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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Rob Boudrie is investigating that and it's on the agenda for the BOD meeting in a week and a half. The last time it was looked into it was prohibitively expensive, as Rob has posted on numerous occasions.
  2. Either I'm reading them wrong, always a possibility or there are some serious typos in those stages. Round counts and guns don't match up. One says slug targets to be engaged with pistol. some have rifle listed but nothing in the description. Also how are the BC plates for pistol scored. One hit? Two?
  3. I understand it's an important event. But there isn't a whole lot to be done about it. The contracts are signed. Date is set. As the MD who put his HM match on top of the HM, HO, Trooper and TI match at the Ironman I'm sure you understand sometimes there just isn't the perfect date. That said, I noticed the dates posted are for 5 days. Kind of makes me wonder (and this is complete guess, not BOD approved, not inside info, just a guess) if they are planning to allow RO's and maybe some folks who need to get to the NRA show to shoot on Wed or Wed/Thurs. Again, just a wild guess.
  4. March can be iffy in Vegas, especially if you go a week or two before SMM3G. May is slammed as is October. September could work but we've done that and it's still a push with other events cramming in. You'll likely see the Pro-Am 3G, Ozark 3G and FNH match all trying to cram into the late August-September time frame. The upside is we've got a ton of matches to choose from. The down side is now we have to choose. As far as it being a warm up, I always use the previous match to warm up for the next. No different than saying SMM3G is a warm up for the USPSA MG Nats. And no offense taken. Just trying to get information out there before someone decides USPSA had it out for the Texas MG and was trying to crush them with the awesomeness that is USPSA MG.
  5. The other successful 3 gun matches are the ONLY conflicts that the majority of us willing to travel for 3 gun look at. no way would I personally miss something like Multi gun nationals for a one gun match. That's you. But I know a lot of major three gunners, like Tony Holmes, Bruce Piatt, Jerry Miculek and Mike Voigt, just to name a small few that shoot Bianchi. And I doubt you could talk Bruce into giving up the Bianchi Cup to shoot the MG Nats. The point is no weekend will completely avoid conflicts. You just need to pick one and roll. As the Multi-Gun Forum Mayor you really need to consider the needs of all your constituents, not just yourself.
  6. There are only so many weekends to hold matches. If you look at a calender with the 3Gun schedule, USPSA pistol schedule, IDPA major match schedule, SHOT Show, Bianchi, NRA show schedule, Timmy's birthday... There are at least 60 weekends of stuff out there. Can't really think of a weekend that wouldn't step on something. Choice comes down to your ability to staff the match and how many potential competitors you're going to lose to the other event. In this case, I doubt we'll lose many to the NRA Show, one or two? As far as the Larue match? Maybe a few more, but we also might gain a few who want a warmup before shooting Larue. If I was planning to shoot the Larue, having the USPSA MG Nats the weekend before wouldn't dissaude me one little bit. Wouldn't be the first time I stuffed too much into 10 days. We had some serious issues with staffing the match last month. Some because of staff treatment (compensation, ability to shoot, whatever.) but a big factor from the staff I talked to was it being so close to the Pistol Nationals. Most were still wiped from 10 days of that match, but physically and real job wise. I know they wanted to move it earlier in the year. If you put it in May you have the Single Stack Nationals, Bianchi Cup, CMMG Midwest MG. Early June is the MGM Ironman, Johnson HM match and a host of Area matches. Kind of leaves April, unless you want to run around the Las Vegas desert in July.
  7. I'm not sure if that one factored in or not. I know Mike does try his best to schedule around most other events. Last year we had the pressure to squeeze it in before the WS. I know the original plan was to put it a week earlier but there was a conflict that required the change to the weekend it fell on. The IDPA "World Shoot" was announced at almost the same time we announced Nats. I'm sure it wasn't considered because no one knew about it. USPSA has a number of Nationals and other events it puts on. Lim/Prod Nats, O/L10 Nats (and no I don't know if that is the breakdown, and yes I realized I didn't put Revo it. Just couldnt' remember which one it went with this year. It's not a plot.) Single Stack Nats, MG Nats, and Steel Challenge. On top of that there are 8 Area matches, and a host of other discipline matches, Bianchi, Rocky Mountain, Blue Ridge etc. While we don't necessarily have to schedule around them it's in everyone's interest to do so. There are 35-40 (at least) weekends a year with a level II or higher, or major match for another discipline. Can't speak for Mike since I haven't talked to him about it this year. I know it's always a push trying to get the best weekend for our premier event. Having it in Vegas is great for a variety of reasons, but it also offers a limited window of time when it's fun to be outside. I've been there in January and been hit with a freaking monsoon, and July when it's 115. Neither time do I really want to hang out on the range. And I sure don't want to try and get staff to spend 9 days hanging out on the range in either condition. October is an awsome month in general down there. I'm looking forward to the match.
  8. Yep on the magnet at big matches. Bi metal would probably get you a DQ
  9. Which model Giessele trigger does this use?
  10. Why? No offense to Daniel, but he lost the bout. No doubt on video he didn't knock all the targets over. That's why he back out. Why should Tommy or anyone else have to beat him a second time? Does the video show target being hit? Notice I said target being hit, not stand, base, but target being hit. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk Don't know. Definitely shows it not going over. What's the difference? The rule was for the target to go over. I know Kerry Dematos had at least one or more hits on the target face during the team match without the target going over. But the one I saw for sure was an inch or two over the base plate. As far as Daniel's target I don't know. Sounds like he hit something, but the video I had didn't have enough resolution to see where the target would have been hit. I would love to see Daniel in the final but clearly Tommy intimidated him into making a mistake. Tommy gets the benefit from that error. That's the pressure of the shootoff format. There isn't a second chance. You perform everytime or you're out.
  11. Why? No offense to Daniel, but he lost the bout. No doubt on video he didn't knock all the targets over. That's why he back out. Why should Tommy or anyone else have to beat him a second time?
  12. My Surefire works just fine with my Noveske lower
  13. Some of the billet lowers have huge magwells. Much faster. That said there are compromises. Some of them don't work with coupled magazines, none of them will work with the Arredondo bolt on mag well an frankly, who reloads an AR anymore? There are some empty gun starts that it would be helpful with though. I love the Firebird lowers. Ordered 150 when Jim started making them. Have about 10 left. I've probably built 30 or so. Never a problem. Pins are placed properly, machining is top notch.
  14. In response to your first point about the chrono. I've watched Greg and Ken shoot the guns at Chrono at probably over 20 matches. (and it's probably a lot more than that) I've never seen them hit the wood box the chrono is in. And they always use the same technique for each gun. Not sure what you're talking about when you say they were shooting the wood. If they were you woundn't have got a reading at all because it would have missed the screens inside. Second. As to the comments in bold, I very, very seriously doubt that. Tell you what. I'll send you my receipts for the $50K+ I racked up in expenses last year, you send me a check for that amount and I'll send you the value of all the prizes and "sponsorship" I've received. You have no idea how much many of the guys spend. There are very, very few top level shooters that are sponsored at a level that even covers their full expenses for the year, let alone the cost of practice etc. Maybe 3-4 total? The rest of us are working guys, most who started out as C-D class shooters, spent the money, burned the practice ammo, and put in the time and effort. I don't have any problem with the statement that a B-D class shooter is the backbone of a match because there are more of them. And it would be an awful lame match without them there. But don't try to throw a statement in there that you've spent as much (time, money, relationships, blood) as them. As far as prize "bags" I hate these things. Not just a little but a whole lot. As a competitor, match official, sponsor coordinator, and I've even sponsored a couple matches myself. I can't imagine anything more disrespectful to a sponsors contribution than to put it in an opaque bag and give it away to a random person who probably doesn't need it and will just end up selling it. If you're gonna run a random table fine, but let the person pick what they want and in the order they get randomly drawn. If you're going to run an order of finish match it should be just that. Just like the FNH match, let everyone see the table, no surprises. If a sponsor wants to give away a gun to the guy who finished at 50%, or dead last, fine, easy to do, but don't hide it let everyone know that, not just the one guy lucky enough to stumble randomly into a prize. BTW, as a B class shooter, I'm pretty sure if you had gone to the FN match, you'd have won a gun. They had 107 of them on the table. You'd have been there till the next day getting the paperwork done on it, but you'd have still won a gun.
  15. I'd be interested in an upper, too. I'm curious - what's the difference between the 3G and 3GL? 3GL left hand ejection port. Set up for those among us that are saddled with the burden of left handedness.
  16. Dude, if it's the facial hair how can you ignore Mr. Thumbs and Smiles Travis Gibson? My three picks, Travis Gibson- Dude worked his ass off and came out of nowhere. Plus he runs the MGM Ironman, MGM Junior camp, hauls steel around to the matches I put on and makes the same awesome steel targets. Bennie Cooley- Guy looks like Frankenstein when he walks, probably has more broken bits in him than anyone else I know. And stil manages to kick most guys asses. Plus he's a sportsman. When he DQ'd at Nats, he didn't argue it, he knew it and stopped himself. No bitching and whining. All real man. Pat Kelley- The..eh..elder statesman of three gun? Pat's hilarious. He'd give you the shirt off his back, at least he used to before Benelli made him contractually obligated to wear theirs. I listened to guys this weekend at the 3GN Championship talking about how they wouldn't help another shooter out because they didn't want him to get into the shootoffs over them. Not only did Pat loan out his gear, he loaned it to top 8 finisher Tommy Thacker.
  17. Just like a politician, also trying to make somebody else responsible for the tricky issues. Way to go Mayor!
  18. Could you back that up with the USPSA rule you're talking about? Just curious since it doesn't exist.
  19. Now Kurt I think your a great shooter, great guy and provide a lot of help to people online, but I think your wrong on the statement above. I would have surely thought you'd have remembered each sponsor who donated something to a match you and Trapr put on back in the Spring of THIS year? http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=114641&st=150 Post No. 168, might want to go back and check that thread or the sponsor page from the match you guys put on in OKC... http://www.highplainsshootingchallenge.com/?page_id=23 While it has the NST logo, the fact is Noveske sent product to your match this year. So you really have not SEEN anything this year? Alright if you say so. While not owned by Freedom Group or some other large conglomerate with advertising dollars in the hundreds of thousands, Noveske Rifleworks LLC is a small shop run in a family manner with people who are family to me. They do what they can to support 3 gun and action rifle matches all over the USA and overseas where our troops are stationed. That is a fact. I won't make any apologies for Noveske not being able to support the sport to a level like other companies named in this thread, I would THINK we would all be happy they are doing what they can, by donating what they can when they can to every match they can. But reading some of the posts in this thread makes me really wonder who actually takes notice of who sponsors what and where. So to see people say they don't support the sport in such a blanketed statement as the one quoted above, especially when they donated to your own match, is a bit difficult to comprehend. I'm sure Travis Gibson, Denise Johnson or Dean DeTurk can attest to their supporting some 3 gun this year too since Noveske sponsored the MGM IRONMAN, the RM3G and the 3 man 3 gun championships. Rob and I shoot alot of matches too. Just saying. You can acutally add the last couple matches I ran to that list as well. I know they've sponsored at least a couple Area 1 Pistol matches as well as the 2008 Area 1 MG match. They aren't sending out complete rifles or anything but they did send out a good chunk of shirts, hats and a handful of KX3 flash hiders. I've got one on my 7.5 M16.
  20. Sounds like fun. Just not interested if it's affilitated with 3Gun Nation.
  21. Heard from Jim today. He's planning to post round count by tonight and stages this week. Just got back from being out of the country for a month.
  22. About a year ago I was fondling Rob Romero's rifle with a Gieselle trigger. Not impressed in the least. Lots of travel, no clean break, no interest in it. Picked up a Stag Model 3G at the FNH match. Also with a Gieselle. I don't know which model Romero was running but the one Stag drops in is freaking sweet. Feels every bit as nice as my tuned JP. I really like this rifle. I'm taking it out in the next week or so to see what the accuracy potential looks like. If it's a shooter, Stag really has a winner. For options I'll probably put in a Magpul MOE triggerguard (can't believe it doesn't already have one since it't got a Magpul stock and grip) and maybe the comp. It's got a comp from the factory. Might work, don't know. If the comp and an 8 dollar part are the only changes I need to make on a rifle from the factory, that's pretty awesome.
  23. Talked to one of the Benelli guys this weekend an he recommended this part. Benelli chromed their fire control and if you polish through it you end up with a mess. The Gieselle part is supposed to be hardened all the way through. Should take a much better trigger job and one that will last a lot longer.
  24. I watched the run. Saw the target not go down. I looked over at the two guys I was standing with and asked them if I saw what I thought I saw. They both said it didn't go down. I'm sure both of them are familiar enough with the MGM Recon target to know whether it went down or not. I was the one yelling for Tommy to keep shooting at the end, knowing Daniel faulted. After the run the three RO's gathered up and I thought they were going to call it there. When they didn't I went over, after talking to the two guys I was with and making sure I wasn't seeing things, and told Tommy what I saw. As soon as the next bout was done he went to Pete. This was no more than two or three shooters later. Tommy had no way of knowing unless someone told him since he was busy with his own targets. By the end of the shootoffs Tommy had seen video that clearly showed the target not going over and again addressed Chad and Pete. I told Pete before stepping away that I had seen it and if he needed a living witness I was available. I then stepped away and watched the most disappointing series of events I've ever witnessed in practical shooting. Long story short, Daniel faulted on his run. It's unfortunate. He's an awesome competitor and just got going too quick. It's no different than when Katie or Dianna hit stop plates before finishing the course. They lose. I guess I can't say it's no different, because in this case 3 Gun Nation overlooked the unhit target for one shooter.
  25. No records are kept on that. But there were a lot off of one squad. Everyone else seemed to be about average.
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