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Everything posted by HuskySig

  1. I welcome the scrutinizing as I've got nothing to hide. I've got one .40S&W P229 that I haven't touched in years. Everything else is 9mm from the factory. I'll be sure to start bringing my papers.
  2. For the observant RO, a Barsto barrel is pretty easy to spot. The Barsto is polished versus the blued or Nitron coated factory Sig barrel. The large roll mark along the side that read Barsto is also a dead giveaway. Now if someone showed up to a match with a .40S&W P226 that had a factory 9mm conversion barrel, what would cause the RO to be suspicious? There are no external clues to hint at the change. Guilty until proven innocent. I like it!
  3. I am sorry to hear this. In my book, knowing the rules and yet refusing to abide by them is cheating. In this case, I call it not throwing money away.
  4. The most evident way to determine if it is a conversion barrel is by comparing the thickness of the barrel's wall. What? How does barrel wall thickness relate back to identifying the factory barrel? Factory Sig P226 barrels all look the same, aside from the caliber stamp on the right hand side. As I posted earlier, there are no markings on a P226 frame or slide that would indicate caliber. Unlike Glock, which stamps model number on the slide. Then you have a definitive identifier of what caliber bullet should be fired from it.
  5. To be perfectly honest with you, I'd have no guilty conscious about swapping barrels. If I had a .40S&W P226 and realized I could save money by shooting 9mm, I'd purchase a factory Sig 9mm barrel. I can spend $140 on a new barrel or I could spend $750 on a new pistol ending up with the same result. I think I'd save the $600 for ammo.
  6. Even thought it is not engraved in the frame, the use of a conversion barrel is not allowed in Production. How are you going prove that someone has illegally converted their .40S&W P226 to a 9mm P226? As Duke Nukem wrote, the slides and frames are not marked with caliber related insignias.
  7. First off Ari, great match. Probably your best yet and we really lucked out with the weather. As for the class. I didn't take part in the Double Impact class this past weekend, but I took a class from Max and Travis last year. The class I took last year wasn't combined with a club match, so perhaps the comparison isn't quite apples to apples. The first day of my class was almost identical to what was described by EmanP, except for the start times. We started much closer to 9AM with the classroom portion. After a quick lunch we were out on the range to start live fire drills by 1PM. The second day consisted of a few more drills during the AM. After lunch we headed out to the range where Max and Travis setup two stages around props that were left out from the club's previous match weekend. We were broken up into two groups, with Max taking one group to one stage and Travis taking the other group to the second stage. Max and Travis ran both stages like static ROs at a major match, reading the WSB and giving our "Squad" a five minute walkthrough. After each shooter shot the stage, the other squad members reset the stage while Max or Travis did a one-on-one stage debrief. We were queried as to why we engaged targets in a certain order and then given advice on what they felt was a better possible way to breakdown the particular stage. We were then given a second opportunity to shoot the stage, comparing it to the first run. As you guys (Ari, EmanP, Kahrnage) know I hung around your squad towards the end of the day. I was shocked/amazed to see how little interaction there was between the students and the teachers. After my experience, I would have totally expected to see either Max or Travis (or both) take the shooter aside for a quick stage debrief while the rest of the squad reset the stage for the next shooter. Instead I saw Max and Travis talking with each other, playing with their phones and reloading their magazines. They did watch each squad member shoot the stage, but they didn't seem too forthcoming with critiques and advice. It's quite possible that by the time I started watching your class squad, Max and Travis were tired after a long weekend. Perhaps they were a lot more generous with advice earlier during the match?
  8. HuskySig

    226 holster

    I run a Blade Tech Sting Ray belt holster with the DOH attachment.
  9. Any suggestions on how to do this?
  10. It's been a few years since I've shot a major match. The few that I have shot, weren't very good. I get stressed about performing well due to the money and time investment, which typically caused me to tighten up and shoot very poorly.
  11. Master A week ago I went out to the range and my 10 yard draw to A was consistently between 1.25-1.30. A few years ago, when I was much more practiced up, my times were between 1.00-1.10. I didn't time any reloads last week. About a month and a half ago after a match, a couple friends and I were dinking around and I managed a couple of 1.3Xs.
  12. These days I shoot classifier stages intentionally deliberate. I don't have any intention in moving up in classification until I improve my current deficiencies.
  13. We're now more than a third of the way through the year and I finally feel like I've shaken the offseason cobwebs. I'm looking for some feedback on what people see and perhaps some advice in how to fix these deficiencies. This is the video a friend took of me at a local match last weekend: Thanks!
  14. Paul pushed 50 a long time ago, he is 57 and is still shooting stronger than guys much younger than he is. Not to mention he runs his club and works every other local match he shoots! Hard to beat a guy like that. I think SteveZ was referring to himself as pushing 50 and how shooting well as a senior is quite an accomplishment.
  15. Why do you think you're doing shooters a favor by purchasing primers in large quantities from Powder Valley to then turn around and resell them at a slightly higher price so you can make a few dollars? If I could actually get primers from PV, they'd be cheaper than what you sell them for. My disappointment in this situation is more directed at PV, who seem to be much happier selling their products in large quantities to resellers rather than to individuals buying considerably smaller quantities at any given time.
  16. ahh, gotcha. So technically, I still haven't popped that cherry, look forward to it. RFGC actually has/had a real Rhodesian Wall. A year or so ago someone pulled the box ledge off of the wall, so now it's in two pieces. I think it was built or recommissioned for the first NWPPA Single Stack match a few years ago.
  17. If you're really set on getting a Sig P226, my recommendation would be to get a two tone version. The natural stainless steel finish is much easier on the aluminum frame rails than the Nitron coating, which means with proper lubrication it should last longer. I'm not a huge fan of the TruGlo TFO sights. I think the front sight is entirely too wide to be of any use when you need to be able to shoot accurately. I think Dawson Precision makes a great product if you're interested in getting a fiber optic front sight installed. For several years I shot a Dawson front sight with a Sig factory rear sight that had the vertical white bar removed and re-blued. Now I'm shooting all black sights.
  18. In a similar vein, I kind of miss the old SVI ads in Front Sight.
  19. Probably the best IDPA classifier video I have seen. Each stage was shot continuously without any editing or monkey business between strings. Pretty legit, nice work!
  20. I've been a member at SIGforum since August 2002 and at no point has there ever been a private message function.
  21. HuskySig

    X-5 Quirks

    My 9mm X-Five Allround has been less than reliable when it comes to extracting my own hand loaded ammunition. It seems to extract factory ammunition without any problems. It could be the range brass I'm picking up and reloading has been used too much? Then again, I've shot tens of thousands of rounds of my hand loads out of a P226 with an external extractor without any problems. This leads me to believe the internal extractor in the X-Five series is a little bit flakey. Aside from the extractor, my Allround is a blast to shoot.
  22. Here are two more entertaining scenes from the movie: Bulletproof vest (NSFW - language)
  23. I like the look of the multi-colored wood grips. The gold plated parts do nothing for me. I read on SigForum recently that Sig Sauer USA is going to stop offering the German Mastershop pistols. So if you're interesting in purchasing one, don't wait too long. Sig Sauer USA will continue selling the X-Five L1, Competition, Tactical and Allround models.
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