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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. I think name say it all, hobby, so if you are buying it for hobby use, it should be fine. The thing that I think people over look when buying machines is the machine cost is just a fraction of the investment for machining. Good tools make it easier to do good work quickly, but if you have lots of time and don't need to do precise work, you can get by with very little.
  2. Strong hand only. Actually, in IDPA a LOT of times shooting SO or WO is much faster than the silly shuffle. I don't want to get into the whole if you are shuffling slowly around a corner, you have zero jump on the bad guy, but watching shooters who pie painfully slow around corners just makes me wonder "why"? Stowing the empty mag with one in the pipe makes about as much sense also, but we do it because most everyone would speed load if we didn't have the rule.
  3. For heaven sake if you are going to do random distribution, give the prizes out with registration so you don't waste everyone's time after the match.
  4. If they have a 3.8 or 4.5, try those, the frames are the same.
  5. I pulled out the numbers and it is about a 1 PF difference with 125 and VV320 between the 4.5 and 5.25's we shoot as match guns with the stock barrel. This is statistically irrelevant to me, since I can see that variance within the same barrel length.
  6. Whoops, you are getting 100-110 FPS variance from .75" in pistol with a barrel? That is an increase of power factor of 13. Those are much greater than the variations I get in my XDM's. Recoil wise, they feel about identical to the guys in our shop when set up the same. I can feel a difference in the balance but nothing in the recoil.
  7. A lot of the how "easy" it is depends a lot on how flat the slide sides are to start with. If you have a high quality slide that was surface ground, then the task is less difficult, but if you have a lesser quality part and don't have the tools to make it true, well, bring a lot of elbow grease and patience to the task.
  8. Ahh,,,,that's what I just got last night. I don't care for how short the nub is that goes in the barrel. I'm at work and made a new one out of nylon with the barrel nub about 5/8" long. Will see if its an improvement. You don't need much of a nub in the end, the poly screw will tighten it up once properly adjusted.
  9. Seen Murphy bite a lot of people with holsters that don't cover the muzzle. Personally, I wouldn't run a holster that doesn't cover the end of the barrel in 3 Gun since there are options available that do.
  10. BS, every other sport classifies the pistols correctly together. Name one thing DA about the M&P? You can't because it isn't, and it moves the striker in the same fashion as the XD. The Glock moves it a tad further, but it is not DA either. You can only fire the Glock, M$P and XD/XDM ONE WAY. There is no second hit capability. The guns can not be cocked without moving the slide or de-cocked. They are all SINGLE ACTION striker fired pistols. Well you could always classify it on the basis of what the manufacturer calls it ie "DAO Striker fired pistol", hence it goes in SSP. The Xd series was quoted by Springfield as a SA pistol hence it goes in ESP. No BS just visit the manufacturers website. As an aside the DAO only stems from the fact the striker is not fully set after racking the slide. Pulling the trigger completes it's rearward movement before the striker is released. Incidentally the XD series fully sets the striker prior to pulling the trigger hence the SA designation. Should the definition of SSP Division be reviewed as to what guns are allowed in the Division... I would say yes but currently the rules are what they are. Take Care Bob Bob, Put your finger on the cocked chamber indicator on a XD next time you can and dry fire it. That experience you might want to take another look at what you said. What a companies marketing people say is meaningless. Again, the M&P and XD/XDM triggers are functionally the same and it is ONLY if you believe the Glock marketing people (and IDPA) that there is not enough energy stored to ignite a primer. It is obvious to every sport except IDPA that the Glock, M&P and XD are all striker fired pistols with a single hit capability. Once again where is the DOA in a single hitting striker fired pistol?
  11. Take the slide off and take the striker safety out. Note the location of the trigger bar where it loads the striker to, and pull the striker back, insert a wood dowel (better yet a aluminum rod the correct diameter) and then release the striker. You will see if you can believe Glock marketing for yourself. The ATF classifications are based on what? It is obvious it isn't he mechanics of how they work. If S&W bribed the ATF for a false classification (the trigger sear pivots EXACTLY like the XD) then their blind acceptance of an inaccurate classification by function that goes against all the other action pistol sports makes even less sense for IDPA. As far as your DA ONLY versus a DA/SA, who cares? You can pull the trigger as many times as you want, you don't have to rack the slide to cock the gun. The Glock has no multiple strike ability like your revolver (or a real DA auto.)
  12. BS, every other sport classifies the pistols correctly together. That is what Robert Ray said. I agree that IDPA shouldn't use the ATF's classification, as it makes little/no sense here. They come off as completely incompetent from a technical standpoint not classifying the M&P in the same division as the XD/XDM. It is THEIR sport, they need not rely on some "supposed" ATF classification, no other sport does because ALL the other sports have people who can properly classify like type pistols.
  13. BS, every other sport classifies the pistols correctly together. Name one thing DA about the M&P? You can't because it isn't, and it moves the striker in the same fashion as the XD. The Glock moves it a tad further, but it is not DA either. You can only fire the Glock, M$P and XD/XDM ONE WAY. There is no second hit capability. The guns can not be cocked without moving the slide or de-cocked. They are all SINGLE ACTION striker fired pistols.
  14. I disagree with your request to move all striker fired pistols to ESP. The vast majority of guns in SSP nowadays are striker fired, you'd end up having SSP participation just above revolver instead of at the top of the chart as is now. So, please tell why is the M&P NOT in the same division as the XD/XDM. The reasoning that the Glock is somehow double action is laughable. If you slip the striker without pulling the trigger, it will go bang and anyone can test this, the whole "you cock it when you pull the trigger" is a ridiculous statement IF you know how they work and the energy that is stored in the striker when it is loaded. There is nothing double action about a Glock or M&P. ESP should be based on enhancements (if it exists at all) and not action type, since IDPA doesn't have the technical ability to class guns that work the same together (M&P, Glock, XD/XDM.)
  15. The frames are the same and if no work is done, swapping is fine, but you want to do the safety checks because it is prudent. We've replace a lot of trigger jobs done in way that just swapping uppers wouldn't work. When it is feasible to do so, I'm sure slide assemblies will be available from aftermarket vendors, but these things take some time.
  16. As long as the mods are only on the frame and you know how to do the safety checks. I wouldn't suggest doing it on one that we have done, as we make sure the upper and lower parts match properly unless you swap the upper internals also and know how to do safety and function checks, as these guns do have some variance in them.
  17. PF is not 165 in IDPA, it is 165,000 (not be like another sport, like half the IDPA rules are.) It is a game, it is only a game. In life there are no rules, round restrictions, or power factor requirements.
  18. Put the M&P in ESP with the XD/XDM where it belongs according to their own, um, "logic." Glock isn't double action, so, it goes to ESP also, since the whole "pull the trigger cocks the gun" is pure fantasy. Yea, those won't happen either.
  19. Should be the other way, .5 to .3. This is defensive shooting (by name) and a 1 second -1 will make already slow shooters (in general) slower.
  20. I hope you realize that not everything you see on tv is real. Do you really think a wealthy rancher who is into lever action cowboy guns would get excited about a 40lb .50 cal with a pink spray painted stock? Do you also not think that whole scenario was 100% made up for television? Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the cash came from the TV producers. It could have even been prop cash just for the scene. No doubt that shop is successful, but this show is more scripted than a soap opera. You just crushed my dreams of having a chopper on standby to get hot deals on gun collections that are being liquidated. Not to mention the plentiful bags of cash and precious metals at the ready, and magic Damascus knives that makes people knock 10K off their price to close a deal. Oh well. I am glad my staff actually knows how to do the jobs they are asked to do and I don't have to scold them to get things done right
  21. With the helicopter and stacks of cash and precious metals they haul around, there must be a heck of a lot of rich folks up there. That he appears to be stocking 15K+ revolvers, and he has laid down over 100K in bills for guns, they must be doing something right.
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