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New Palm Scoring software


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Saul Kirsch has an APP for iPhone/iTouch that does scoring, there was a newsletter about it a few days ago... They said it should be on the APP store by the end of the month.


It's called IPSCore


It's there now. Does this support USPSA divisions?

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Saul Kirsch has an APP for iPhone/iTouch that does scoring, there was a newsletter about it a few days ago... They said it should be on the APP store by the end of the month.


It's called IPSCore


It's there now. Does this support USPSA divisions?

Looks like it does.


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Saul Kirsch has an APP for iPhone/iTouch that does scoring, there was a newsletter about it a few days ago... They said it should be on the APP store by the end of the month.


It's called IPSCore


It's there now. Does this support USPSA divisions?

Looks like it does.


Please see our thread on Double Alpha vendor section.

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I don't have an I-phone/touch/other phone...

Can I borrow your's anybody? What if I drop it?

Belated reply:

Yes, you can borrow mine if I'm part of the same match and not already using mine to score a stage.

What if you drop it? Well, short answer: don't drop it. (Same answer for a Palm.) Second short answer: If I'm using it on the range, it's going to be wrapped in one of the thicker "armor" external cases and have a screen protector on it.

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Saul demoed his Iphone app for me at the show show. It's a very nicely done app and great for practice and offered at a reasonable price point (I think it's $19.95).

It is unsuitable for running matches, and it does not appear he is heading in that direction with that product.

Two issues:

#1: No integration with EzWinScore (for US) or MSS (for the world)

#2: No "target by target" validation. A program that tells you you are a hit short only after you get to the end of a stage, rather than when you are at the individual target, is useless for matches as you would have to leave all targets untaped until after the score had been finalized. There is simply not time for this. Both the Cunningham/Autoscoringsystems and ThreeDogSoftware palm based programs perform this sort of validation.

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Actually its $44.99.

I just left them a note about ezws integration.

Point 2. Isn't the idea behind this that you can (example 24 round 12 metric target stage) hit the button that plugs in 24 A's as your default stage hits, and then follow the RO around tapping only on C's, D's, NS's, etc as he calls them off and the system subtracts that off the default number of A's? That is, he's keeping his "books balanced" as the RO calls off the hits. Why wouldn't that work? When a scoresheet comes to stats, all we're keying in is the total numbers of A's/C's/ whatnot, and I don't care which target got the C/D, and the verify sheets and match results don't show that, either.

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The book balancing is an interesting idea. The Cunningham program already does that for steel.

My concern with a book balancing approach is that it may be too easy to mis entering something. By requiring each hit to be affirmatively entered, there is a pretty decent check with no assumptions - with the setup you describe, one missed hit on the screen will not be caught by the system.

The last major update of the Cunningham program added in the need to enter NPM (no penalty misses) on fixed time stages for the additional data verification value.

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Stage Score is a great application. It scores a match essentially the same way that you would on paper, very little to learn. It is inexpensive. The number one problem with all the systems is that they platform is old. But being old, it is also cheap. I would love to see an iPhone/Anroid/something fast, bright and easy on the batteries system that cost about $50 per unit and had a direct and easy interface to EzWin.

You and I disagree on populating a match, but what I currently do is collect names from a webform, sort them alphabetical and then enter them to Ez. If I could simply arrange my fields and name them correctly to just load the data straight up it would be fantastic. Then all I'd need is a self squadding application for local matches and I could just go shoot as opposed to play cop on squadding.


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Just curious why you need the squadding info for a local match? Do you generate reports for per squad scores? Or is it just easier to track down which squad is missing scoresheets or forgot to put in a time or penalty?

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Palms stay on the stages. If you can load squads, it makes it easier to track down competitors in the palm to enter scores -- this is especially true if you're using older (read most affordable) palms. Flipping through 70-90 names -- which is a usual turnout for Old Bridge -- takes some time.....

With squads enabled, you select your squad number when you rotate into the stage --- and are then limited to the 10-12 names of individuals on your squad....

It's also easier to determine who's shot/who still needs to shoot....

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