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Cruelty To Animals


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That is great. He is so lucky.

My wife found our cat Oliver half dead in the road in front of our house. He had been dumped and the vet told us not to keep our hopes up. Three years later, there are three more rescue critters to keep him company, and I can't sleep right if Oliver isn't purring next to me.

Edited by GTOSHootr
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Well he (and we) survived the first night. There was only a managable volume of yowling as he was kept in solitary confinement in the bathroom.

He ate like a pig and found his box.. .. but no BM activity yet. The limping and shaking of his head has us very worried. He's off to the vet to have a lukemia test, have the ears and feet worked on....he's clearly had some frostbite.

I'm betting that this cat was dumped more than once and got the frost bite finding his way home... so the A__hole that owned him this time took him far enough from home that he gave up. I'm sure as hell going to keep my eyes open for that old van. :ph34r:

Thanks to you all for your kind thoughts.

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The only cats I will keep are those I find young and alone. That way I know that at their young age they are able to feed themselves. I have no mice, rats, gophers or pesky mockingbirds in my yard. I will let the cats inside if it gets cold, or too hot, but they are outdoor cats in an area with lots of coyote activity. (Trust me, they KNOW) Other cats have come and gone, they are here and happy.

Deworm and deflea. The first is not worth a damn if the second is not done. If you keep a cat clear of parasites and up to date, they will get OLD.

You are a good person to give him a home. :bow: It's funny how when we want a cat they do show up. (as stated before) Never gave that much thought until now.

I have been thinking we need another recently, hmmmm.

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You've done a great thing. Not big on cats at all, as loose fur chokes the snot outta me...it seems to find it's way straight to my sinuses and I am severely allergic to their scratches.

I love 99% of the dogs I meet, and the inverse is probably true with humans.

It sucks that an @$$knuckle would do that to an animal, but it's often how it is.... you did the right thing. You'll have a lifelong friend, I am sure. All the days of his life YOU will be the one who saved him from death.

Kudos to you, you now belong to Frosty! :cheers:


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Right after my wife and I moved into our new house in 95, a very pregnant white female cat started following my wife around. It belong to the little girl down the street who lost interest when it was no longer a kitten and had gotten pregnant its first time in heat. Well, a couple of hundred $$$ later, I have a white mother, four healthy kittens, a one kitten not expected to survive (he was wrapped in the umbilical). Well, Snicker (the kitten not expected to survive) died last year of at the age of 12. Not bad for someone not expected to make it through the first week. Lady, the mother, curls up in the lap of whoever is on the couch each night. The kittens all found homes, but we have picked up two additional rescues (Sasha the long hair who loves Taco Bell and Gracie the timid little short hair).

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+1 for Frosty.

The lastest addition to our brood just showed up at the back door. Feral. Hungry. We never turn away a hungry mouth regardless of the species.

Got his strength back and we decided to do the TNR (trap, neuter, release) thing and let him live his life as a feral in the 'hood.

Got him trapped, neutered, and released. Didn't take him long to figure out that this feral thing wasn't for him. I've never seen a cat turn around from feral to lap cat in a matter of a few weeks. Now Trey the Stray is my bud.

He joins the six other cats in our brood and the occassional litter we foster with a cat rescue organization.

Ya done good.

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