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Everything posted by mikey357

  1. ...the web page is still "Parked" at GoDaddy.com...anyone have any more info?!?!?....mikey357
  2. ...I'll give ya' fifty bucks fer it...how's that sound???.......mikey357
  3. ...gee, my Sevigny sights shot a lil' LOW for me, using Federal 147 gr. FMJ in a second-gen 17...had to FILE a lil' off the front sight to get POI/POA in the same place...just goes to show guns and shooters are all INDIVIDUAL things....mikey357
  4. ...the weight diff. between the Stainless cylinder from my 625-3 and the Ti wheel from my 325 PD is 3.4 ounces, measured on a VERY accurate digital scale...is the weight REDUCTION and corresponding reduction in TORQUE worthwile???...what do those who have done this mod think???....mikey357
  5. ...is that you, Randy???...If so, no need to get GREEDY, ifyaknowwhatimean!!!....mikey357
  6. Is there a "Firm" Date yet???...We want to KNOW!!!....mikey357
  7. Hey, Mike...SURELY that is a MISPRINT on the Revo Results page...where it has you shooting "Minor"...???...whassupwitdat???....mikey357
  8. COOL BEANS!!! The Missus' and I are looking forward to it!!! NEAT-O!!!....mikey357
  9. ...hey, Dave Sample, we REALLY want to know which parts held up so well over the "Long Haul"!!!....mikey357
  10. ...I'm using the .115 front that came with the set...I was initially a lil' CONFUSED after I put 'em on my 17, 'cause the "Sight Picture" looked just a lil' TIGHTER than I remember it being on a friend's 17...what he told me was that, originally, Dave S. spec'ed the front to be .110...and, being an EARLY set, that is what my friend's mikes out at...in later production runs, whatever vendor WTS/Sevigny are using deviated slightly from "Spec", and the fronts have been .115 since then...anyway, I think that they are a HUGE improvement over the "Plastic" sights that came on the gun...I MAY try a SLIGHTLY narrower front at some point, just for giggles 'n' grins....FWIW....mikey357
  11. ...hey, Mike...how 'bout an ORIGINAL "Model of 1950 Target" witha six-and-a-half-inch barrel...about 94-95%???...Yeah, THAT'S THE TICKET!!!....mikey357
  12. ...I'll go along with what Bill N. said...sometimes, narrowing the FRONT sight can cause problems if it gets TOO narrow, especially when you're gettin' close to the half-century mark in age AND have a need for GLASSES...I don't like the front any thinner than about .110-.115 in., and the "Standard" .125 in. works okay with a rear openned up to about .140 ...not sure I could do very well with a rear notch at .160, tho'...that's HUGE!!!....mikey357
  13. Yeah, THAT'S IT, Mike...SURE it is!!!....mikey357
  14. Forty?!?! Is that ALL?!?!...Man, I thoght Mike was a LOT OLDER...hhmmm...wonder where I got THAT idea???...anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!...from one who is fast approaching the NEXT "Milestone"...or is that "Millstone"???...mikey357
  15. UPDATE: Yesterday I put in the NEW firing pin and firing pin spring...as near as I could measure, I THINK I'm getting about one or two thousandths (.001-.002) MORE firing pin protrusion with the NEW innards...after 300 rounds of Federal "Bulk-pack", the misfire rate is now down to 1%...exactly three in three hundred...still a lil' ways to go, but better...may have to put in a slightly longer strain screw next....mikey357
  16. NEAT Pics!!! Thanks, Walt....mikey357
  17. Thanks, John, that's kinda' what I was hoping...Now, I have a "Reliability Target" to "Shoot For"...BTW, I talked to "Larry" At S&W--in Customer Service--after describing the problem to him, he sent me a new firing pin, F/P spring and mainspring tension screw...all GRATIS!!!...probably be this weekend before I have a chance to pull the old parts/measure/replace with the new parts and test-fire...maybe I can put off a FEW of the "Honey-Do's" another day or two....mikey357
  18. "Somebody must know my password." ...Yeah, probably Mr. GLENLIVET!!! ....mikey357
  19. Thanks, Walt!!! I'm interested in ANY "New Technology" to help us poor, ol' "Roundgun" shooters...I think even "Dremelology" qualifies there!!!....mikey357
  20. The early 617's...I'm thinking thru about the "Dash one's"...were square-butt...all current production is round-butt...and BTW, I've got a total of FIVE K-22's, including another 617, and this ten-shooter is the ONLY ONE to give me any trouble...since it was purchased "Pre-owned", I can't say for sure that it wasn't "Monkeyed With" by the previous owner...I recommend ANY S&W K-22 HIGHLY!!!....mikey357
  21. WE NEED PICTURES!!! Pictures of ALL these "Roundguns" with the Ti cylinders!!! Pictures, PLEASE!!!...now, that wasn't TOO "Over the Top", was it? WAS IT??? ....mikey357
  22. Carmoney is off "GOLFING"???...what's he shoot those little thingies with, his 625???...maybe that 627???...Tell him he oughta' try a 12 Gauge...like a Citori "XS" or a Beretta 682...yeah, THAT'S THE TICKET!!! ....mikey357
  23. YEAH...why didn't I think of that?!?! ....mikey357
  24. ...yeah, BUT...HOW can I use a DREMEL to increase the reliability of MY 617???....mikey357
  25. I'm GUESSING his "Unit of Measurement" is Pounds...when I did my "Disassemble and Weigh" back in late October of '05, I found that the steel cylinder from my 625-2 weighed 8.4 ounces and the Ti cylinder from my 325 "PD" weighed 5.0 ounces...both were weighed WITH extractor star, extractor rod, etc., present--in other words, the COMPLETE cylinder assembly...HTH....mikey357
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