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Everything posted by redmist10

  1. Maybe Mrs. Lewis would know someone that Jake would like to date....Jake I hear this is a good way to get more shooting time in a couple of years...
  2. If she finds out Jake's single again... ...and Jake finds out how bad she spoils Stew (aka - the luckiest man alive!)
  3. HEY STEWART! Great meeting you and being on your squad....I didn't realize you were a BE'r! Too cool. Can you believe he shot steel, paper, paper on "Open and Closed Ports?" For a B class shooter the dude had it going on! Excellent! Steve
  4. Congratulations Sam! Sorry I didn't jump in sooner, I was busy sweating the pounds away at Area 8. I'm pretty sure I have Sam making Master on tape! I'll try to send it to someone that can post it on the Area 5 website. Making Master "the hard way" in revolver is quite an accomplishment! Glad I could see it in real time. See you in Barry Sam!
  5. Oh, NOW you tell me after I have ten of the stainless ones.... Thanks Ted, if you have drilled the blued ones then I'll get those. The stainless ones work flawlessly, you just can't drill into them.
  6. Are most of you standing or sitting?
  7. He started it, I swear! I keep bringing him to these major matches hoping he'll wear out one of these days but no luck yet. He's shown me everything he knows, he just hasn't been able to teach me anything Thanks for the encouragement Hop, you're first class and we appreciate all your support and advice. As for the rebel jokes...my family comes from southern Ohio (down on the river)and we make it a point not to poke fun at guys that shoot better than we do it helps extend the quality of life.
  8. I'll second that! I shot decent at KY with a few hiccups but Ohio threw me into a serious hardcover/Mike Funk. At a glance it didn't look that tough but it was a real test of the fundamentals. Felt like I needed a wash after that mess... Having 20 revolver shooters in one major match set a USPSA record! Special thanks to Bill and Herky for making the 19/20 possible. Thanks to all the other revolver guys that don't usually shoot the major matches too! Lastly, thanks to Kyle and the staff for putting on a great match!
  9. I agree with everything you said. I just never seem to find the guy at the match with Federal primers for $14.00/k Or, Smith and Wesson, showing up to the IDPA Nationals without a single IDPA-legal revolver....DUH ...but that's a rant for a different thread. Chuck, do what is right for the club and USPSA. If you hold a two-day match you'll still draw shooters...just a different crowd.
  10. I haven't been to a major match yet that had more sponsors or vendor booths that I couldn't visit in a lunch break or after the match while the scores are being tallied. Frankly, I come to shoot. Sponsors are nice for taking the burden off the club and I can certainly appreciate that; however, I almost never buy anything at a major match that I can’t find cheaper online. I can also appreciate folks that are volunteering their time to stand in the hot sun all day so that I can have a blast not wanting to do it for a full day. If it works better for the "home" club I say do it...whichever way is better for them. Just know that whatever way you plan it not everyone will like it. I think the draw would be better for a one-day format, logistically speaking, for most shooters (hotels, meals, etc.). For example, we’re planning to shoot the IDPA Nationals then come up to the Area 5. We’re shooting all day Thursday so we can make the Area 5 and had planned to shoot it all on Saturday and come home Sunday. But whatever way it works out we’ll be there!
  11. What caliber, .22WMS? I have a 94 and a 92 (.25-35 and .25-20 respectively) you are forgiven for not using the revolver on a tough little critter like that. Didn't know TN had dillo's...only seen one dead in AR and he wasn't in good shape. Didn't stop us from wanting to pull over and check it out!
  12. Received an Email confirmation (from Mr. Leonard, I believe) that it is indeed a two day match if you shoot Sat/Sun. Bummed but still going
  13. What? Flex hasn't invited you to Circleville yet? Can't be more than an hour and a half from Cincy - if you follow me anyway...
  14. BWAHAHAHA - first things first....gotta get the pads on... I'm willing to give you one and let you spend the money on carbide drill bits...Willing to make a bet you spend more on drill bits before you DENT one let alone make a hole....we've ruined four and gave up...alien metal, I tell you!!
  15. Can you say "Big Brown Truck" at KY? If we really get this many wheelgunners in one place it would be a pitiful shame if HQ didn't send someone with a video camera for historical purposes... Might not be a super squad but it will make USPSA history!
  16. I would have to agree BUT>>>>>BUT, how the heck do you drill into those dang things for installing base pads. I've baffled mechanics and gunsmiths alike trying to find a bit that will drill into the stainless Mecgar mags....IMPOSSIBLE?
  17. Good luck Bill/Sue - Marmot452 will be there, I have to work OT this weekend. Let me know if I win any BBQ sauce or a 5-day trip to Blackwater!
  18. I mentioned the match to Kay and Jerry via Email along with the thought of a revolver course the day or two before the match but haven't heard back from them yet. Would be cool if he were passing through and could be #15 or 20... Where's Zookeeper? Someone tell him to get up here. Marmot452 said he was putting his application in the mail about a week ago...those two would make 16. If someone at Rayner's can talk to Brian (from Heath) this weekend...he said he was considering it.
  19. No, according to my IDPA buddies, that only occurs when you shoot USPSA... Congratulations on getting classified.
  20. Every time you guys post that you're giving Flex fits... Look forward to seeing you Jeff. The more the merrier.
  21. Well, we're glad he made it back safely . If he has any buddies that need gun mags (the kind you read), fresh socks, some AA batteries, beef jerky, rock candy, etc. have him pass on the address and we'll hook them up.
  22. So - will everyone be shooting the USPSA Area 5 Match with revolvers? I have to say I'm not the least bit excited about the IDPA Nationals this year. I think the idea is dead. I just posted as a follow up for folks I had been in contact with in 2004 before the exodus. Looking over the match scores of some of the recent IDPA majors it is really depressing to see the mixed bag in SSR/ESR and not enough people in a class to make it interesting. It was bad before...now it is just pathetic.
  23. Is this address still valid? Please update us....thanks
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