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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Give it a week or so. Linda mentioned in the other thread some of the shooters may be listed in accurately, most likely the Limited folks. Looks like there will be plenty in Limited. We'll have to see on the HML.
  2. Not for this match, but I do want to see the Division succeed.
  3. No go for me. I need to shoot TS so I can get my shot at the 3GN match. I don't have a spot because I couldn't get into enough qualifiers this year. Besides if I signed up for HM Pat wouldn't show. Just like he bailed on me at the R&R Multi Gun match. Somebody said he had an excuse for not showing but I'm sure he just saw that I was registered and couldn't get his knees to stop trembling. I'll probably shoot a HM match again, but I'm waiting for my Glock 21 to show up so I have a pistol to shoot. I had fun shooting HM Tact at the R&R match, even if my gun did look goofy with the front sight post spun 90 degrees to the left so I could have a clear field of view for the scope. The funny part was I had several people asking me where to get a side sight, or how I liked it rotated off to the side. I had to tell them I was just too lazy to take the comp off and pull the front sight.
  4. Yep, same old round count for Limited SG, 8 in the tube. The optic can only be on the rifle. I would register for HM Limited if that's what you want to shoot. There will probably be some changes and moving around of folks as we get closer to the match.
  5. I agree. I was going to shoot a different Division but since I'm flying and I want my Tactical gear, looks like that's what it will be.
  6. Among them 7 in Heavy Metal Tactical and 3 in Heavy Metal Limited By weeks end I bet that 3 will be down to 2 You know if we had only one HM division that allowed 1x optics MAYBE we would have 10 competitors! Patrick Maybe, but we also had 12 people that signed a little petition saying they would shoot HM Limited at the MG Nats if we made "X" changes to the rules. Two of those people manned up to sign up, although it sounds like one is swapping to another Division, leaving JJ as the only one who signed that petition as holding his word. Don't get me wrong, I didn't vote for the rule change because of the petition. I did it because I thought that was the right change for the Division. I'd need a lot more that 12 people to sway my opinion. But it just goes to show it's easier to say you'll do something than to actually do it. Now I would imagine some of the issues are with the late notice, or the 3 Gun Nation stuff following the match. But seriously 2 out of 10?
  7. The email I sent was primarily targeted at the financial impact and loss of tourism dollars from out of town match attendees to the community, and the fundamental unfairness of targeting an organization that has been a productive member of the community for decades because a few people complain. Wasn't a long email, probably went in the round file, but at least I said what I wanted to say...well not the cussing and name calling, but the productive part.
  8. The reason USPSA went the way it did, and not that the Ozark or any other non-USPSA match, has to follow us is simple. We wanted to include as many of the new Modern Sporting Rifle owners as possible. The way we did it was a lot simpler and cleaner than trying to define what a single sighting system is. I have seen and sold an awful lot of rifles that have a standard A-Frame front sight but no rear. Is that a sighting system? It's a red-dot and an Iron sight. Besides that we wanted to include all these guys that went out and bought Gee-whiz gear for their guns. Like the Daniel Defense BUIS sight. Not a flip up, just a static rear sight. Or Rock River Arms. They sell most of their guns with a Dominator mount for the EOTech. It incorporates a rear sight into the mount. You can't get away from having the second set of sights there. If I had my new MSR, I'm not going to be stripping parts off for a match. To me the single biggest reason to include red dots in Limited was to create a more inclusive Division/sport.
  9. If you come up to the Portland or Albany GSSF matches you're more than welcome to use my guns.
  10. I think I'll stick to my own guns that I know are reliable and sighted in. Although I shoot with a couple guys that using someone elses guns couldn't hurt. Besides I fly Southwest. I don't pay for anything other than the ticket.
  11. Yeah, Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun and slingshot, or maybe throwing knife?
  12. I replied and asked if I was in the first 100. He sent an Email back right away saying yes I was, but that Jaime guy definitely was not.
  13. Woohoo!! I made it in. And I'm in the first 100. Really looking forward to that match giveaway rifle. It'll look really nice in the safe.
  14. Pretty sure the match is still gonna be hit factor scoring, just like it's always been. Time plus is an option for USPSA matches but I don't think they are going to use it for the Nationals yet.
  15. Then lets leave it to the guys with the guns that don't work to bitch. I'm not hearing that. What I'm hearing is one guy saying he heard from some other guys that a gun didn't work. Then some other guys with a vested interest in blaming someone elses work blamed the most popular Benelli gunsmith in 3 Gun. No one has backed up this claim. No one has posted a picture as to what is wrong. No one has said, here is my gun, this is what is wrong with it. I'm sure if these mysterious guys that somehow managed to get Benny guns that don't run send them back to Benny he'll take care of it. Until then saying that his modification causes the guns to not work is flat incorrect.
  16. I must be missing something. Are you and Kurt talking about the same gun/guy? Because it sounds like Kurt said he swapped carriers on the gun after it came from the Smith. I don't care if you're using the gun and ammo the smith recommended. If you swap parts, don't expect it to run. I trust Kurt's knowledge. If he said the gun had a carrier that didn't come from Benny, I know he knows the difference. If this isn't the case I'd still be looking at what the shooter did to screw the gun up. Whether improper maintanence, lack of lube, improper assembly or what. I have a very hard time believing that Benny's modifications are the root of the problem on that one. There are a couple, two or three, shooters out there that do well enough with his guns that blaming the lightened carrier for the problem is a bit shortsighted.
  17. Pay attention to when you place the next weeks preview. If you're showing one of the two competitors in the elimination challenge as being in next weekends episode, before you show the elimination challenge, people are going to figure things out.
  18. I've had good luck and bad with Benelli's over the years. Some ran great with full power ammo but nothing ran with anything I wanted to use for competition. That is until I picked up a Benny tuned M1Super90. That little sucker chews up everything. I'm still sticking with my Browning though since I'm too dumb to count to 9. As far as spending money on a competition gun from a gunsmith and expecting to run, you're totally right Charles, you should. However if you're gonna spend money with a smith because he knows what he's doing, respect that knowledge. Don't go adding widgets that the smith has no control over and expecting everything will be fine. That's why you pay the guy the big bucks in the first place. That's like bitching because you bought a 4K open gun from someone, then changed out the extractor to an AFTEC without fitting it and all of the sudden it doesn't work.
  19. Why am I not surprised from a guy that uses chickens on fire for his logo. Bad Jim...Baaaaad Jim.
  20. Tried the email address. Wouldn't send for me. Anyone else having luck with it? Got it, there should be an E at the end of Sherburn. correct address is marc.schneider@co.sherburne.mn.us
  21. Think you missed a bit with the Spoiler coverage. I'm still seeing Great Job followed by the name that must not be mentioned.
  22. Iain's a local guy to me and I've shot with him a few times in the last couple months. He did not give a thing away that sneaky son of a gun. I know at the end of the show it said he still hasn't decided what to spend his money on. My suggestion would be sponsoring ME! All kidding aside, it was really interesting to see the show go down. It really wasn't who was the best shooter in a vaccuum. I think nerves and pressure got to more shooters than any other factor. Take Chris and put him on a range all by himself with no pressure and I'm sure he'd remember that a .308 drops at 300 yards. But being that close to 100K everything goes out the window. If you want an example watch video of the 3 Gun Nation final shootoff at the MGM Ironman. That loser completely fell apart at the end. To do well at a competition like this it takes more than shooting ability. It takes focus and the ability to adapt. Iain has both in spades. Congratulations to him. I was just happy to see a 3-Gunner and a USPSA member win.
  23. I'm guessing a mod will chime in sooner or later, but I'm pretty sure calling someone a moron is not going to be acceptable on the forums.
  24. Would that be the gun that he blew up at TCGC during the Section Match. Didn't realize he broke a new one.
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