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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Let's see an erratically moving target roughly the size of a head. I can't imagine what that would simulate.
  2. OK, so what is the Golden BB. Did it somehow pass through the clay without breaking a piece off? That is two separate pieces. My eyes are normally good enough to see the visible piece. Are you really saying we should somehow interpret the rule to mean that the clay must have a piece at least "x" size break off? Say one square inch? It's interpretations like this that make some people actually want a rulebook that is more widespread than a single MD.
  3. Yes there is a written policy so that the sponsors know what they are getting when they sign up and we make sure we deliver. As far as the chrono, that's a really interesting statement considering the role it played this year. There would very likely have been a different Heavy Optics National Champion if not for the chrono. Two other competitors, at least, in ST also went minor. I think there were probably several other people who did as well. Running a Time Plus match there really isn't a need for a chrono, except for HM maybe. But for a HF scored match there certainly is. Without the chrono, Matt Sweeney would probably be a National Champion and the guy who shot equipment that was compliant with the division would have been left in second. I know Matt didn't intentionally go minor, or even try to get that close to the edge but the bottom line is without the chrono, we would have crowned a National champ who shot Minor in HM.
  4. Nope just a rumor. It was minor PF on the rifle. I talked to stats to make sure I wasn't spreading rumors on this. Three on the AMU, Payne, Halsey and Sweeney all went minor with the rifle (makes sense since they were all shooting the same ammo and load). Horner was shooting 300BLK and made major. The difference with Major scoring was about 2%, actually a little less. Figure the added speed Horner would have had shooting minor rifle and he probably comes out in the hole shooting major rifle. Except of course for the 10K that he won for shooting that caliber.
  5. Maybe that's his way of saying he will pick Area 1 Multigun instead of Iron man since right now they are scheduled to happen about the same time? Just to clear up the Area 1 MG rumor. I have had one range ask me about hosting the A1MG next year. He picked a tentative date and sent out an email to 10 people asking if they would support the venue to hold the range. That email was forwarded out by one of those 10 people and became this rumor. While I'm still hoping they can host the match, I told them it will absolutely not be the first weekend in June. I already MD a match that weekend in Sherwood, and I'm not about to go head to head with the Ironman and A1MG on the same weekend either. I know how that will turn out. And yes, Team High Life, I said 7 because it's hard to watch myself shoot and if I went I'd fully intend to be number 8. Who's gonna beat me, Larry Houck? Seriously? Let's just say this is my daily affirmation, kind of like Travis and Craig's, I just didn't video tape myself in a hotel doing it.
  6. I checked with Stats, Daniel was shooting major rifle. The other three in the AMU, Halsey, Payne and Sweeney all went minor with their rifles. Stats ran the results again with Horner scored minor on the rifle just to see, and the first change in placement came at 27th place. The margin of victory was a lot closer, 99.6 for second place instead of 97.99, but Horner still would have won.
  7. Which Sponsor banners were you talking about Jesse? I don't recall seeing any homemade ones. USPSA will make banners at certain sponsor commitment levels. These were the basic banners that had the sponsor name and something like Gold or Bronze sponsor at the bottom. They're basic, but certainly not homemade. Sponsors could also supply their own banners to be put up. Safariland definitely did this. I remember on one stage the RO was saying something about stopping at the Safariland banner before going downrange. From where I was standing I could see 11 Safariland banners on the stage, basically one on every piece of wall.
  8. So we should break out that steel jacketed, or steel core ammo so the magnets work right?
  9. Why Scott, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm pretty sure I called you a cold geezer, you know cause you're cold as ice. Must have been a bad cell phone connection.
  10. Bummer, there is no way I can make this format next year. Just too much time off to shoot the Division I want. Good luck, I'm sure it'll be a blast but I can't make it. Which one? Trooper or ST? This sucks man! Adios, TG Trooper. Russell has my brain all twisted into thinking this is a fun division to shoot. I just can't afford financially or time off wise at work to shoot the first one and stick around for the weekend. I thought I might be able to squeeze it in if I could shoot the second match. Oh well, there's always 2013.
  11. Oh I found it, but I also figured you'd be using posted rules, not a 15 page Enos thread to run your match. Since I actually read the rules you posted, this is what's in them Magazine capable of holding no more than 30 rounds inserted at any time. Coupled magazines are permitted. Now gramatically I'm not really sure what that sentence means, but but it seems like you still have in the rules no more than 30 in a mag? Thought it might be nice for your shooters who don't troll Enos constantly. You know, those that aren't highly qualified like me.
  12. Bummer, there is no way I can make this format next year. Just too much time off to shoot the Division I want. Good luck, I'm sure it'll be a blast but I can't make it.
  13. Any word on the stages for the 3 Gun Nation match stages? Are they using the FNH rules for that match? And just to confirm, over 30 round mags are legal for both? Couldn't tell from the posted rules.
  14. I think he was shooting the .30 cal AMU cartridge, .30 Action Shooting, .30 Gremlin or whatever they call the thing. What Daniel shot last year when there wasn't 10K on the line from AAC. I know following their squad around there was a lot of un headstamped brass laying around.
  15. Exactly John. It makes very little to no difference at all in the top shooters scores to shoot major. And last I spoke with Daniel, he was considering shooting the 125gr. ballistic tip loads which made minor. Can anyone confirm what he actually shot? No rifle on the stage I worked; article said 155gr, but I heard (from other staff, but not directly from chrono) that he didn't make major at chrono, that major had been expected by DH, and that their ammo man would catch hell. I can't seem to access scores now... 2nd (3rd?) hand info - take it for what it's worth. Best, ac Looking at the results of stage 9 I'm fairly certain he made major. Matt Sweeney, another AMU shooter , was shooting HM but didn't make major. As a result he was bumped to open. He likely would have won the HM match if he had made PF.
  16. I know I'd be a lot more likely to work the match if they let me shoot it ahead of time. From what I've been told, some from the higher ups, and some from Nationals staff. They used to let the RO's shoot the match, including the three gun. But they had them shoot it in one day. Too many of them didn't think it was worth the hassle to haul all their stuff down, shoot one day, then either leave it all in the hotel room or schlep it back and forth. And on top of that, with 12 stages in one day, most shot poorly anyway. Granted, this is coming from current match staff. Doesn't really answer whether allowing RO's a day or two to shoot now would gain us new blood to staff the match. It would increase the cost of the match. This is definitely not a profit making adventure for USPSA. Bringing everyone in a couple days earlier to set up and shoot the match is going to increase cost. I'd easily pay more for this to occur. Certainly worth some extra coin to help out the RO's, but how many feel the same way?
  17. t Not illegal, just needs to be in a safe direction. You can shoot as many extra rounds as you want. 12 stages, even with Time Plus its still going to be a pain unless something dramatically changes, as in shorter stages. We beat the crap out of the RO's at this match. We were short to begin with, and I doubt the long days at this match are going to help draw more staff for next year.
  18. They are supposed to be mailed to the members by Nov 1. Ballots received back by Dec 1 will count.
  19. I was on the stage when Daniel (if you're going to say Tactical Match Winner you might as well use his name because we can all figure it out) burned the SG round. He had the gun off the shoulder and gun sideways when he fired. RO stopped him. Daniel said to the CRO, and he told me a few minutes later, that he knew he had a round left, saw there was a partial clay left and burned the round at it to make sure. RO didn't know what he was seeing and stopped him. Upon later review, it really wasn't a DQ (he was never DQ'd, just stopped). The first shooter you're talking about I just missed doing it, but I talked to several of the guys on his squad about it right after it happened. He just finished a load and fired the round. Might have been burning the last round of shot to get to the slug, but I doubt it. He stopped himself, not the RO. If it was intentional I'm pretty sure he'd have kept going. I saw one other DQ, left handed shooter who was reloading left to right on a stage. RO yelled "Muzzle!" at him three times before stopping him. I talked to another shooter who, on his third reshoot on a stage DQ'd. He dumped his shotgun in the barrel and the charging handle caught on the edge flipping the gun out. Another was drawing his handgun, bobbled the draw, and was trying to stuff his shotgun in the barrel at the same time. Too many things at one time and the gun didn't make it all the way into the barrel before falling out. Talked to another shooter who got distracted by someone else during the ULSC and didn't fully eject the chambered round and fired it when the hammer dropped. I really didn't see any one thing that contributed to the most DQ's. They seemed to be spread out among the stages. Could have been the heat and long days, could have been the technical nature of some of the stages, could have been people going to fast and pushing beyond their capabilities. I do really like JJ's comment about the placement of the dump and staging boxes. I hadn't really thought about it, but there were definitely several points where you were grounding something then immediately transitioning either to a staged gun or drawing the pistol. A little more space would have been beneficial. That said, I really hope USPSA does not do a 12 stage Nationals again. Back when we used to do short little stages, no big deal. Now we're trying to stuff 12 IMGA size stages into a 2 1/2 day time frame. The same time frame that most IMGA matches fill with 9 stages. Add in hit factor scoring which takes longer to score, some targets that required a long walk to reset and the RO's, and most of the shooters were out on the range from sun up to sun down, and after. I know I was leaving the range on Friday and there was still a squad shooting, dang near in the dark (it was full dark 10 minutes after I left). Not fair, not safe. This match ran right to the very wire with trying to cram everything in. As far as the reshoots go, we followed the squad with what I have to believe was the most reshoots of any match I've been to. They said it was over 30 for the squad, and I believe it. Several of their guys turned this into an 18-20 stage match. Some prop malfunctions, some reset failures, one stage that was changed after they shot it. Just bad luck all around. We followed them around the whole weekend and I think we had maybe 5 reshoots our whole squad and I think that's high.
  20. The 170 rule is pretty split. Some matches have gone away from it, but only a couple I'm aware of. I don't have a major problem with keeping that one in place. But I'm only 1/9 of the USPSA votes let alone the input from the rest of the IMGA crew. BTW, thanks for posting that. I already hit them up about getting one for my G18. Might use it for Trooper next year with my Roni stock.
  21. Kind of thought he did. I know the gun I tried using for the Ozark match last year had just come back from Burkett. I think it was one he borrowed for a match and was ordering one.
  22. Well, it's not EXACTLY the way they did it at Rockcastle. They ran both matches at the same time because they had the space and ability to do so. Parma definitely does not. But I actually like this way a lot better. Am's in first, finish up mid day Tuesday, Wed off to reset and give the RO's a bit of breathing room. Then onto the Pro's when the RO's are good and cranky. (Just kidding RO's, and if anyone is reading this is actually Hayden Hixson posting, little bugger got into my account) I like it. Travis, if the Am match fills, and I hope it does, what about doing some Pro Clinics on Tuesday or Wednesday?
  23. The difference is those things are performance related. Drop a magazine, tough, finish the course or go get it. Shoes come off in the Tulsa mud? Shoot barefoot. Eye and ear protection is required for safety. Period. If the shooter stops themselves for protective equipment that was dislodged or not placed, or if the RO does the same it's a reshoot. The word adequate was used to prevent the argument here. It's not up to the RO to determine what level hearing protection needs to be in place. If a shooter starts, and stops with just plugs or just muffs and says he forgot the other, reshoot. I'm a muffs only guy, but I also have ringing in my ear. I really should switch to using both, but I'm too competetive. Rule 1 is safety. If someone needs or wants to wear extra hearing protection it's in our interests to make sure they can. The relatively small number of times this will come up is not worth jeopradizing someone's continued ability to hear. If you've got a shooter that is consistently doing it, say, he always leaves his muffs on his chair shoots the course. If he does well, not a peep. If he blows a couple no-shoots away, or take 15 shots at the 10 yard popper and then all the sudden needs his muffs? Well I'm sure someone will come up with the resolution for that.
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