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Everything posted by MemphisMechanic

  1. @ThomasH If we discount confusing “clarifications” and the like, in the world of Common Sense rules? Someone nearly clearing the gun, seeing a mike, and delibrately sending the round in the chamber into it with a sighted shot ? Intentional, no DQ. Someone sending a round off the bermyards from the nearest A-zone while extracting the magazine from the gun with their finger unknowingly on the trigger? DQ. In between these two crystal clear examples there’s plenty of gray area. And in that area, unless you’re 100% certain the gun was negligently discharged? Benefit of the doubt goes to the shooter so you don’t go DQing people for what they were probably doing. RO’s exist to keep people safe and the sport fair. Not to hunt for any possible reason to penalize competitors, until all fun has been leeched from the sport.
  2. Who said anything about DQing someome for hurting their score? I just think it’s often a poor ability to do math, unless you have forgotten an entire target array.
  3. @Bluescholar I haven’t. But I also don’t hammer my mags into the gun and I have not shot it with the extended mags a ton. It sees far more use in Production.
  4. Almost like the same guy started both threads. Huh.
  5. I go to matches in search of the best possible score.
  6. Oops. You’re right. It didn’t used to be legal. Currently you can stipple here - although carving the finger grooves off is still a no-go:
  7. Modifications to the frame are not legal in Production - you can’t even stipple the frame _without_ modifying it’s shape in any way. Your 80% lower isn’t on the Production list, so that is out as well. If you want a more vertical grip angle, I’d take a look at a platform like the Walther Q5 or M&P. I shoot a ruger 22/45 in steel challenge and find the Q5’s sights just come out of the holster lined up perfectly, even after shootig rimfire for a while. I’ve run Glock, M&P, and Tanfoglio in USPSA and I find my Walther points more naturally than even a 1911. (The alternate options are to modify the grip on you Glock and shoot Limited minor, or stick with the reshaping that’s permitted in Carry Optics and install an optic.)
  8. You’re saying that you gun gets sighted in at 25 yards, and is shooting dead center... but it then shoots quite a bit high at 10 yards? What kind of gun, what kind of load, and how long have you been shooting the sport and what is your current USPSA classification?
  9. But even that, no offense, is usually seen only from novices who don’t understand hit factor scoring. It’s almost never worth making that mike up 4 seconds later.
  10. Some guys really prefer the balance and sight radius of the longslide with short dust cover, and the Lim Pro is IDPA legal.
  11. Correct. Tanfos are Eurpoean. The 9mm cartridge is German in origin. We all know these things. But whenever someome complains about their Tanfo, someone inevitably says “that doesn’t make sense! SAAMI specification for max OAL in 9mm is 1.169. Why the defective chambers?” SAAMI is an American organization: http://saami.org/who_we_are/index.cfm Look at the member companies. Quite a few foreign gunmakers are absent. Hmm. Tanfos shoot NATO spec ammo and the short FMJ ball rounds that are prevalent in Eurpoe just fine. That’s what they were designed for.
  12. Look into changed to a truncated-cone mold for your 124s... In the same short-chambered M&P an Acme 124gr RN coated needed to be under 1.110”. (I was loading the bullet on the left) I could load the Black Bullets 125 TC at 1.150” in the exact same barrel: Profile matters. A lot. It’s all about the ogive in shorter chambers. And I’ll bet the MPX has a hardened barrel, not chrome lined like an AR15. You cannot ream the chamber on an M&P or XD or Glock for this same reason: they’re hard enough to chew up reamers.
  13. Beat the rest of the gun up until it all blends in. Shiny guns aren’t interesting. The well used tools are.
  14. Because good IDPA guys still aren’t very good shooters. There’s not that much difference betweem 124s and 147s, and a lot of guys figure out that the like the quicker slide cycling of the 124. (For perspective, I have three “____ State Championship 1st Place SSP Master” plaques on my wall... after which I found myself at the bottom of B-class when I switched to USPSA.)
  15. If needed, you could obviously shave additional weight by switching back to wood grips.
  16. Congratulations! B is rough. It took me a long time to get out of B too. I feel your pain! The main advantage once you DO get up into A? GM classifiers count, when you get things right. The C-class ones that come from messing up just a little, that currently slaughter your percentage? They’re too low to matter.
  17. Of course not. We’re in agreement, you didn’t need the additional 3 paragraphs. I posted an initial suggestion on how to begin to learn to reprogram such a huge shooting fundamental, and that’s what I had stuck to discussing. I fully agree that once you have learned to make a firmer grip your “new normal” as people like to say, it’s time to roll it into some bill drills or a 2-reload-2. Then work it into an El Prez or similar, and finally into everything else. You’ve rebuilt your grip as a GM several times, Jake. How did you do it?
  18. The plated bullet may pick up a few FPS over the harder jacketed XTP, but if you load to the minimum for jacketed you’ll still be well within the safe range for a plated bullet.
  19. Right. Limited-10 is their division of choice.
  20. Already fixed it, but thanks. Does this Trojan company manufucature PCCs?
  21. 1. See target 2. Realize you need to take two steps backward in order to engage a target. 3. Do so. 4. Be a responsible gun owner. “In a real life confrontiation...” (You just had to go there, didn’t you?) You’re arguing thay being aware of where you’re pointing your gun under stress isn’t a valuable skill to acquire? Whether you’re working within 180 or 360 degrees, I’d still rather you didn’t sweep your gun across my abdomen in the process of engaging a horde of mall-hating terrorists.
  22. You just described the exact reasons and situation which caused me to decide that isolating “increased grip pressure training” was a good idea. And every time I stop shooting frequently, shot calling and grip technique / consistently are the first things to go...
  23. HP bullets often need to be loaded considerably shorter: the squarish profile means the shoulder of the bullet is effectively much further forward than a long, pointy bullet like the 124 on the left. Switch to the extremely pointy 124gr Xtreme FMJ and I believe you’ll find you can load your ammo considerably longer. Just ditch the hollowpoints
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