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Everything posted by redmist10

  1. redmist10

    Area 8

    Thanks for the kind words Sam. You're a good soul. I appreciate the tips along the way (even if I may not have applied them at the time ) Rob shot like a maniac and should be commended. I think everyone was really underestimating him and he shot a great match...now if I could only find out how he dropped that weight! I may have stepped it up a bit from last year but three mikes and a FTE will not win many matches. Bummer it had to happen on the last stage of the day...makes for a long ride home. Look forward to shooting will everyone again real soon. I have a Squad 13 photo (provided by Mr. Chapin) if there is some place to post it.
  2. redmist10

    Area 8

    I heard he was put together in the basement of the Smith and Wesson factory . I swear I saw a red light behind his sunglasses on Stage 9.... Don't they have a "secret" armed forces base in some mountain down in Ramer, TN? I sure don't know of anything else down there. Btw,Mike, that was hilarious.
  3. redmist10

    Area 8

    +1 Sam is the man! He let me win a stage so I wouldn't give up shooting revolver...THANKS Sam. Sam said he hasn't shot his round gun in a long time...made me realize how good he really is as I watched him tear up the course after the long lay-off. I foolishly thought I was keeping pace with him but he separated the men from the boys on the last three stages we shot (Stages 9, 1, and 2). Congratulations Sam!
  4. Thanks to Squad 13 for a great match day! Nothin' better than a fun squad that knows where the pasters are kept. Kudos to the folks that put on the match. Everything went smoothly and the match was great fun. Thanks Hopalong for making me a better shooter today - well, for the first part anyway . Good competition always makes us shoot better. Damn lunch killed my momentum. Stage one just plain killed me. Good luck to everyone thats shooting Saturday and Sunday.
  5. Check bounced. Bad enough I let you kick my butt so you don't have to take it out on the dog when you get home. Two months to make A Class! I'm pulling for ya!
  6. I hadn't heard of Lanny Basham at that time
  7. Sure there is ---- you just have to switch to revolver too. Then once you've mastered the wheel...... ......you'll be dropping big sticks every six rounds...... Actually did this with a Kimber 9mm I bought about three years ago. Got it back from the custom shop and took it to an IDPA match. Shot six dumped the mags, the rest of my squad were busting a gut.... ....you do what you train....
  8. Not only did you come over to the dark side you jumped into the abyss of USPSA - Revolver Division (and minor to boot!)...welcome to the "Island of Misfit Shooters!" Personally, when it goes well in USPSA and you're really on fire, you will surpass anything you've achieved in IDPA (IMHO) because of the level of difficulty, multiple ways of shooting a stage, higher round counts, etc. It just feels awesome to burn down a USPSA stage with a revolver. Glad you came over (as many of us have) to USPSA. You can still shoot both
  9. Great photo. Too bad that one guy put his holster on the wrong side He'd probably be in A Class where he belongs if he'd shoot with on the right side like a normal person! The Nationals should be awesome with the group of revolvers that will be there.
  10. Interesting...the last count was 34 for this year...."3 or 4"....coincidence!
  11. Never tie two 4x8 sheets of plywood to the bed of your truck....with the high ends in the front....and then jump on the Interstate (in the rain). If you do, just go back to the hardware store (ten minutes later) and buy two more, tie them down with the high ends in the back and act like you live close by....
  12. Wow, pretty cool...or maybe the rest of us are just animals
  13. I had a buddy once.... ....but goldfish don't live forever
  14. I certainly hope this doesn't end up as HHF because I just shot it in revolver today. 40pts 0 6.55 sec 6.1068 HF 96.79% of Mr. Clean - who needs that! It would appear that there has been no adjustment in the % (based on Limited or Production scores) and that the Area Match scores in revolver were used as the top numbers....does this mean my score will really be a 96% on a classifier for revolver? Or - will they throw it out since I am only rated in B Class?
  15. That absolutely has to be on the back of the T-Shirt next year, too funny.
  16. Shoot a ported .454 Casull without ear plugs. Ask a woman when she's due...not knowing if she's actually pregnant. Agree to lay down in the bed of a pickup truck (with covered bed) while your friends jump railroad tracks (alcohol, naturally). Mix Jack Daniels and Yukon Jack, see who can chug the most, and then let the winner and runner up drive you home because you can't stand up....(youthful idiocy!) Perform any gun maintenance at the range, involving springs under tension, while standing in the grass.
  17. Congrats Dan! Great Job Phil, way to represent Ohio...what happened to Cheetahs? Very cool to see the top guys so close with such a "big" field of revolver shooters. Won't be long there will be a mess of M's up there...
  18. No, no, no I wasn't even thinking about Dan! I've seen you guys teasing him but I wasn't even talking on a national scale. I certainly don't know him well enough to pile on by any means. Locally, (within a couple of states) I've talked to revolver guys and heard other stuff about folks in the tri-state and other states that are not in a hurry to move and don't really push themselves to move up. All kidding aside I've heard enough genuine comments to think there is some hesitation to move up and some very cautious shooting of the classifiers to stay put. I was just wondering if anyone thought it would help get our own percentages if there were more A & M Class revolver shooters. Ohio only has one M Class revolver shooter and I know that guy shanks the classifiers so he doesn't move up! I've even seen him twist barrels to make the sights crooked. Some folks will do anything....shameless.
  19. I wonder if enough revolver shooters pushed themselves at the classifiers and achieved a higher rating if the folks that administer the classification process would consider using our own data...meaning, I've heard that a few revo guys purposely "tank" classifiers or slow down so they don't move up. I'm not saying they're sandy just not in a real big hurry to move up in class. I'm sure it happens in every division but we're sort of lacking the high numbers to compensate for that attitude. I mean, if revolver classifications are roughly considered 90% of Production or Limited and a large percentage of the revolver guys moved to the higher levels it might even the playing field and justify using our data as opposed to mooching off of other divisions. ...or maybe that's just bunk.
  20. I certainly hope this doesn't end up as HHF because I just shot it in revolver today. 40pts 0 6.55 sec 6.1068 HF 96.79% of Mr. Clean - who needs that!
  21. My deepest condolences to you and your family. I can relate to what he went through and what you are now experiencing. Neither of which I would ever care to endure again. Share the best of him to your young ones through your actions and words and he will never truly be gone. God Bless.
  22. I just finished reading the other thread - that's funny as hell!
  23. That's not a lie. I heard about "the incident" and figured I was having a bad enough day so I left it on the table at Stage 3. My worst time on a stage as I recall...I knew I shouldn't have touched it! That's my first EVER USPSA major match win and the first time I can remember edging out Cheetahs or Zookeeper. Now I know why you guys practice! It feels pretty good to finally get one under my belt . Thanks for the competition guys. Without it I know I would not have progressed (albeit slowly) over the past two years. It must have been a tough match on everyone in the division for you guys to let me sneak up on you like that. Can't wait to see you guys again. It was good to catch up. Thanks again everyone. I'm not used to the attention.
  24. Impressive match! I didn't expect too much considering the low number of stages but I should have known better. I have not attended a match in Indiana that didn't unscrew my head crap down my neck. As usual they offered up a super challenging 1/2 day format. Super Kudos to the folks that ran the match! I can't say I enjoyed my shooting but the stages were very, VERY creative. I'm definitely going to try to make it again. I didn't feel right all day. Blown stages, mike's, confusion, bobbled reloads, you name it - I sucked on all but a couple runs. It was a very humbling match. Thanks to my squadmates (squad 12) for putting up with a lowly revolver shooter. We had a very good squad. Thanks guys.
  25. Personally, I enjoyed the hell out of being mere 65% of him at the Nationals . Have I worked harder to raise that percentage - not particularly. I've got a lot on my plate and don't devote the time to become greater than B Class right now but if I devoted my time and energies to that alone I have no doubt I could make the rise like Caremoney, Hopalong, Lefty45, etc...the proof is in their efforts. BUT - being 65% of him gave me such satisfaction as to desire to become 85% of him someday. With work, school, and a 2yr old...today is not that day. But that day may come when I can adjust my priorites. Until that day I will enjoy having someone so talented to admire in my division and our sport. I can't imagine a bench player saying "yea, I played with Babe Ruth but he wasn't really good for the game. He was just too good." I think most of the top shooters just don't shoot revolver because...it's a revolver. What is their incentive? There is none. You have to enjoy revolver for what it is or you are not likely to try it. Most guys won't bother with the "handicap" when they can shoot what they know and enjoy it more. I agree, USPSA could sponser a classifier match for JM over a weekend and get some baselines. He could probably shoot them at home and mail in the results! I'd trust him. My $0.02
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