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B.J. Norris

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Lanzo - 11X doesn't disqualify him from RIP. All it is stating that he's 11 series and going OSUT. Whether it's 11B or 11C is at the needs of the Army, but in either case, he'll probably be cross trained in both. Too, while at Airborne, they'll be seeking folks that want to go directly to RIP upon completion. Usually, everyone who's MOS is needed gets hit up about during Jump Week and well...11 Bullet Catcher's are always in need. 18X is the SF career path and a completely different way to go than what BJ's signed up for.

As for which unit is the greatest Airborne unit in the history of the universe...well...being on the other end of the emergency phone, being wheels up to anywhere in the world in less than 18 hours (30 hours for the Aviation Brigade) and owning the title of America's Strategic Response Force is explanation enough. But if not, we can count CMH's and there was that guy Alvin York ;). That and again, having been the medic at Regiment for a bit can tell you that at Division, we can read and write...at the same time and don't have a headache when we're done. :D

BJ - Really proud of you brotha and you got my PM.



Holy crap....talk about the biggest brain fart in history. You're right...not sure what I was thinking there. I guess it was just the combination of the "X" and you claiming 82nd as the best Airborne Unit in the world... <_< I almost want to go back and delete that post...but I think I'll leave it up to remind myself how much of a jackass I am. I'm not a 11 series (obviously)...but I can at least claim a scroll...actually 2 (one for each arm).

As for wheels up...RGT BN's are 18 hours anywhere in the world as well. Our soldiers are 4 time volunteer's and must me higher standards than the 82nd....both for PT and career advancement. I'm not trying to talk smack here, because I'm a big pusher of the different mission/different soldier type of thinking. Every unit has a mission....and trains for such. But that being said....75th is still the standard when it comes to light infantry...and airborne assaults. The fact is (and I'd bet some money on this one) line up a random 10 guys from the 82nd...and a random 10 from one of our BN's...and we'll out perform. Maybe Monday I'll go ask the CPT I know that came from the 82nd what he thinks? B)

Either way...BJ...when you get to jump send me a PM. I see the people in charge of RIP almost every day and am in the same company as the guys who are the cadre. I can get you in with the right people. You'll have to make it through the course...but i'm pretty sure I can help you get there no issues. They sometimes do have briefs at jump...start looking into it as soon as you get there...but they don't take anyone who wants to go...the regiment is overstrength with 11's and sometimes not everyone get's there. PT your ass off and volunteer for RIP every chance you can.

I'd type more...but I'm getting a headache trying to read what i'm writing. :blink:



I know what you mean Rich, I've always liked the 82nd. They used to always airland and relieve us on the recently secured OBJ so we could go attack the next one................ :roflol:




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I went to jump school, oh - 20 years ago and haven't jumped since, so I'm no expert on airborne or light infantry ops. I'd much rather ride than walk and my primary weapons effective ranges are measured in kilometers instead of meters.

But I did attend CGSC in 2002-2003 with a former Ranger Company Commander who had just returned from Afghanistan. My buddy had gotten his start in the 82nd and then transferred to the RGT when he was a senior 1LT and stayed with the Rangers until he was promoted to Major BZ. When the COL from the 82nd showed up to interview my classmates who wanted to be assigned with the Division, my friend told him that he'd like to go back to the 82nd for a couple years "to take a break" from the Regiment. Aside from being a little pissed about my buddies "take a break" comment, the 82nd COL hired him on the spot.

The 82nd is a first-rate outfit with great history and Soldiers. But the Regiment is probably the best light-infantry unit in the world with the only drawback being their relative youth and lack of experience (the vast majority of Rangers in the Regiment are under 25 but are awesome shock troops). If you want to talk about the best unit on the planet - I'd put my money on Delta; their greater age and experience level make them exceptionally lethal.

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BJ - Talking with you on questions about the military has been great. You're progressing well, and like we talked about, there's a lot of parallels to success in shooting, that you've already achieved/understand, and success in the military.

You're on the right track, keep doing what you're doing and keep that motivation and attitude. My favorite PSG once said, "Attitude gives you latitude". Keep a positive attitude and push through the hard times and you'll be surprised at how fast you'll succeed.


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Not worth it.



I hope you know I was just jerkin' your chain... I have the utmost respect for anyone who wears the uniform of any and all branches of the US Military. The 82nd is a first rate outfit with a distinguished history, just don't expect anyone from Regiment to admit it in public. :cheers:

Anyway as I said before. Good luck BJ and Godspeed.

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Not worth it.



I hope you know I was just jerkin' your chain... I have the utmost respect for anyone who wears the uniform of any and all branches of the US Military. The 82nd is a first rate outfit with a distinguished history, just don't expect anyone from Regiment to admit it in public. :cheers:

Anyway as I said before. Good luck BJ and Godspeed.

Been at Regiment and not impressed. I can take a ribbing with the best of them. I'm (probably a little too) proud to have been part of the 82nd and for someone that's coming in to the military with no knowledge of how things operate and the opportunities that are out there, I think the 82nd's the best place to go. You are surrounded by some of the best of the best and have the opportunity, daily, to train with some of the best war fighters in the world (your other BCT's as well as 3rd & 7th SF Group, just to name a few). Advanced Airborne School (Jumpmaster) is literally down the street. HALO is down the street. SOCOM medical course (for medics) is down the street. O-Course for Air Assault, yep, down that street. 82nd CAB is down the street. You can jump, just about whenever you want. Add to that a 90-something pass rate of Ranger school, after finishing our Pre-Ranger program speaks for itself.

BJ's got a long road ahead and so one of the things we talked about was leaving options open. Concentrate on OSUT with a mind towards Airborne School. Finish Airborne School, and everything else from there tends to work itself out.



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Good grief.

Can you guys please stop drifting this with the back and forth about who has to stand closest to a urinal?

This thread is about B.J.'s decision to join up. If you feel like you can't stop, send me a PM and I'll split that out into a separate thread.


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LoL. Looks like we got in trouble... :devil:

You know how us military boys get Mark! Chalk it up as a heads up to BJ...now he knows what he's in for :ph34r: Best of luck to you in all your military endeavors BJ!


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