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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. The stock sight is .143 ish. We have .100 and .125 fiber optic and .100 target sights from Dawson.
  2. Gallery Where to get it No, this is not a plating, it is a PVD finish. IonBond is the company name, DiamondBLACK is the name of the coating you are looking for. Sorry should have been clear would like a full color change... I want to change my Black STI Edge to a satin silver... This is the color of the IonBond color silver/gray.
  3. Gallery Where to get it No, this is not a plating, it is a PVD finish. IonBond is the company name, DiamondBLACK is the name of the coating you are looking for.
  4. I was referring to the slide not the frame. Lightening is allowed under the rules, shortening the slide is one way to lighten it
  5. Matt, If there is a legal 6" configuration, why can't you just lighten the slide from the muzzle end?
  6. Think how many you might have if you didn't go around swinging dead cats. I don't think it would be a bad idea, but putting on a great match is the best way to get the M/GM's to show up. I know of a match that put a policy in place that the top shooters didn't agree with, and none of last years big division champions will be coming back.
  7. You will get a holster and mag pouches with the gun and are IDPA legal, The Bladetech XD 4", XD 5" holster and XDM holsters (you may need cut out the bottom) all work for the XDM 5.25 9mm.
  8. Yes, you thought correctly. The steel shims epoxied/soldered in place seems popular.
  9. There are two camps it seems, the practical and the legalistic, and neither will agree because they work from a different set of values. The name on the cover of the rulebook is USPSA United States Practical Shooting Association. Shooting through walls is not a practical way to "engage" or "shoot at" targets to me. If you shoot through hardcover, expect to get non scoring hits plus whatever penalties you earned in the eyes of the RM. If you are a shooter and try to bully the staff to get a call that hurts less for doing something improper, just take it instead of whining. I would insist a FTE if I didn't shoot the stage correctly. I doubt NROI will touch this at all.
  10. LOL Tell that to Mark. I'm not about to tell people how to spend their money, as that is not my place. I would say 1000 (or more) to 1 people buy pistols to "just have" and not for shooting regularly. ps. 1911s are super cheap compared to nice double barreled shotguns and safari rifles also. You can spend over 10k just on an engraved stock.
  11. I'll give you my perspective since we coat a lot of custom pistols and I have seen plenty of both. There is custom and then there is "custom." They are not the same, and the custom custom is functional art. Prices are reflective of what the builder can get for his time. No one can tell me a 7k is the same as a 2k pistol. They might shoot similarly, but if you are paying 7K, you aren't buying just function, you are buying the time of the artist building it. I have a friend who makes art from scrap metal as well as bronze. If you are going to have him build you something, you will get great work, and you will pay for it, as many of his pieces go for well over 6 figures and the cost of the material is most likely under 1K.
  12. There should be no need to clean them during a match unless you drop them in the mud. We have testing mags we have never cleaned.
  13. We stipple the high spots and the grip where your weak hand palm rests (and the same on the right side) and it gives you a lot of traction.
  14. Yes, that is not right according to my 3 postage scales and the ones we have in stock. That would be right if they used 2 magazines
  15. If you want big sticker shop, start looking at custom bicycles
  16. The XDM45 is 32 oz not the 9mm, so someone made an error.
  17. You generally get what you pay for, but not always. With a known shop, they have a lot more expenses than a part time builder, but they are more likely to be there down the road also if that is at all important to you.
  18. It seems someone at SA needs to fix their web site. They are both 29 oz +/- .3 oz on my scale.
  19. Nik, Read post 514, you are repeating what I said (again) and are still repeating things I already know. When I see a wall, I see it per It goes to the ground, is impenetrable, and I can't see through it, just like a real wall. You don't have to agree with me, but in a walk through, that is what I do.
  20. PS. With NROI's consensus, I wouldn't issue a FTE at this point. From the start, I think there were greater penalties to be issued, and people asked for examples, by rule and that is what I've tried to do.
  21. Care to quote a rule on that? the is because I know you can not. No where in the rule book does it say you have to be able to see (reality or rules reality) in order to "shoot at" it or engage it. It only says when the shots count for score and when they don't. This is the whole reason that this thread has gone on for so long. We all know what we'd like the book to say or what we think the book says but the reality is that it doesn't say a target must be visible in order to "shoot at" it. Why did the add a definition of disappearing target in the appendix and use the word engagement since there is no penalty associated with FTEing it?
  22. Ok, how am I wrong. I didn't say you had to be able to see it, or there was a penalty, but it does say that is no longer available for engagement. Any shots fired at it would not count for engagement after it stopped moving, even thought the shots happened, and not that the shots would NEED to count for engagement, but those shots happened and could not count for engagement. In the case of mesh, snow fence, or other semi transparent walls, you might even actually be able to see a disappearing target when it was "disappeared". Sort of like a target behind a snow fence, mesh, or partial wall.
  23. Am I wrong? Appendix A3 Disappearing target . . . . . .A target which when activated and after completing its movement is no longer available for engagement.
  24. No we don't or there wouldn't be the debate. No, you can't "shoot at" moving targets for purpose of engagement after they have stopped moving, so it doesn't always mean the same thing.
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