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Life span of a JP stainless barrel?

carolina flatfoot

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Hey folks I have a 16" JP Vtac rifle and love it. I carry it on Patrol and on our tactical team. As you guys know, JP's have stainless barrels. What kind of life span can I expect from this barrel? I shot primarily 55 grain mil-spec ammo and I keep it clean. I have probably shot 2,000 rounds through her so far. The reason I am asking is because I think I at least want to get another upper on stand by. Something that will last in case there is a BAN. I was looking at Noveske's VTAC with the heavy chrome barrel, however you CAN'T find them like all guns right now. I just thought that barrel may last a while. Do you guys have any suggestions that you can actually find out there. I'm also looking at LMT's, but they are 6 month back ordered. Our department lets us carry our own rifles but doesn't supply them. I need this rifle for my job dearly and I just dont want to be without. One last thing...I dont like to buy run of the mill weapon systems, looking for good quality. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Be detailed if you can please :) THKS!

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I know of several J.P. barrels that are in the 10,000 round range and still shooting fine. as for High Quality barrels, most all the name brand barrels are good, I like and have several Bushmaster chrome lined barrels, I really like the accuracy of DPMS barrels. I have had good luck with Olympic and any High end maker will be fine. Barrels are very easy to change, so I wouldn't necessarily look for a complete upper, just a barrel. As for not being able to get one, I am sure that like last time Cops will be fairly immune from anything that is foisted upon the citizenry, so no worries. KurtM

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Barrels rarely go completely to heck all at once, the group size normally increases incrementally (although I had a .300 RUM barrel quadruple its groups fairly quickly after 1,200 rds or so), so you should have plenty of warning. I'd just backorder a barrel and keep it for a spare. You have plenty of barrel life remaining.

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Just something to ponder...

#1. Are you shooting any full auto? The rate of fire will have a great deal of how long the rifleing will last. With more than 30 years in the Army I could wear out a barrel in less than 3,000 rounds. Contrary to Johns experience our barrels go south with no warning...one day I can hit a 4" at 100 yards to the next day I can't hit a 10 inch at the same distance. This is out of a 14" M 4 barrel (of course mil spec) 1/7 twist shooting the green tip 62 grain bullet. Maybe the barrel length is the issue for the going south so quick?

#2. Twist rate of the barrel. The tighter the twist and heaver/faster the bullet will erode the barrel faster also. I have a JP barrel (SS 18" with 1/8 twist) with over 15,000 rounds and had it guaged, it only is about 2/3 worn at the chamber so I am guessing it is still good for another couple thousand rounds at least. Now I shoot 55 grain 60% of the time and hot 77 grain the other 40%, the 77 grain is of course hard on the barrel but I want credit for my hits on steel flashers at distances over 175 yards (and my misses too). I have shot some full auto when I teach classes to LEA here in Washington but try not to. Of course I am keeping my eye on it from now on. Any good AR gunsmith can chamber check the barrel and give you a good guess on what the wear is at. The guage is a simple go/no go guage and is easy to see/understand from a shooters standpoint. I am still lucky enough to have a gunsmith on retainer...

I am just guessing but shooting a standard 55 grain bullet (NOT steel bullet or case) at semi auto at real targets and not just blasting will last over the 17,000 rounds for sure. Like Kurtm I would only get the barrel and not a complete upper but that is my wallet talking:-)

I really think RS is right on the money!

Hope this helps,


Scott Hawkins

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My 20" went about 12,000 rds, but I only shot Hornady 68gr HPBTM at 2850-2900fps with Tac powder. So it was a fairly stout load. It shoots about 4" groups at 100yds now. And I may have over cleaned it when I first had it.

When I first got the barrel It would shred the jacket off of the Win 55gr bullets. That why I ended up shooting the 68's.


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My last JP 18" 1-8 went south with about 10,000 through it. Unlike Scott's mine shoots about 4" at 50. Some ideas on its demise are cleaning of the chamer with a GI chamber brush in a drill motor (throat damage?) or maybe the 3-4K of Miwall reloads and 3K of Wolf but who knows.

I'm only pushing patches through my new barrel, no more brushes in drills.

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Probably 10k rounds, hits 1" or les at 100 yards, 20" JP No Full Auto, and generally no more than a stage at a time, 30 or so rounds, then a long cool down, no 100's of rounds and too hot to touch.

Occasionally oily patch down the bore, with a guide.


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I have 2 JP uppers, one has about 4000 rounds through it and seams to get better every shot, the other has only about 200 through it, it's not even broke in yet. BUT I have just ordered a new barrel from GentlemanJim here on the BE forum he has a new shipment of Walther barrels and I'am going to try one, I know it will be good too. :cheers:

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Yes I shot mainly 55 grain, no full auto and I take care of it and clean it properly. However...I have and will go to shooting schools or classes i.e. Kyle Lamb, where you may shoot 1500 to 1800 rounds. But, you are shooting in strings with occasional breaks to allow the barrel to cool.

So if you guys were going to buy a GOOD chrome lined barrel, who do you recommend that will sell just barrels. Alot of dealers won't sell just the barrels (i.e. Noveske, LMT) . Heck I may just buy a couple chrome lined barrels and just be done with it. They would last for a while. Makes me mad that we are even having to worry about losing our second ammendment rights. Thanks for the feed back guys!

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I myself will stick with the JP barrels...John is a great supporter of our sport and will stand behind his product 100% and then some. He is a great sourse of information and will talk to you about his product...I am not sure of the other offerings out there since I stick with a winner and why change/fix something that is not broke. I have a Olympic Arms barrel and love it too...



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Hey CF, that barrell is totally shot out. Call me and I will dispose of it for a nominal fee. Serious man call me!! I'm not working Sunday night due to a soccer game in Asheville, but I will be working M-Th. Let's shoot Mar14, or 15. I'm going to both matches regardless and if you want a ride just holler.

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If you need sub MOA and need to shoot a lot you will go through barrels. If 2 MOA will do a chromed barrel will go a lot longer. If you need sub MOA and like to clean barrels the bill can get big quick. No free lunch, you get what you pay for and it lasts as long as it should, find a balance in there and go with it. Break it in right and clean sparingly, it will last a lot longer than a barrel will for a clean freak.

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What do you consider an appropriate frequency for cleaning a JP barrel? John Paul recommends every 200 to 300 rounds but I am looking for the thoughts of users as well.

Thanks in advance.

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I clean when accuracy drops off, and I don't clean hard. I see guys go at barrels with brushes and solvent and a fever after every shooting session, they make sure it is SPOTLESS before it gets put away no matter how many rounds were put through it. Great way to thrash a barrel in short order IMO. If it shoots keep shooting it I say.

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I'm with Howard on this one! I do clean the chamber and blot and Carrier and wipe out the upper and bolt extension after every use but as for swabbing out the barrel...only when it starts to drop off. KurtM

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I've had issues with copper fouling in the throat to the point where I've pulled the bullet out of a round when trying to eject a loaded round. I clean after every session but mainly with copper solvent and a nylon brush. Occassionally use JB bore cleaner and occasionally use a bronze brush.

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I'll clean the chamber and immediate throat area and then the BCG. Other than that, when in doubt, more lube. Clean it about every 1000 rounds and only use patches; no brushes. That's me though.

As for barrel life, figure between 10-15k before you really need to switch. Ultimately it comes down to what the requirements you have of the barrel.


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