all operating system vulnerabilities that become known are fixed? If it's anyone other than a trusted independent entity, the election process is below the level of professionalism that would be appropriate for USPSA.
  21. I think that would be Magnum Cum Loud.
  22. Dang, My eyes went to the photo before the words and I though "lucky kid, his dad gave him a fifty for making his grades"
  23. NOT by UPS standards. You can send frame/slide ground from the UPS hub. Not one of those privately owned UPS stores. Read shipping instructions on APW site. True. There are multiple definitions of "Firearm" depending on the context. Here in the Democratic People's Republik of Massachusetts, a stripped frame is not a firearm under state law, but is under federal law - which means fewer forms at the dealer having a frame transferred than having a full gun transferred. Frames were recently (within the past years) moved into a third category federally, as you now check one of 3 boxes on a 4473 - handgun, long gun or frame. (not sure the exact wording the feds use). This was done since federal law allows you to buy a long gun outside your state of residence, so moving the frames into a category different than "long gun" put an end to out of state purchases of AR lowers. As has been previously noted, this is information is absolutely incorrect. Not only is postal handgun shipping restricted to FFL holders, but the FFL holder must have a form PS1508 on file with the post office from which handguns are mailed. Please, Please edit your post and remove this bogus information that could be very dangerous to someone's gun rights.
  24. We didn't lose much, as the database tables were cleaned up - but some old election forums were cleaned out.
  25. The number is trackable to the member, and this feature was used in the year when we had to send out duplicate ballots because the first set was sent using "standard" (USPS marketing speak for Bulk Rate) rather than first class mail due to an error by the CPA firm. Number tracking assured that everyone got one vote, and that people who sent in their first ballot but not the second (or vice-versa) were counted, without those sending in both ballots having their vote counted twice. That being said, the number to name correspondence is maintained ONLY by the CPA firm that mails, receives, and counts the ballots. No USPSA employee or officer has access to any information or report indicating what specific vote an individual cast, or even if a particular individual did in fact vote at all. The only details about the results that are provided to USPSA are those on the letter from the CPA firm that is sent to USPSA HQ and then released to the membership. USPSA belongs to the members, not the employees or elected leadership. The best way to assure continued accountability is to make sure that the process for selection of the elected leadership is independent and not under control of persons who may have an interest in the outcome. It is very hard for the membership of an organization to force a leadership that "needs changing" to switch from an informal "count the ballots in the back room" process to a properly done "independent count" when in the midst of a controversial election - so the proper process has to be in place before that happens.
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