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The worse pain ever....


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Well....it started about a week ago. I started having an uncomfortable feeling in my lower back. Being a police officer for the past 12 yrs, I wrote it off to wearing that 25 lb. belt every day for so long. The pain seemed to come and go a lot, but if I moved just right or twisted my torso....it was still there. This past Saturday at out club match, I noticed the pain again. A couple of times I had to bend over and stretch my back, thinking this would help...but it didn't. Flash forward to Tuesday. The discomfort becomes a constant dull pain in my back so I decide to get it checked out. I called a good friend of mine who is a Dr. and he got me right in. They did a quick urine sample, which didn't reveal anything at the time, but he said this did not always rule out the possibility of a kidney stone. So, he got me worked in for a CT scan, which revealed that I have 2 stones...both of which are still lingering in my kidney. Just floating around causing pain when they want to. Oh yeah!!! The real pain hasn't started yet. I'm a ticking time bomb waiting to go off !!!

I forgot to add that this is my 2nd round of stones. About 13 years ago I had an attack that appeared out of no where while sitting in a college class. By the time I could get to my truck, I was throwing up from the pain...the only time anything like that has ever happened. Those stones were so big that I could not pass them on my own. I had to have a prcedure called Lithotripsy, where they lower me in a huge tub of water...then pulvorize the stones with sound waves. The bad part: I still had to pass all of the particles. it was like pissing cuckle burrs !!!!

Oh well....I sure some of you have had similar situations......Get out the popcorn and lets here your stories......

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Kidney stones suck. Had 2 last year.... one the night my 2nd child was born (sympathetic labor!??!) and one ,more last summer. Bad news: guess I'm prone to them now.

Immobilizing, laying on the ground, puking in a puddle of your own vomit, pain. Ughhh.

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Couple of thoughts: The most important preventive measure you can take is to drink an adequate amount of water every day --- at least 2-3 liters. Having had kidney stones may predispose you to having them in the future. Find out what the stones were made of --- this will involve straining your urine for fragments --- then look up dietary changes to avoid re-occurrence. (Yes, changing what you eat can have an impact on kidney stone formation.)

They're on my list of things to avoid in life.....

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Had stones twice. About two years apart and both while in Colorado Springs. Thank god they were attributed to the water according to my Doc. Never had another. Yes I puked all the way to the hospital but luckily I passed both with lots of screaming and a little blood. It felt like a sharpened nail being dragged along the base of my wee-wee when they passed. But I have to go on record as saying they are nothing compared to appendicitis which I also have had the privilege of enduring.

Both pretty painful though

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This pain has been noted to be on par with child birth. After having had a couple of these I wonder why there aren't less people in the world. :) The only answer I can figure is that woman are stronger than us....

I guess it's all relative. The nurse that was pushing the gurney as they wheeled me in to have mine surgically removed (Lithotripsy didn't work) told me it was actually WORSE than child birth. I couldn't say but she'd had both experiences and that was her perception, but I was in no shape to query further. For me the pain would just keep ramping up until I would puke and/or pass out, only to have to go through it again and again until they finally gave me the sweet, blessed morphine.

Turns out these things can be either life-style related or genetic predispositions. My Dad was going through the same thing as me at exactly the same time...for the second time, so genetic I guess in my case, and it seems I pass a few every year now pretty much without ordeal...so far.

Anyway, drink lots of fluids and stay away from foods that can induce stones. And good luck!

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Had a bud that drank nothing but soda pop. One 32 oz after another. He got 3 kidney stones and the doc said that the stones were probably caused by the pop/not drinking any water. He didn't have pop for about a year after that. Now it's plain water and he limits himself to 1 can a day.

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I get about 2 a year, some of them have hd to be surgically removed!! :surprise:

Not good.

With my work travel, my Dr. has me traveling with some VERY strong stuff just in case of getting one while on a plane (long haul flights are the norm for me ) or out of the country.

Never a good thing.

Hope you are ok

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This pain has been noted to be on par with child birth. After having had a couple of these I wonder why there aren't less people in the world. :) The only answer I can figure is that woman are stronger than us....

Uh ............... because kidney stones don't end with "the Miracle of Life". Think about it dude.

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I had one back in 2001 and WOW (please shoot me) . So I guess that made me prone to getting them again. Over the past couple of years I've had a few small ones. One about every 2 to 3 months dull pain in my side for about a day and then they pass. They seem to happen more when I slow down on my water intake. I usually make myself drink 2 to 3 quarts of water a day. With at least one bottle with lemon juice in it ( helps to break up the minerals that make them up) and keep everything running smooth. I've also heard that your diet can have something to do with them. I don't think that's my case I haven't changed my diet in years. Along with too much VitC and or calcium can promote them. What it boils down to is DRINK PLENTY OF WATER EACH DAY !

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Drink plenty of water - check.

Avoiding foods that can cause stone formation: uhhh.... much harder.

Mostly calcium or oxidate high food

Dark Colas, teas, coffee, and/or caffiene laden items.



Peanut Butter

Milk and milk products

Many vegetables

Mulit-vitamins (that have Calcium)

What has helped me the most is drinking the water, laying off the soda, and the last time I had a stone drank lemon juice by the glass..... its a home remedy, supposed to help disslove the stone..... it works. My last stone went from 5mm to 2.5mm (ultrasounds) in about 2 weeks, and passed on its own. Some people mix the lemon juice 1/2 and 12 with olive oil.... but that is just plain nasty and foul. <_<

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This pain has been noted to be on par with child birth. After having had a couple of these I wonder why there aren't less people in the world. :) The only answer I can figure is that woman are stronger than us....

When I was in the emergency room, puking from the pain, my late wife was kinda looking at me like "hey, I had two children - buck up!". And an angel next to us with her husband that had chest pains leaned over and said to my wife "I've had 5 children and Kidney stones......I would rather have 5 more children than Kidney Stones again".

As I puked again. I thought "Yes, Lady I love you - now I might get a little sympathy".

I spent 4 days there in a morphine haze.

Mark K.

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I have had 2 stones and was lucky with the 1st stone I didnt get the bad back pain. The 2nd stone I wasnt so lucky. They hurt bad but had nothing on the 3 blood clots that landed in my lungs last year. I would trade another kydney stone over those clots again.

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