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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. With the G17 you can shoot Amatuer Civilian or Guardian (LE and Fire), Competition and Master Stock. You could also shoot Unlimited with it if you wanted. The 34 is only going to be legal in Unlimited.
  2. Open rules remain unchanged. You can use super long tubes if you want, but can't load any more than 10 into the tube at one time.
  3. All kidding aside, I don't get it. What do you mean about 9? If it's a loaded chamber start, which it normally is, you do get 9 in the gun to start. Now as far as my memory goes, I can only remember the rules about 3 months back so USPSA has had this rule as long as I can remember I'm just glad we got away from the old SOF rule with 22" barrels tubes could only stick out an inch.
  4. Easiest and most correct answer for USPSA will be an email to DNROI@USPSA.org. My take is it's an optic/electric sight. You could use it in Open, or Tactical/Limited. But in Tactical or Limited this would be your only optic sight.
  5. Guys, this thread was started for the USPSA rule changes. USPSA in Limited allows one optic, 1x only. All the other rules stayed the same. You can put as many Iron sights on the gun in addition to that optic as you want. If the folks at the Ozark match decide to use their own rules that's their call and they'll have to answer for themselves. If you're shooting a USPSA match, the rules are posted. You can add iron sights till you're little hearts are content. If you're shooting an IMGA match, or something else you're gonna have to ask them. I personally don't understand the thinking that went into the Ozark matches decision on iron sights, but it's their match, they can do what they want. Since it looks like some confusion has ensued, and will likely continue as more matches adopt 1x optics in Limited, I would suggest if you have a question about a specific rule set, specify it as such, i.e. USPSA, Ozark, SMM3G etc. I'd like to think we could get some consensus on the rules but history suggests otherwise.
  6. 8+1. You can have 8 in the tube and 1 in the chamber, You can't have 9 in the tube at any time after the buzzer or welcome to Open. Same as USPSA has used for as long as I can remember.
  7. That is one of the rules I'm hoping to propose, but it definitely won't be in place for the Nationals this year.
  8. ....well it was an ESTIMATE. That's why they didn't say this is it for sure. I know I'd rather have an estimate that's higher than finding out I need three times more ammo.
  9. There is no capacity limited in Limited, Open or Tactical for the rifle. Beta Mags are legal.
  10. Hit factor scoring, Major/minor, not Time Plus. I'll even send you a PM on it to make sure you're not confused.
  11. Yep, any 1x optic. I'm thinking along the lines of Leupold's Prismatic when I say that. If the optic is or can go higher than 1x it's a no go. Even if you JB Weld the power ring in place. As far as filling to capacity, well that's a problem that IMGA matches have. Not the USPSA stuff. And even if we were filling the Nationals match to capacity, USPSA runs on smaller, local level matches. Area, Sectional and club matches. The rules are designed to be inclusive of the smaller matches and reflect what we hope the majority of folks out there want. I know the vast majority of shooters want to shoot with optics. But there are also shooters that want to shoot with Iron sights. There is a purity factor to consider. The same reason USPSA instituted Single Stack Division. There are shooters who want to compete in a shooting competition, not an equipment buying competition. We just made the change to Limited, why not see how it pans out before changing HM Limited as well? If Limited is a success, if we start getting a significant number of NEW shooters to matches, I'd be all for opening it up to HM Limited, if that's what I hear from the shooters in my area. I don't see dropping HM Tactical though. Folding it into HM Limited with 1x optics would be doing exactly that. I'm not going to tell the shooters who bought a Semi-Auto SG, .40 cal 2011 and a 1-4x scoped .308 that they have to sell off everything but the rifle. What I also won't be doing is listening to 12 person petitions where 75% of the signers don't follow through. That is not directed at you or JJ, you guys said you'd be there and you're giving it your all.
  12. stay calm........what I'm seeing is you are only going to be allowed one sight on your rifle. It's going to be one or the other. The Ozark match says if you do the optic, you can only have one of the irons (front or rear) on your rifle during the match. And there is a good chance these rules will be different from one match to the next. The Ozark match is not a USPSA match, a fact they made very clear when discussing their rules for Limited. USPSA allows one optic, 1x only, in Limited. You can hang as many iron sights on the gun as you want. You can put your one 1x optic anywhere on the rifle. It doesn't matter if you have an Aimpoint on top and 13 different sets of iron sights scattered around on the gun. As long as you don't have any more than one 1x optic you're legal. Tim, you're good.
  13. They're using hit factor scoring just like every other USPSA match. Time plus was added for smaller match last year as an option and expanded this year to all matches, but again only as an option. As far as I know we are not using Time Plus for this match. Major will get the added points. As far as the benefit to shooting major at a time plus match under USPSA it's the same as any IMGA match. You're doing it because it's a requirement of the Division chosen, HM. And because it's still cool to bang away with the big guns.
  14. I say it might be a better idea to wait just a little bit. There should be news coming out soon that will change. Don't go changing yet.
  15. The rule is the same it was just written in what is hopefully a more clear manner. Same rule though, just like always.
  16. It was changed a week or two ago. I'll have to check my email if need be. I noticed that was missing the first time we updated it. I know exactly what I was looking at yesterday when I agreed it was missing, and the format was the same. I screwed up and was looking at the rifle rules. If you saw a different format yesterday, you probably had the old rule set stored in your cache. There is no conspiracy, we just missed it.
  17. Almost huh? So there's that one stage where you have to muck through the swamp 2 miles to get to it? I've got the directions to the Hotel but are there directions somewhere I'm missing to the range? Or registration?
  18. Alright Trapr. We're both smoking something funny. It's clearly posted. I can't get it to copy in the table format but here is the info listed. I think what we were looking at was the Limited Rifle which has no restriction on magazine capacity. I feel like a bit of an idiot for missing that. I knew we corrected it. Division Rule brief Multigun allowances Multigun restrictions Shotgun Limited Shotgun No No Minimum Gauge 20 ga. Action Type Any Compensator/Porting No Optics No Max. number of rounds in magazine 8 Rounds +1 for loaded start
  19. Yep, Shawn Carlock would be my pick in your neck of the woods.
  20. Actually if you read right above that it says, "Multigun Appendix A1 is a brief overview of the rules, not a substitute for the complete rules in the handgun, shotgun and rifle rule books. It also explains the additional restrictions and allowances compared to the HG, R and SG rules." The SG rule book still says 8, it's 8. BTW, it has already been corrected by the BOD, it just apparently hasn't been posted.
  21. Well it appears the club I shot with is independent, and the section coordinator couldn't help. The match director hasn't responded to a few emails. He may have been on vacation or something, I have no idea. Does anyone have any other ideas of how to get this resolved? How about your Area Director. Where are you at?
  22. It's a typo. Supposed to be 8 rounds just like everything else.
  23. Geez Duane, you need to learn to shoot F/A. Come on down to Oregon sometime and I'll take you out with my 18. I can keep them all in the C Zone at 7 yards, weak hand only. I do bursts on a Steel IPSC target at 50 and manage to keep the majority on. Just take practice and a little technique. I would love it if they made this mag in 9mm. Anyone have an idea what length it would end up with an Arredondo +5 or +3?
  24. Nope, hopefully I'll be able to shoot both. But definitely shooting the USPSA match.
  25. Any idea what the traumatic and unfortunate incident the Neeser family had was?
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