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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Classification is really not that big of a deal. A lot of IPSC competitors aren't even classified. I think it was about an even split at the World Shoot between classified and unclassified. As to why USPSA can't be used, it's a different classification system. I know they don't have GM and I don't think they have M class either.
  2. Actually my answer was with regard to a post suggesting that the penatly should be a procedural and the number should vary based on advantage gained. So it was relevant to that post. Sorry if you didn't get that.
  3. OK. ESP tells me it's an advantage. In this case, you're not talking about someone that has 11 rounds total in the gun, all in the magazine, you're talking about someone with 12 rounds in the gun. The advantage is clear. Lee What advantage. Say he only fired 8 shots. Start a stage with 8 6" plates downrange and I would love to have 12 in the gun to start. If I get them all in 8 I still broke the rules. The problem is that reasonable people can disagree as to whether an advantage was gained. If that's the case then it is a bad rule.
  4. The penalty for the infraction is appropriate in that you have to change divisions. It would be more appropriate if they changed you to the actual division that you ended up shooting, i.e. Limited, in this case, but that creates a lot of headaches. As far as the idea of deciding whether or not an advantage is gained. Personally I hate that. I hate trying to decide whether some shooter gained a bit of ground or not. What about the shooter that knowingly loads 11 to build in a buffer. Now he shoots faster knowing he has an extra round but doesn't need it? Didn't use it but gained an advantage. Try using ESP to figure that one out. IPSC right now is considering a rule where mags are checked against the factory listed spec. If they're one over you're okay. If they're two over you're DQ'd. And this is how many an RO can cram in, not whether they work or not. That's assinine. I've had to DQ new shooters and I've had to send some to Open for equipment violations. I've also had to DQ a whole slew of my friends for safety violations, etc. It's not fun but the way you do it has a huge impact on how the shooter perceives it. If you do it with a great big grin like I've seen some RO's do, new shooter or not, you're gonna piss someone off. If you explain the rule, what happened and what's going to happen, 9 times out of 10 the shooter will understand. If a shooter doesn't understand that by not complying with the rules, there are consequences, maybe it's time he grew up. Most 3rd graders understand this.
  5. Sorry about that, still waiting to get the gun back from the smith. It's currently at Pinnacle waiting for conversion. No word yet.
  6. Right...like IDPA. Sure...that is how the scoring of the stage points are awarded, but that isn't the same as setting the hit factor. Hit factor is a ratio of points per second. Which is the same exact thing as a ratio of seconds per point. [if anybody really cares, I'll type out the explanations...] I didn't realize that IDPA was running three gun matches, what this thread is about. I don't really understand your point on the second half. Did I say anything about a hit factor? I'm talking about stages points which is how the match is scored at the end.
  7. Not sure about the Ceiner mags but the AA mags are dirt cheap. I think they're only $25.00 retail and cheaper if you know someone with an FFL that can order for you. I think when I talked to the guy they are proprietary. I was trying to talk him into making a high cap. But he lives in CA so that's not going to happen.
  8. Keep in mind there are two time based scoring methods. Straight time plus penalty scoring is just that. Your total time plus any penalties. I don't actually know of any big matches using this method of scoring. Most of the big matches use time/plus then use the top time to set a high factor for the stage and everyone else is a percentage of him. Time plus is really screwy and the stages either have to be very close or one stage can completely outweigh the rest. I shoot a local rifle match that scores this way and it's really annoying. The other goofy way is based on your placement. 4 stages, 1st on each and you have 4 points. Lowest wins. You can be 1st on three by 30 seconds total then bobble on stage 4 and come in 8th and lose the match big.
  9. Anybody have any info on Rio Salado's match? Dates, anything at all?
  10. Just for trying to make the team. Everyone else has to hope for a spot on the waiting list. Assuming they do it like Ecuador.
  11. Actually that's not right. Most, if not all, IMGA matches use time plus but convert that to a percentage. For example, your 30 second stage would be worth 100points and the percentage would be based off the best time. In this case assuming 30 seconds was the best time that shooter would receive 100 point and the shooter with 32 would receive 93.75 points for the stage. The shooter on the 6 second El Prez would do a lot better on that stage. The winner would also receive 100 points but the next shooter down two seconds would only recieve 75 points. The down side to this type scoring, at least in my mind, is the stages aren't close. One shooter can shoot a much lower overall time with the same hits and still finish worse. Just doesn't seem right.
  12. And I have no doubt that those few remaining open spots will fill long before the match as well.
  13. So far it sounds like everyone got in. Does anyone know anyone who didn't get in?
  14. Yippeee. I'm in. Got the email from Barb this afternoon.
  15. Caspian also sells cut down frames for about $20.00 a piece. Perfect for checkering practice.
  16. Derek at Millenium Custom is selling the dead ringer of that mount. A buddy just bought a Millenium Custom with that mount. Said it was a pain to sight in but once it's there it rocks.
  17. I've been working with one of these holsters for a couple weeks now. While it is in the Injection Molded line I think it is made of a different material. The holster itself is very slick, both inside and out. The gun comes out beautifully. It's also designed to be used with the DOH/Stingray belt set up which is a cool change.
  18. I use a Glock 9mm for all three gun, even USPSA. It's a little disadvantage from a points standpoint. But you can get three more rounds in the magazine. Sometimes not a biggie, but I won one of the pistol only stages at the 05 MG Nationals with my 17. It was a 24 round field course with no where to really reload. I had 24 in the gun to start and it worked great. The three extra rounds gave some added flexibility. As far as IMGA the 34 is perfect.
  19. FWIW, we had problems with both DPMS and Bushmaster rifles at my dept. The Bushmaster the carrier keys came loose and the guns went full auto when they weren't supposed to. The one DPMS that was used on duty malfunctioned after the first shot on an active shooter and was not able to be cleared before the next guy took the shot. The DPMS had worked great with the FMJ practice ammo, still does, but did not like the HP duty ammo. (lesson learned to test duty ammo). As far as sponsorship, DPMS blows any other standard level AR manufacturer out of the water (That description does not include JP and possibly now Sabre Defence Industries). That said Bushmaster did sponsor the Area 1 Pistol Championship last year. Admittedly it was about 7% of what DPMS sponsored but they did get something to us. If I were you I'd also take a look at Rock River Arms. Their stuff is a little more expensive (not much) but you get a 2 stage match trigger and a 1 MOA guarantee. I've sold 7-8 RRA rifles and everyone has been flawless.
  20. I would take a long look at Rock River Arms. An Entry Tactical will give you just about everything you need for a work rifle out of the box, and a heck of a lot cheaper than most of these selections. Figure out what you want optic wise. I use a CQ/T on my work rifle and competition rifles. The 3x comes in handy when doing IP work or moving up to the scene for intel. The 1x is what I keep it set at when it's in the rack. Quick to deploy, if the batteries die no biggie. I also mount my SureFire M962 on the side of the CQ/T which bring the balance of the rifle back over the grip. If you want an EOTech or Aimpoint RRA make mounts with fixed iron sights that allow you to see them through the scope. You get your BUIS included with the gun. The JP is a great rifle. I've got two now and plan to add a third. You will not go wrong with one. But there are some other things I'd rather buy before a rifle that expensive. As far as Colt and Bushmaster. I'd avoid them. We've had really scattered results with both. The Colt's have had some accuracy problems. Primarily due to the 30 lb gravel filled trigger. The Bushmasters had several carrier keys loosen up and 3-4 that went full auto, when they weren't supposed to.
  21. But why all the wringing of hands and banging of heads at the wailing wall by shooters who aren't even remotely affected? Seems to me the loudest and most persistent critics of IPSC are those who never have -- and probably never will -- shoot Production internationally! This is like me complaining about the price of fish in Uganda! If the Shadow is the best thing since sliced bread, why isn't everyone kicking down John Amidon's door to get it on the USPSA list? Same thing for the Tanfolio etc. Okay, how about those folks planning to shoot IPSC matches in the US? I shot International IPSC last year. I'm shooting at least four IPSC matches next year and I'm planning to shoot on in 2008 as well. I've got an SP-01 that I'm tinkering with and considering switching to. It's technically not an SP-01 but almost all the features are the same. I'm complaining.
  22. I bought a set of MSA Supreme ear muffs this summer from MLE Shooting Sports. They had been the best set of muffs that I had ever used. Up until Area 2. About midway through they stopped working. Tried switching out the batteries but to no avail. A couple weeks after I got back I finally got around to calling MSA to get a replacement set. I expected to have to get an RMA, send them back and be without muffs for a month or so. Instead MSA emailed a return shipping label to send the old ones back and I had a brand new set sent out as a replacement. They arrived no later than 5 days after the call. This by itself would set MSA above and beyond in my opinion, but it gets better. Sometime after I got home from Area 2 my muffs seemed to have sprouted legs and wandered away. I email MSA to let them know I couldn't find the old set and that I could send the new ones back or buy the new pair. I just got an email back from MSA saying not to worry. If I find them, ship them back but to keep the new ones. This is above and beyond customer service. I bought the muffs from a distributor and never registered them. For all they know I could be lying and just trying to get free muffs (please don't do this). I will definitely be doing business with MSA again. They're top notch in my book.
  23. The point I was making was directed at Kelly Neal. That guy pushes his FAL just about as fast as anyone can run an AR. I didn't notice a free float tube on his gun. I would be surprised if the 556 used a different thread pitch than the AR so all the muzzle breaks should work. The questions would be accuracy and trigger work. Beyond that there is nothing that would preclude it from working.
  24. No doubt about it. On the CZUSA website the SP01 is listed at $595 and the Shadow is listed at $850. That's a 43% increase is price just for a different hammer and different sights! @stefano - dude, are you serious? The TSC is a race gun with a double action trigger! The TSC is nothing more than a heavy dust cover Tanfoglio. The same as the SP-01 is a heavy dustcover CZ. The features found on the TSC, minus the magwell, which Tanfoglio already tried to deal with, are available on lots of other Production legal guns. The fact that IPSC has decided to not allow the Shadow is ridiculous. The features of the gun are legal on other legal models. I have an SP-01, marked that way on the gun, but it was marked in pencil "Shadow" on the box. Is it a legal gun or not? All the features are legal, just the name is not. How is IPSC going to police this exactly anyway? My gun has everything to make it a Shadow, just not the name.
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