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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. If/when the make a .40 on the .45 sized frame it will be a great option, until then it is a L10 or Production gun.
  2. Use your eyes to tell your finger when to pull the trigger.
  3. .125 versus the standard .115
  4. I think the wide rear with the .100 front is a great sight picture.
  5. Im not squeezing down, its riding on the safety... I guess my point was missed. You can't see white under the nail unless you are squeezing to hard generally. The left hand looks loose the right looks tight, should be swaped in tension from what the picture shows in my opinion.
  6. Why are you squeezing down with your strong hand thumb? That might hurt more than it helps as there is no safety to stop it weakening your weakhand grip. Do you see the white under your finger nail? That means pressure. See the white on your stong hand palm. Your weakhand should show more signs of pressure than the right IMO.
  7. I setup up 18 targets (mostly partials and no shoots mixed with steel) at various distances from 10-35 yards no closer than 3 yards together and do one shot on each target and reload and repeat, par time of 20 seconds.
  8. 1050 everything is on the downstroke, that is a huge thing for me. I hate reloading. Getting the RF 100 and KISS are a big plus.
  9. If you like the trigger, go for sights, grip tape, mag release, guide. If you want a shorter pull and reset, fix the trigger. www.xdtalk.com has lots of suggestions for tinkering and mods.
  10. I shoot faster with my open gun than my limited gun, especially far steel and moving, BUT so does everyone else... Since this is a for fun sport, I'm in the shoot what you want camp. Right now I'm shooting Limited because that is where the competition is.
  11. See faster. Transitions and movement are generally where I have folks look for time at that point
  12. Brian is the Encyclopedia de Dillon. I doubt many at Dillon put as much work into understanding how things work together as he does.
  13. The KISS is freakin' AWESOME!!! Got mine today and 35 minuted from the time I opened to box I had 300 rounds loaded. It took me about 10 minuted of that to figure out how to get the bullets to feed right. I had to adjust the plug thing and turn down the power a bit. I got a bit carried away with the speed, as you can load as fast as you can crank the handle.
  14. Just get one. Got mine today and it is frikin' awesome!!! Did I say it is AWESOME!!! I MEAN AWESOME It cranks out the rounds as fast as you can pull the handle.
  15. I agree 1000% with Rich and Chuck. I was D Class shooter for awhile and now some days I'm better than that. Those who say that shooters won't come to the matches if they can't win a trinket don't get it. MOST people I know go to matches because of the quality of the match. Those who think that sponsored shooters have it "made" have absolutely no clue. Their is very little money out there to be made by shooting. Going to a match for the chance of winning a 300-600 top prizes has very little value for the better shooters.
  16. Yep. I generally bring 100 more rounds than the match minimum. Re-shoots happen.
  17. Man, just shut up at go take the class.
  18. We're have a work around for the proposed rules as written today if SA goes for it The BOD is silly for trying to keep people from using good guns. I have 10 regular non-competition shooter customers to every 1 USPSA shooter customer. They can keep their heads in the sand if they want (excpet Bruce G of course, he knows what time it is.)
  19. I used the word tradgedy carefully. I think it is tragic because I think this incident will make folks who have "black guns" look like fanatics in the view of the un-educated masses, with the help of the media morons spreading propaganda.
  20. I hate that the media morons are jumping on the Zumbo tragedy to spread assault rifle propaganda. He doesn't even know what an assault rifle is. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17307316/?GT1=9033 E-Mail here: http://projects.washingtonpost.com/staff/e.../blaine+harden/ If this is not an appropriate hate rant please delete.
  21. Nice post Sharyn! A lot of people think shooters are a bit "off" already, no need to give them more ammo. ps. Is your avitar wearing the SVI bikini?
  22. I seem to shoot best when I do what the sights tell me what to do. In the walk through I'm trying to figure out what sight picture I'll need for each and every shot. If you don't fight for your sight picture in practice, you will have a harder time doing when the buzzer goes off.
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