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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. He-Man or Heavy Metal started in IMGA Multi Gun matches. The rules basically say, .30 cal rifle, and normally a .45 pistol with reduced (8 or 10) round mags, and a 12 ga shotgun. Some matches say pump only, others allow autos. USPSA adopted this as a Category for Multi Gun matches. This allows the match organizers to recognize Heavy Metal, Limited (most common) but they can also have Heavy Metal Open or Tactical depending on interest.
  2. Get ahold of Burkett and see if he has any of his JPoint mounts available. They mount on the upper rail and offset a little to the right. Seemed really quick when I looked at it at the MGM. It's also less likely to get beat to snot then an electronic sight on the forend. Especially with the grounding boxes/tubes/corners or whatever being used more frequently for hot grounding. I would NOT mount a JPoint on the handguard just for that reason.
  3. I think Bob's question with the .308 or larger may have been directed at some of the more odd ball wildcat cartridges. Are you saying must be larger than .30 cal and more than 51mm cartridge length? No .338 Whisper, .300 WSSM, etc? Although I could be totally off base and Bob could be thinking something totally different.
  4. Any way to tell who shot Iron and who shot Scoped on the tactical side?
  5. Yep, that would seem to be the rule. Not real sure why, but I'm sure they don't need to worry about not filling the match either.
  6. This is a pretty common complaint with people using belts that aren't stiff enough. On a leather belt or some other "gun" belts they will rotate up and away. I find this happens alot with my regular belts. Through it on a CR Speed and the problem goes completely away. CMZNEB, before you give up on Blade Tech you might want to look at the company you're ordering it from first. What kind of gun are you looking for it to fit. There are a bunch of vendors that have several of the common varieties in stock. Ghostholster, link listed above, even has several listed.
  7. Well you're in luck. Superstition Mtn just announced the new Heavy Metal rules. .40 cal or larger, 165 PF, and no polymer framed guns. Goodbye Glock, hello single stack 1911. Although I would imagine the folks with Caspian and Para-Ordnance limited guns are pretty happy with it.
  8. I didn't see mention of anything other than one match on the calender. It's also a done deal anyway. Looks like that Pan Am will be in Guayaquil in 2009 in conjunction with the first 3-Gun world shoot.
  9. I've never understood why anyone would spend that much on a complete rifle from JP. I've got two rifles with DPMS lowers and JP-15 Uppers. I've got less money into each rifle with optics than a CTR without. Both will hold less than 1/2 inch with the right ammo. I just don't see any reason to spend the extra money, other than they are really pretty.
  10. I have no idea why you guys would exclude Glocks from Heavy Metal. Which the rules now specifically do. The guy I normally travel with bought a Glock 37 after having malfunction at last years match to shoot Heavy Metal with. I guess I'll have to tell him that his gun is no longer allowed. I'm sorry to see Heavy Metal rules changing between matches instead of getting closer to each other. I do have to say that I'm glad to see that the dates for the match changed. It'll be nice to not deal with the boneheads on bikes.
  11. I would love to see the Pan Am's in the USA. I also wouldn't mind going back to Ecuador or going to Brazil for the first time (although the flights would have to be a bit cheaper than the $4000.00 the AMU was looking at having to pay). I think that USSA in Tulsa would be a great range to host something like this. I know the owner, Tom Fee is interested in holding major matches there. This seems like it would be right up his alley. However like Flex said, this was the first I heard that the GA was voting on the location. I don't know if Tom was aware either. It's a shame because I imagine he could do a great job.
  12. I wouldn't exactly say I was pissing and moaning Yamil. The milling of the slide is an external modification as well. One that is specifically approved in the rules.
  13. Yes or a doublestack or anything else as long as no more than 10 in the mag to start. I've seen guys use STI widebodies and Glocks in .45 and .45 GAP.
  14. I use the Glock armorer approved method of hooking the front sight on the edge of the work bench and then whacking the muzzle end of the slide with my palm --- works every time.... I also use this method with Glock's factory staked night sights. The only way to get them off.
  15. Just send Danny at Atlanta Arms an Email. He's been great about answering mine. I just got 3K of his .40 ammo but it's the major load. The PF's that he gave me on everything has been dead on. Danny's email is the one listed on the website.
  16. My guess is he's probably concerned about the IPSC rule against multiple sight pictures. By racking the slide in the holster there's no question that he's not sighting as he's racking. This allows him to take the sight picture and dry fire without any question of multiple sight pictures. I don't see it as an issue.
  17. This is pretty common at IMGA rules matches. Tactical is one class. Iron and Optic are given their own 100% on rifle stages and then the scores are folded together for a Tactical Champion. I haven't taken a close look at the results this year but I'd be willing to bet that the Iron guys did pretty well for themselves as a result. Typically there's a Kurt Miller or a Kelly Neal or a Ted Puente shooting Irons which makes the division pretty close to Optics. These guys are incredible Iron shooters with times that are as good or better than Optics shooters on a lot of stages. This one I'll be curious to see how that worked out.
  18. I think a lot of it depends on the size of the match as well. At the club matches I use we all chip in as RO's and may have as many as 30 different people as RO's on the same stage. If everyone's not on the same sheet of music someone gets screwed. It's better to have it in the WSB. That said, I've also shot major matches where things were enforced that weren't in the WSB. My first Nationals in 2001 there was a stage that said gun starts on table. I had my mag well modified previously to allow my gun to start standing up vertically, speeding up table draws. I had a very short argument with the CRO that since it wasn't specified that I couldn't do it, that I could. It was very short because it was like arguing with a 2x4. The whole response was, that's how everyone else did, that's how you're gonna do it.
  19. Do you have Marc's contact info? There are a couple of phone numbers on the website but I'm not sure which is his. Thanks, Chuck
  20. I've shipped a bunch of guns recently. The most I paid was $65.00 from OR to GA and OR to AZ. Most of the S&W 22A's that I shipped to WA, ID and MT (Should be similar weight and distance) were about $35.00. I'd check the UPS site and see if you can get a quote. Or call UPS. I can't imagine that $86.00 is reasonable. That said, $90.00 for three years of an FFL sounds pretty reasonable doesn't it. I figure I've saved 600-800 in shipping charges since I've had mine.
  21. Looking at the IDPA rules they seem pretty similar to what we have now. The only differences I noted was no steel or tungsten guide rods unless it came with one and that you can do trigger jobs (specifically listed instead of inferred from USPSA). There are still problems with clarity and it wouldn't solve anything by switching over to those rules.
  22. I haven't shot this in the past and I'll be danged if I can tell from the application or the posted info. Is this team only? Individual? Just checking also, USPSA Tactical or any variation is not recognized? So if I bring my duty rifle with CQ/T I have to shoot Open? Also just FYI, if I do go, you're not getting my date of birth on an entry form. ID theft and all.
  23. There are a couple threads on here about the DOH holster. If you're seeing the holster move, it's not on a proper belt. The DOH has more than enough speed for anything in IPSC. (Best times are about .70 on the draw for me) If you put the DOH on the CR Speed belt, with the propper size belt plate, that puppy will not move. The problem with race holsters is getting the grip on the gun without knocking the dang thing out. I've used a bunch with my Glock and SV. Had issues with all of them but the DOH.
  24. First things first. Get new sights. Glock factory sights are horrible and the adjustables that come on the 35 are even worse. My preference would be the Warren/Sevigny sights. Second would be the Heine sights. Second would be a CR Speed belt and one mag pouch if you're gonna play limited, three for L-10. Regardless of what division you're going to shoot you're gonna need mag pads for your mags if you keep the magwell. It's always frustrating to see shooters put a magwell on and then used standard length mags. They can never seem to figure out why they have problems seating the mag. If you're not gonna get pads, get rid of the magwell. BTW, my preference in pads would be the Dawson over the Arredondo or the Taylor. The Taylor and the Arredondo both requires tools to take apart. The Dawson does not. I've also had much better luck with the Dawson. I keep having malfunctions with the Arredondo and it's been relegated to a training mag. The holster you have is perfect for anything. You won't be at any disadvantage with it. As far as the trigger goes. There a lot of things that can be done a lot cheaper than a Vanek. Mainly because of the cost of shipping the gun to him. For the bullets, I know lead is cheaper than jacketed but I hate lead bullets. They smoke way too much, including MasterBlasters. I shoot with a guy and his son that both use lead and I always joke that I'm going to arrest him for child abuse. It sounds like you've spent a fair amount of time on the range. Shooting lead bullets will increase the amount of lead in your system which is bad. If you stick to jacketed bullets you can sell that KKM bbl also and pay for the difference.
  25. I'll definitely agree with the on time status. I can't believe how well some of these stages are running. We had a target break on Stage 2 after our first shooter. We still ended up finishing the stage only about 10 minutes late after a 40 minute delay. The match staff is doing a great job. They had a couple RO's that had to leave yesterday due to a family emergency and still everything is running on time or ahead of schedule. For those folks that haven't been to Whittington before, it's worth the trip just for the scenery. The club and setting is just beautiful. It's set up against the mountains and using mostly natural terrain. There's wildlife everywhere. We've seen probably 200 antelope, deer and wild turkey all over the place. The RO on Stage 2 was telling us that in the morning they had a deer run across the stage. About 30 yds behind was a mountain lion chasing it. Not something you're gonna see at most three gun matches.
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