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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Tiny Warrior

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Everything posted by Tiny Warrior

  1. Hmmm...I've seen bigger...err...more
  2. Because of snow, we're out snowmobiling today!
  3. lol...yeah, the avatar was my Doberman. This little guy is a Doberman on the inside! haha...I felt bad & was surprised he was like that! But out of the 2 dogs here, they wanted to play with Gordy the most!
  4. Save the $$. A little at a time & it will add up. You'll appreciate it more too after saving up for it.
  5. "Even if its just a dog" news anchor says Dogs are special...I like mine more than I like some people.
  6. I disagree....maybe if she actually sang. Hopefully next year they'll get a band/artist that sings. (sarcasm)
  7. Right on. Yummy food/snacks being consumed while watching the game here too!
  8. Haha....that doesn't surprise me. Gordy definitely gets his kid-fix when they're over. He loves playing with them.
  9. He's our little security guard always on duty. Watch out when the UPS truck comes down the driveway....that's one of his best friends! Must be the cookies they give out.
  10. Our little guy Gordy celebrates his 2nd birthday today. Made him a cake from scratch, all done up with a candle on top
  11. One of those would be reaaaaaaaaaaally good right now....
  12. Subaru came to my mind while I was reading your post. It was my second vehicle of choice when I was in the market a few yrs back.
  13. One of the hardest things to do. Sorry for the loss of your friend
  14. Who builds the most reliable 9mm open? I could tell you my answer, but I'd be biased And would you change to 38 s/sc if you could do it over again? No.
  15. I haven't been pond skating in years. So much fun!
  16. We've been watching it since the beginning...absolutely love the show.
  17. LMAO..... I've learned that anything I leave within reaching range of the dogs, is free game. Doesn't always apply to food either. Last week it was my paycheque that was victim. Hilarious pic OP.
  18. Maybe you should take this time now that you're without your comp to address these issues.....
  19. That's an understatement! I've got a pedometer (for use aside from this show) & it's saying 13869 steps, 5.89 miles....and its only 5:15pm here.
  20. Saw this (from a newspaper article on the net)....thought of this thread. Pretty bad when papers mess up.
  21. Well, I don't know anything about the smoking part as I've never had a smoke in my life, so I'll let others tell you how hard/easy that will be. I'm trying to make a change in my own life with eating better (I've had a couple cheats already), and exercising to make this body healthier. Unlike quitting smoking, it's costing me a bit more money, but whatever. It makes me happy Hope you can laugh about this later & wonder why you didn't do it years ago.....as I sometimes do.
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