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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. I already have a 6" lim gun with a Schuemann ribbed barrel and its drilled and tapped for a *thumb rest [generic]*. I'm sure enough the rules are sticking.
  2. Everything what he said . Times like this, I wish I lived in an Area 1 state Had a great time at the 2012 match. I've told Chris I'd be perfectly happy to take Hawaii off his hands!!
  3. The pre-match will be the staff/etc. match. We ran the staff and filled the schedule with folks off the waitlist. Should be 35-45ish staff and the rest will be competitors who want to shoot Wed/Thurs.
  4. Just got word from the RM. 286 in the main match about 110-130 in the pre match.
  5. Just got word from the RM. 286 in the main match about 110-130 in the pre match.
  6. First I've heard about it, and hopefully I'd know. There is confusion about the way the mag pouch rule change was written. It says each must be retained individually in their own pouch. This fulfills that. Each mag has it's own pouch, they are just mounted together. The rule was intended to prohibit the spring loaded mag racks that have a bunch of mags in the same pouch and pushed foward by a spring.
  7. Ken is going to check with his tech guy this morning to see what's going on.
  8. I emailed Ken. I didn't get an email either. He said it was my spam filter. Not sure but he said I was in the match. He's checking for Andy.
  9. You should boycott the match..... That will show em What I could do is ask my AD and the MD of the 2013 Area 4 match to not let anyone from Area 1 register until 3 months after the registration goes live. That might get the point across better than your boycott idea. Andy, do what you gotta do. If you feel the need to try and get Troy to exclude Area 1 members then that's your issue. As far as Area 1 we'll keep doing the same thing we've done for the last several years. At least until some folks from Area 1 tell me to stop doing it. I'm sure there must be a couple of them but I haven't heard from a single one who doesn't think this is OK. As far as squadding, A1 is a 2 1/2 day format this year. Everyone will shoot Fri/Sat/Sun except for staff of course. The only difference in squadding will be whether you shoot AM/PM/early AM or PM/AM/late AM. If someone has a major issue with needing to be on a flight or back to work, let me or the MD know and we'll see what we can do, as always. Andy, out of curiousity, how many Area 1 matches have you been to?
  10. Registration will open on Sept 17 at 6pm MST. Details are on the website at area1championship.com.
  11. I'll drive you but I'm on the AM/PM/AM sched. I think Smitty said you fancy shooters are the opposite. And I don't like you enough to stay on the range the whole day.
  12. I'll drive you but I'm on the AM/PM/AM sched. I think Smitty said you fancy shooters are the opposite. And I don't like you enough to stay on the range the whole day.
  13. Yes, it's one of the best additions to the gun. I could care less about the stock, red dot, or comp. The three biggies are the safety, charge handle and the mag well/release. I use a complete custom gun from R&R and couldn't be happier. The mag well is a huge advantage.
  14. Thanks for the info but everybody may not have PowerPoint available! You may want to PDF them... Sweet Buddha, how 'bout I mimeograph it and send it to all the competitors via pony express!?!??! Just kidding good point, I didn't think about it. Schedule and stages also on the web in PDF. I prefer mine done in light pastels on canvas and hand delivered to me. Get on it, I'm waiting.
  15. Seen lots of chipped extractors on Glocks. I'm betting it's a result of doing a lot of double feed clearance practice at my agency Essentially the same thing, forcing the extractor to do something it wasn't designed to. I would minimize dropping the slide with a round in the chamber as much as possible. There's just no reason to do it.
  16. I'd say go with the 35, but you'll have to check mag length to make sure you are legal. A 140mm mag will normally not make it into the box. (I think) I know you can't get a 140 in with a 2011, but not sure about the Glock dimensions. I wouldn't use the 34 since you'll be at a PF disadvantage and the targets are smaller. The 17 is a good choice as well in Production. I shot mine in 2005 in Ecuador and did fine. If you don't mind the heavier trigger go for it.
  17. I haven't heard about such rule in IPSC rule book and would like to know the rule number if that is actually the case. However it been a popular practice at some large IPSC matches (especially in Europe) when RO crew don't allow any competitors to be on the stage before they're shooting. So, it would be useful to know if US IPSC National match would allow competitors to see the stages day before the main match starts. IPSC Rulebook 8.7.3 No person is permitted to enter or move through a course of fire without the prior approval of a Range Officer assigned to that course of fire, or the Range Master. Violations will incur a warning for the first offense but may be subject to the provisions of Section 10.6 for subsequent offenses. And remember...no sight pictures in IPSC! 8.7.1 Competitors are prohibited from taking a sight picture and/or dry firing prior to the start signal. Violation will result in a warning for the first occurrence and one procedural penalty for each subsequent occurrence in the same match. Competitors may, while pointing their firearm at the ground, adjust electronic sights. That doesn't mean walkthroughs aren't allowed. It means it is at the stage Range Officer or the Rangemaster's discretion. I think I'd rather hear from an actual match official (for this match) on what their decision is. This is the USPSA Rule and walkthroughs are commonly allowed 8.7.3 No person is permitted to enter or move through a course of fire without the prior approval of a Range Officer assigned to that course of fire or the Range Master.
  18. M1 Clone? What am I missing? I've heard the Benelli trigger group works in there, but the operating system is completely different than the M1. Now if you said it's an M4 clone, that I'd believe. M4 came from the M1 it's all inertia driven stuff. Remington is just trying to improve a great system. OK, from my looking at the Versamax and M4 it looked like they were both operated, at least in part, by gas. They have little pistons under the barrel. Definitely not there on my M1 which has no gas ports at all. Seems like a pretty major difference to me, but what do I know.
  19. M1 Clone? What am I missing? I've heard the Benelli trigger group works in there, but the operating system is completely different than the M1. Now if you said it's an M4 clone, that I'd believe.
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