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Everything posted by BDH

  1. Unfortunately, you are not mistaken... However, grab some buddies, load 'em in your ride, shoot one, and then do the 'short drive' to shoot the other. Both will be great matches as usual, and think about how much fun you'll have either bragging about kicking everyone's ass at the first match... OR... warning everyone that you are going to 'pick it up a notch' and kick their ass at the second match!
  2. I hit both of these last year, and can 'ditto' the above comments. Both are GREAT matches, with GREAT stages, and are run like a big match should be! Also, both are very popular, so put them on your calendar, and don't delay on sending in your match application...
  3. Pretty tough to beat a Randall but not inexpensive, and generally a long lead time...
  4. My survey complete! Now I just need to wait for the card to show up so Deb can complete hers...
  5. All, While I appreciate your kind words, this certainly was not about me or the people I was with. My point was that we had multiple tables 'arguing' (quietly) about who would pick up the tab, and I don't think I have ever witnessed that before! I guess what I am trying to figure out is 1) is the mindset of the public changing, OR 2) was this just a 'one-off' and I was in the right place at the right time? I 'think' (and hope and pray) that this signals a shift in public opinion toward those that serve our Country...
  6. Kim, don't even fall for these fast talkin'... quick shootin' boys on the forum, as you're all mine baby! Well, that's as long as Deb says okay...
  7. Those of you that know me, know that I travel quite a bit. Well, this is a first... I was in Denver last week, walked into a Bennigan's with some others and we saw two soldiers enjoying cocktails and dinner. We 'quietly' told the wait staff to send their check our way once they wrapped up. What was kind of wild was that apparently two other tables had also requested their check (we were first so... you snooze, you loose...). ABOUT FRICKING TIME WE TAKE CARE OF THOSE THAT TAKE CARE OF US! THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME I HAD EVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS, SO I SURE HOPE IT SIGNALS A CHANGING OF THE AMERICAN MINDSET. NUFF SAID....
  8. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! They spoiled a perfectly good drink with ICE!!!!
  9. Been there... done that... (although, I don't always remember too)...
  10. Manny, do range staff count? I can't think of any reason to head South from Cincinnati in February, but maybe this is it....
  11. All I can say is that Cindy runs a KILLER match! Just make sure you sign up early...
  12. Rick, sounds like a blast, but still my favorite way to shoot punkins can be found here: World Punkin Chunkin Championships Enjoy the videos...
  13. Erik, yep, congrats to Joe Pa on a great season (and a SHARE of the Big Ten title ). I gotta agree with Rich though... that it's gonna be USC/UT in the title game... Rich, first, you guys almost got surprised last weekend!! Better pay attention!!! Also, assuming you make the Rose Bowl, I'm considering going, but first need to practice my best 'HOOK EM HORNS' moves... After the interview on Game Day last Saturday, I don't think that Joe Pa is going to step down. That's really too bad as he is losing the Seniors, and really is more of a figurehead than coach these days. I can't imagine he will have a better year than this one in the near future. I just hope that someone talks some sense into him before he hangs around too long and goes out like my favorite coach out of Columbus....
  14. Just remember, shots on the timer really don't mean anything as it is ONLY the last shot that matters, which makes it critical to be there and get that shot. Sure, RO's get tired... and at times shooters move in ways that RO's don't anticipate, both of which occassionally cause problems... At this years A5, I almost ran right over Jake (no, I can't out run him! He had a jam and can stop on a dime! ), and at another major match, I 'was pretty sure' that one of my RO's failed to pick up the last shot of one of the competitors. However, since we did not 'know' for sure, the run stood.... I try to coach RO's to stay close (without crowding), and always to hold the timer correctly. Once you get past that stuff, I'm not sure that there is much else we can control as there will always be things that fall into the 'sh*t happens' bucket....
  15. It's the RO's responsibility to be there for the last shot, and as others have said, try to keep one eye on the timer to make sure the timer increments on the last shot....
  16. First, while I haven't noticed the 'leg on the dash or window look' around here, what the heck is it with the kids that want loud exhaust, and a spoiler more fit for an FIA car than some low end Japanese family car? Second, I won't even talk about the three dudes that threw a perfectly good, full sized deep dish pizza on some 'very deserving' dudes windshield at 2:00 AM in Indianapolis 25 years ago. Don't ask, as I know nothing about it!!!
  17. If you get a chance, you 'may' catch this on the Discovery Channel. They were recording there years ago when we were out there. It is a GREAT documentary about the people, the punkins, the machines, etc. There is a scene where a couple of dudes (both chemical engineers in real life) are test firing their air cannon at a Blazer parked in their backyard. TOOOOO FUNNY! Also, they also 'hand load' by growing their punkins in special patches with secret stuff to grow a punkin that can resist the pressure of the air cannons.... I know it's weird, but just goes to show how creative humans can be.... I'll try to put some video up if I can figure out my camera this weekend....
  18. Well, I am happy to say that I survived yet another World Championship! That's right, Deb and I (with some good friends) made the trip to the thriving metropolis of Millsboro, Delaware to once again take in the World Championship PUNKIN CHUNKIN Championships!!! World Punkin Chunkin Championships Before you laugh, this was the 20th ANNUAL World Championship, so it is a big deal and highly recommended. If you want to see some guns that make MAJOR, let's examine the air cannons, some of which have barrels as long as 155 feet, and can shoot a 10# pumpkin more than 4000 feet!! Anyway, if I can figure out how to get the video off my new video camera and on to my PC, I can share some highlights (including the near miss that almost got me). Meanwhile, to get a flavor for this, check out some of the videos that you can pull from their home site. I'm tellin' ya... TOO MUCH FUN!
  19. Sako, you forgot to mention that you are bringing in the #1 Nationals Stats Runner!! Hope to see everyone there!
  20. All, Thx for the stage 6 feedback! Watching competitors shoot the plates was really wild. Some used the port as support and fired multiple slugs with 0 hits (I think the record was 21... ouch! ), while others ran up and just shot them 1 - 2 - 3 offhand! Awesome! One of the worst things I saw was a competitor struggling on the plates (that should not have been), only to learn after the end of his run, that he lost his front FO sight mid-stage, and before engaging the plates.. As for the table position... yeah, I hear ya, and maybe inside the door would have been better. However, everyone ran the same stage, and while I was a little worried about competitors hanging the muzzle (or extended tube) on the door frame, everyone got through there with no issues (although, my heart skipped a beat or two a couple of times).... Hope to see all of you somewhere next year!
  21. Anyone got any comments on Stage 6 (the big slug stage)? The reason I'm asking is I overheard some comments around it that it just was not very 'practical' and that it cost too much to shoot because of all the slugs (of course it cost some way more than others because of those 45m plates ). Please keep in mind that I did not design it, I just ran it... Brian Hanna - CRO Stage 6
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