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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. Car handled real good. I'm not sure what to do with my hands.
  2. Funny thing. I have a STI DVC. Googled it. Yeah. Mostly C. To quote my hero, Ricky Bobby - "I wanna go fast"!
  3. I just didn't know why the USPSA matches were more than IDPA.
  4. It's all good. I get what your saying. I don't know what DVC means? Ha ha. Newb!
  5. I'd like to. Bet that'll be awesome. Tulsa is only an hour and a half away.
  6. Thanks everyone for the info. I'm definitely gonna shoot in my state sectional and try to get into the area too.
  7. I may have given the wrong impression with my title. I'm not a newb to guns, safety or shooting. Just only shot a couple of USPSA locals. That's why I asked. I'm a MA in IDPA and think I made M (barely 85.15% by my math) in production last weekend. Just waiting until next Tuesday to know for sure.
  8. Wow. Yeah, I hope not. I actually think people, the more seasoned, forget that new shooters don't know the rules. Something like pulling your gun out during walk through seems obvious (and it kinda is) but some new shooter may think "well it's undloaded, what's the problem "? I started shooing IDPA last May. I'm actually an SO and took the RO class after only shooting one local USPSA match. I wanted to learn the rules so I did that.
  9. Why wouldn't I be ready? You think I should shoot 36 local matches first?! I'll admit I'm new to USPSA but I'm a decent shooter. I'm totally willing to accept advice.
  10. Oh wow. Didn't know that. Guess it makes sense.
  11. Gotcha. I'm sure just targets alone would be surprising! Didn't realize USPSA got a cut too.
  12. Why does it cost so much to enter a level two and above match? I've only shot 3 monthly matches. Just getting started in USPSA. I can see how the cost can be more than an IDPA match but it seems like the cost is almost twice as much for the ones I've looked at. But to be honest I've only shot in two sanctioned IDPA matches. So, I guess they could be more too? Seems like $130 is steep. Is it because everything from the prize table comes from match fees (after the cost to put match on)? Seems like IDPA gets some if not all their prize table stuff from donantions.
  13. It is if you're already set up with mags for the CZ. It takes the same mags as the shadow 1. Not mention the cost will be close to the same once you replace all the Stock 3 factory parts.
  14. Well, as much as I loved the LP, I decided to stick with my Shadow this year. I'll probably end up trying the Shadow 2 before I go back to a tanfo.
  15. I bet reloads can be done while sleeping with a magwell on there! For me, CZ are already easy to reload.
  16. Can't imagine they're discontinuing the Lim Pro! I just sold mine so, I might have made a mistake?!........
  17. I thought the Titan does come on the extreme line. It's a moot point for me because I'm gonna shoot my CZ all year. Maybe next year I'll switch over. I do love the Tanfo!
  18. They haven't already made 2k? Haven't they been out for a while?
  19. Stock 3 could be made to make weight. Nobody can prove it can't make weight with the right parts replaced, so it's legal. Then if it's legal, the Titan hammer is legal.
  20. I know someone who might be selling a lightly used one. All the mods already done.
  21. Someone else mentioned the accushadow. Sorry OP. Yes I think everyone agrees that the SP-01 is GTG in ESP!
  22. states "internal" accuracy work can be done. Not sure if theyd consider the bushing to be external? I think they would. Saying that, read below. ESP Excluded Features and Modifications (Non-Inclusive list): A. Removal of material from the exterior of the slide other than front cocking serrations, tri-top, engraving, carry melts, and high power cuts. I asked if slide cutouts from the factory are legal. They quoted this section. I asked how the Glock 34 is legal. I've gotten now answer. So, it seems like some rules mean different things for different guns.
  23. I feel like we've had this topic here before. I still font think the Accu is legal. The mod is external and not from the factory.
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