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My clumsiness!


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So tonight I went down in the basement to load up some trial ammo. I switched the press from 9mm to .45, adjusted the settings for the new bullets, took a little longer than normal because I'm a little rusty. Then I filled up the primer pickup tube, forgot that I didn't take the pin out of the small pickup tube and put it in the large tube, and dumped 97 of the 100 primers on the cement floor. They went everywhere! Took me forever on my hands and knees to find all 97 of them, then as I'm picking the very last one, I stood up and knocked of the case bin with 50 cases in it! The cases hit the floor, and I lost the last primer. Ended up finding 99 of 100 primers and 49 of 50 cases. What a pain in the ass!

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Then I filled up the primer pickup tube, forgot that I didn't take the pin out of the small pickup tube and put it in the large tube, and dumped 97 of the 100 primers on the cement floor.

:roflol: That's what I did the first time I loaded a primer tube. :surprise:

That's how we learn.

But,.... I've had other brain farts since then. :roflol: A.T.

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I dropped about 25 primers on the floor last night, primers that hit the floor go straight into the trash!!!!!

Just what I do

Is there a 5 second rule for primers? I've not yet dropped that many at one time, but, I have dropped them. Stuck them into the primer tube and all went bang just fine.

Recently dropped a locator button for the 550, and could not find it at all! So, I just made another one out of aluminum till I got some brass.

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My list of dropped stuff is LOOONG

Dumped a full powder measure in my lap (messing with a Lee turret press and forgot about the powder)

Forgot about the primers in a tube when I changed the little nipple thing and dumped those

Dropped the case bin countless times

Dumped a bag of corncob media

Launched countless springs (and bought about 1/2 that number cause I couldn't find the original.. yet)

The best was this past weekend. Cast my first batch of bullets. I put them in a tupperware container. Squirted some alox lube. Put the lid on. Picked it up to shake it all around and TUMBLE (since it is called "tumble" lube). Lid popped open and all 300 bullets tumbled out on the carpet.. all coated with that red alox.. still wet..

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My list of dropped stuff is LOOONG

Dumped a full powder measure in my lap (messing with a Lee turret press and forgot about the powder)

Forgot about the primers in a tube when I changed the little nipple thing and dumped those

Dropped the case bin countless times

Dumped a bag of corncob media

Launched countless springs (and bought about 1/2 that number cause I couldn't find the original.. yet)

The best was this past weekend. Cast my first batch of bullets. I put them in a tupperware container. Squirted some alox lube. Put the lid on. Picked it up to shake it all around and TUMBLE (since it is called "tumble" lube). Lid popped open and all 300 bullets tumbled out on the carpet.. all coated with that red alox.. still wet..


I have a bunch of Thompson Blue Angel Lube if you want it....Really good stuff. I am not using it anymore...

Far better than Astroglide... :surprise::blink:

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What am I thinking?!!! I am SO letting Team Astroslide down.. didn't even cross my mind to try it!! :roflol:

Do you have to use a sizer with that or is it tumble lube too?

Yeah, it has to be used with a sizer...

Are your bullets mic'ing an even .401" without sizing?

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What am I thinking?!!! I am SO letting Team Astroslide down.. didn't even cross my mind to try it!! :roflol:

Do you have to use a sizer with that or is it tumble lube too?

Yeah, it has to be used with a sizer...

Are your bullets mic'ing an even .401" without sizing?

Haven't checked. I'm using the Lee tumble lube SWC 175 molds. They supposedly do not need sizing.

My gun shoots them ok. About a 1.5" shift in POI but tight. Good enough for practice. The only thing is since it's a SWC, I had to flip the seating stem around. It is either 1) seating them just a hair long or 2) I'm not getting enough crimp on some. I had 12 out of 100 not case guage. I ran them through the seat and crimp stations again. Then through my GRX die and they still wouldn't case guage. I tried to shoot them anyway to see if it was just a false positive due to the bullet design. But the next round in the magazine from the one being fired separated a little. I guess the crimp was off somehow. They were actually sticking in the rifling. To the point where I had to whack the grip with my palm to get it to open. One of them completely separated leaving the bullet in the barrel and dumping powder all in the gun.

The rest ran just fine.

Edited by Lee King
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I sympathize.

My recent snafu was primer-related, too. In the groove making lots of ammo on my 550. Reached over for a new tube of primers, picked it up, and mindlessly pulled the retaining clip...before I had it anywhere near the press. Took a while to find primer 100 out of that batch. :roflol:


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