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Everything posted by redmist10

  1. I bet only three of us on here get that one!
  2. AWESOME! Great work Pat! You have my sympathy Scooterj. Pat's been riding my butt all year and clawing his way to A class in the process. Hope he makes it soon, I hate getting beat by an underclassman! Edit Note: Man, that is a boat load of B Class revolvers there! That's impressive!
  3. Yes and no, second is second but I like to know that I earned my second place without interference or assistance. I would have liked my five points and possibly a better time on the first run. I'm sure I was not completely at ease having to take the reshoot. Not to mention any mental distraction caused for the rest of the match knowing I had a mike on my second stage. I know this shouldn't have affected me but I had a decent start to the match and the whole situation really annoyed me as I left the stage. I'd like to think I let it go after the stage but you never know if that was sitting in the deep recesses of my mind while shooting the next five stages. Everyone can relate to pressing for a stage or two because you think you need to pick up the pace to make up for the mike. Like I said, this was only part of the reason I finished second. Waiting on the swingers on the one stage cost me and too slow a run on my first stage (7) sealed my fate...all in all, I shot it and deserved what I ended up with. The question is what I take from that experience and what (if anything) anyone else can learn from it as well.
  4. I love that range. It's like Disneyland for shooters Great photo and quote.
  5. All credit to original photographer. Hope you don't mind Julie - it really is a cool photo.
  6. I hope you're found not guilty.... Did the unplugged dremel at the scene give you away? Sorry, that was too easy and I'm lacking self control as usual.
  7. Pat (41mag) and I have added your name and photo to our dossier file on you....your progress will be closely monitored for competition purposes Great job at the match, you'll be in A-Class before you know it.
  8. MORE practice? I think I'm feeling ill We'll be here to take our beat down
  9. +1 Bill is a real gentleman and one of my revolver mentor's. Watching him whip guys with a Model 10 inspired me to pick up the wheelie. Had I paid attention to what he was doing or ever listened to what he said I may have actually learned something! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL
  10. On the whole the guys did a terrific job. Not to get side-tracked by this comment but they were volunteers and I have no idea if any of them had "big match" experience." There was nothing to be gained by complaining at that point. The reshoot incident was unfortunate there is no doubt but overall they earned a passing grade in my book. If it were the Nationals and I were a M or GM I guess I would understand pitching a fit but..... Looking back I'm glad I posted this so the exchange of information can take place. Maybe someone working a bigger match next year will read this and not make the same mistake. I know I've learned to keep on shootin'
  11. Kind of a pitiful turnout considering a major match not that far away over the weekend. I'm hoping you guys don't get discouraged and discontinue running these classifier matches up there. I hope to make it up again sometime soon. Keep holding matches, we'll get a caravan up that way sooner or later!
  12. Thank you. I was not at Stage 1 but Stage 7. On behalf of them, I'll pass the compliment on! Please do - I think we were all a bit puzzled over what should occur but since he stopped me there was not much else to do...I feel bad for starting to argue about the hit in the barrel during the reshoot; however as soon as they showed me the exit hole without a blue dot on it I had no reason to doubt them. They were super nice and I could tell they felt bad afterwards but hey, I shot the barrel, not them . It's part of the game. I think we were all just wondering amongst ourselves what the "right" call would be regarding the rule book...so I posted it to get commentary. Glad I did. Seems like this happens on occasion. Nope, sadly, It was the fifth target and I was looking at the target and saw two holes before I shot that target...hate to admit that but it drew my attention away from the front sight. The target was also too far away for me to have blown them off with the muzzle blast of a shot.
  13. Slight disclaimer: after the fact - The RO's at this match were GREAT and did a TERRIFIC job. Should the target have been taped? Sure, but our squad forgot to tape it and the RO's forgot to check it - not a huge deal. I have no complaints with how the match turned out although I do wish I would not have hit the barrel the second time through but there should be no indictment of this crew. I merely brought up the topic out of curiousity since I am not a certified RO yet and have limited knowledge on this sort of thing. The comments received so far have been very interesting and enlightening. Next time, I'll just shoot it and then mention it.
  14. I was shooting revolver and went empty after firing two shots on this target. The target had four holes on it (two from the last competitor, two from me - both .45 caliber holes). During my reload I mumbled "that target wasn't pasted" and then I kept shooting...at that point the RO yelled "stop" and gave me a reshoot. During the reshoot I hit a barrel and it passed through which = a mike since the barrel was theorhetically "hard cover." The end result - my mike partially cost me a win at the match (lost my 21 match points).
  15. I've generally stayed true to the motto "never take the reshoot" if you shot a stage decently but something causes you to get a reshoot if if request one....like the following: I'm shooting stage 1 of the 2007 Western PA match today. I'm having a decent run (not exactly burning it down but good just the same). I'm executing my plan and shooting it when I notice two holes on the target as I punch two more on it. Being a revolver shooter I have a second or two to blurt out "that target wasn't pasted" as I toss in another moon clip and begin engaging more targets. By the second shot of the new target the RO stops me and advises his cohorts that to tape the stage, I'm getting a reshoot....like it or not. On the reshoot I hit a barrel and the .45 bullet actually slips through the side and punches out the back into a perfect A hit right next to my first A hit. Now I RARELY get a .45 to slip through a barrel. Every other time it goes in and rolls around with just enough noise to let me know to go pick up the shot - not this time . At first I argued that there was no way I hit through the barrel - I didn't call that shot as good as I thought but it was REALLY close. The ROs were smart enough to be squirting paint on the entrance holes, edge hits (richochets) and exit holes . My bullet barely slipped in and it looked to me like a richochet to me. Then they showed me the exit hole without any paint on it. No doubt they were right = MIKE. So my own big mouth caused me to get a reshoot...go figure . If I had just continued to shoot without saying anything I may have gotten the best two .45 holes out of the four in the A-zone and aced the stage. As it was it will probably cost me dearly. Next time I'm going to finish the stage...then see if I'll have the option of accepting the reshoot or not.
  16. Life in the fast lane...try to keep up.
  17. Years ago someone started placing them on the center of each smoke detector (or other obscure places) in the hotel room during matches.
  18. redmist10


    Let's hope. After the cool responses I received from the guy on the phone I'm not exactly filled with a lot of confidence.
  19. redmist10


    Yes, I have a six shot M617 and a 686, etc. but I was just taking a photo of the .45's. No, I don't practice with them ...but I should. Maybe then Hop would let me get closer than 6% of him at a major! No, that is my Randy Lee (Apex Tactical) modified 625. I messed with it to the point that I had a M625 paperweight so Randy helped me out of a jam and made it a shooter. He got me interested in the Ti cylinders. I actually had a 646 once when I first started shooting revolvers...that was until I found out the moon clips were so expensive....and before I was totally invested in shooting revo's and didn't mind spending good money for Hearthco moonclips Incidentally, I called SW today and ordered two of the Ti replacement cylinders for a couple of the revo's posted in the pic; however they seemed less than happy that I did. First they denied that they even have a Ti cylinder that will fit a 625 which was annoying enough (considering the one on I already have in the lower left of the photo ). Then the guy that answered the phone got exasperated that I wouldn't just go away and he put me on hold. Then he comes back five minutes later and tells me the price and takes down my information (all the while being generally annoyed). Then he barks "Anything else!?" Then I asked the most outrageous question....could they chamfer the charge holes before shipping? "You can't chamfer Ti cylinders!" Again...(looking at the one in the lower left of the photo) I explain that I'm surprised considering I own one that is chamferred. He goes on to explain that this removes the finish (no S^&T!) and that it would make it susceptable to rust (again...NO S^&T!!! ). Totally disgusted I simply tell him just to mail them and I'll figure out the rest. After that exchange I was sure as hell not going to ask them what they would charge to fit the cylinders! Wow, what a HUGE disappointment from one of my favorite manufacturers!
  20. Part 2 of 2 Before_he_was_a_GM_2.wmv
  21. I first met Jake in Michigan a few months before this match. He and his dad were there together. I took this video (1 of 2 parts) Before_he_was_a_GM.wmv
  22. I've heard that ear protection was slightly different in Michigan - but no one wanted to approach him to let him know he was in Ohio that day.
  23. redmist10


    Here are my USPSA boys (all .45acp; three M625; two M25-2)....some are still a work in progress. My compliments to Randy Lee for the bottom left.
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