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Everything posted by Bear1142

  1. I need some help finding hotel/motels that are dog friendly. I'd like to start building a quick reference database. I have a medium to big size dog (65 lb. German Shepherd, but he's still growing.) Any ideas? TIA, Erik
  2. I hope that thing is properly registered as a SBR with ATF. You don't want any jack-booted thugs coming after you. Erik
  3. So you're saying I didn't get the Starbucks assignment? I guess that's a high priority location so only you guys will be allowed to operate that post! Erik
  4. Not to completely hijack this thread, but keep an eye out for a new reticle from US Optics in their SN4 series. I'm developing a prototype that will have serious competiton potential. I used it at Ft. Benning and it worked out awesome. Erik
  5. Does FN or anybody else make a pistol grip stock (similar to the Benelli's) for the SLP? I wouldn't mind giving one a try, but that straight stock is killin' me. Erik
  6. I can attest to the effectiveness of the 308 Titan comp. It works! But then again, I'm a little biased. Erik
  7. Yes, the Titan is legal for Limited and Tactical divisions. Erik
  8. Yes, its a hood for the rear sight. I've seen it and it's quite effective. It helps keep your head down on the stock. You know the instant your cheekweld changes. Good stuff. Erik
  9. Very clean looking design at this point. Looking forward to seeing the final results. Erik
  10. Tikiboy, Sent you a pm regarding the comps. Erik
  11. I got to shoot some FBI HRT models several years ago. It was, without a doubt, the sweetest shooting subgun I ever shot. Shooting poppers at 100 yards with ease using 175 gr. Sivertips. Even at that distance, the 10mm was driving the poppers down like someone hit them with a sledgehammer. Multiple round bursts were as easy to handle as the 9mm's. It was a great shooting subgun. Too bad it never caught on. Erik
  12. Be careful! Kurt's advice is for iron sighted rifles and may not work with an optically sighted rifle. Allow me to translate Kurt's iron sighted holdovers into optic terms. 0-15 yards dot on the top line of the target. 15-30 yards dot near top, like near the hairline. 30- 50 yards dead on! There! Now it should work for you! Erik
  13. Mike, Allow me to show you some American hospitality! You are more than welcome to use my PG Benelli. I will even buy you several pints should you be fortunate enough to beat Kurt and Benny with it. Erik
  14. That is not entirely accurate. The only prohibited use of the VFG for support is if you rest it on a surface like a monopod. Any other bracing use is legal. It is also legal to rest you hand under the grip in the monopod manner. If I choose to monopod off the VFG, I just curl my little finger under the bottom of the VFG, so there is no contact between the VFG and the surface I am resting it upon. Total rule gamer I know, but it is legal and it works. Erik
  15. I would like to convey to you the honorary title of "Grandmaster" in the fine art of Dremeling! From henceforth, you will now be known as SIR Want2race! Awesome job dude. Erik
  16. I breakdown a stage based on my own strengths and weaknesses. The only time I tend to "consult" with the other shooters about a stage is when there are multiple ways of shooting a stage with no clear advantage (which incidently, is the mark of a good stage designer!) I do notice a big tendency to bounce ideas and strategies off others, but in the end, most of the guys I shoot with will find their own path. If I am considering a strategy that is a bit risky, I will definitely watch other shooters to evaluate whether or not the reward is worth the risk (and it must be or it's not worth the risk, right?) Above all, I try to remember that I'm competing against the stage, not against an individual. Beat the stage, not the man. Erik
  17. But I want to see video of YOU grasshopper! Erik
  18. Cy, Give me a call. I built one a while ago and plan on doing another one soon. Erik
  19. That definitely happens. Most of the situations are things like, how many other targets are you going to engage before going back to the drop turner. Guys will push each other to see how many they can get. It's almost like a dare. Then as soon as the first guy crashes, they all go back to their normal plan. A lot of the reason top GM's will "go their own way" is to emphasize their strengths or minimize their weaknesses. Because things are so close at the top, guys are looking to squeeze every advantage they can. Like Flex stated earlier, their strategy might not be the best way to shoot a stage, but by emphasizing their physical or technical strengths, their execution overcomes any strategy weakness. Erik
  20. Tim, It's all good man. I was just thinking off the top of my head and not in a dianostic "check this first" way. There were other symptons to check before reaming the chamber. Thanks for the backup. Erik
  21. Ha! Apparently my advice was full of FAIL! I rescind my ill-advised advice. Erik
  22. 338 Lapua or 338 Remington Ultra Mag (RUM?) I'm leaning towards the 338 RUM as the base rifle and brass seems to be significantly cheaper with no real loss in performance to the Lapua. Any thoughts? Erik
  23. Your 20" gun may have a .223 chamber and not a .556 chamber. There is a slight difference with the .223 have a shorter throat lead that can cause an increase in pressure. Depending on the model, DPMS manufactures a lot of barrels with .223 chambers and not .556 chambers. I would have a gunsmith run a .556 chamber reamer down your 20" and see what happens. It will either fix your problem or do nothing. At least you'll be able to cross one possible reason off your list. Erik
  24. Like none as in no more ever, or just not in stock? Thanks, Erik
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