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Can I run a 34 barrel in my 17?


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Allowable ESP modifications include, from pPage 22 of the rule book:

3. Internal accuracy work (includes: replacement of the barrel

with one of factory configuration...).

A G34 barrel is not of factory configuration for a G17.

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Ha! Mike, you don't miss anything. :lol:

Ok, the reason I asked, is that I have a nice KKM barrel for a 34 and no 34 to put it in. I have a 17 but really don't want to cut this barrel. I guess I'll just keep it around until I end up with another 34 someday.

Thank you Mr Watson for the info. :cheers:

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Allowable ESP modifications include, from pPage 22 of the rule book:

3. Internal accuracy work (includes: replacement of the barrel

with one of factory configuration...).

A G34 barrel is not of factory configuration for a G17.

"Factory Configuration" is an interesting term. Does anyone really know what it means?

SSP you can replace the barrel with one of factory configuration but not change caliber.

ESP and CDP you can replace the barrel with one of factory configuration without mention of caliber change. Presumably you could put a Glock .45 ACP barrel in a Glock 20.

But what is a "Factory Configuration" if it doesn't refer to caliber, porting, etc.

Does it have to be of the same material, use the same rifling, be the same length? If I build a "Glock" on a CCF race frame that meets all of the rule book criteria, do I have to use a Glock barrel?

The question is interesting because words are supposed to have meaning, but this meaning certainly isn't clear. It seems this may be another example of intentionally vague wording to prevent mischief the authors feel unable to anticipate. :wacko:

I'm sure someone out there can explain it to me and provide a reference.

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Configuration : Form, as depending on the relative disposition of the parts of a thing's shape; figure.

basically the way it looks or its basic shape. Caliber (because it is prohibited in SSP but omitted in ESP) can change but the basic shape needs to stay the same as the basic shape of a factory barrel. If I was forced to make a ruling I would say rifling changes are not allowed because IDPA mods are an inclusive list. Anything not on the list isnt allowed. Changing from polygon to land and groove rifling isnt on the list so it isnt allowed. Granted I think you would need to look long and hard to find anyone who would care as long as the barrel isnt sticking way out the front or has ports.

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I agree with all of that. The problem is in the rules. I had thought that replacing a barrel with one not identical to the original was prohibited in SSP. It seems the rules require all divisions maintain a barrel identical to the original manufacturer. That interpretation makes no sense when you consider ESP and CDP to be Custom guns. There comes the rub. An interpretation that is consistent with the language in the rules would seem to eliminate land and groove barrels from Glocks and other polygon barrels. Or, the language in the rules mean nothing.

Presumably, the words were written for a reason and with a purpose.

The question first occurred to me at the S&W Indoor Nationals. I noticed an Glock SSP shooter with a replacement barrel. All Glock replacement barrels I am familiar with are land and groove, not polygon.

So what do we do? Do we ignore all replacement barrels, use "founders intent," or prohibit all "replacement barrels."

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I'd really rather not look down the shooter's barrel to check whether he had the stock rifling plan, and Robert Ray can't make me.

But I can spot an inch of barrel pooching out the front of the slide pretty easily; and would disallow the OP's plan.

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So John, I know that you are not advocating cheating. But, are you advocating a lack of awareness or a novel interpretation of the rules?

Most after market barrels are shiney and proud. They look nothing like "factory configuration" uh, original.

And your advice to the competitor traveling great distances, at significant expense, is to "Let the tech inspectors do their job?"

Let us know how that works out for you. YMMV.

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  • 3 months later...
ESP and CDP you can replace the barrel with one of factory configuration without mention of caliber change. Presumably you could put a Glock .45 ACP barrel in a Glock 20.

No. Because a Glock 20 is a 10mm gun (and a "20" is engraved into the G20's slide thereby confirming the model). Putting a .45acp barrel in it changes the factory configuration. In the case of Glocks (i.e. running a G34 barrel in a G35), it doesn't really buy you a competitive advantage. But the rules are there because not every circumstance can be anticipated. For example, if there was a 9mm barrel/mag conversion for the XD45, it could be considered to provide a competitive advantage. So the rules are intended to be broad enough to cover this.

I have been at 2 different matches where guns were field stripped when they were weighed to check for illegal modifications so BE AWARE.

We inspect at the California State match. Not really necessary to field strip the gun, but we will look for tungsten guide rods, illegal magwells, pinned grip safeties, etc.

Edited by Gryff
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Permitted Modifications:


6. Internal accuracy may be worked to include replacement of

barrel with one of factory configuration and original caliber.


3. Internal accuracy work (includes: replacement of the barrel

with one of factory configuration, the use of Accu-Rails, the

use of Briley Bushings).


3. Internal accuracy work (includes: replacement of the barrel

with one of factory configuration, the use of Accu-Rails, the

use of Briley Bushings).

A comparison of the SSP and ESP rules make it clear that an ESP gun does not have to be its factory caliber. Obviously a CDP gun must be .45 ACP, but the rules do not require it started as .45 ACP.

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