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IKE is going to be TROUBLE


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Guy's Hurricane Dolly had nothing on this thing coming in!!!!!! Dolly kicked our ass and this thing is going to EAT everything in it's path! We are just waiting, but the guys in Corpus, Victoria and south Houston NEED TO LEAVE! We are predicted to have TS force winds 200 miles south! Eric, Merlin, Benny, Bruce and the rest of the Corpus crew Let us know what you all need? I am sure we can find room down here for you all if needed! I even have the motorhome at the house right now. Good luck we will be praying for yall!

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Mark: Thanks for the info. I will be boarding up this house this afternoon. I have all our supplies. I have plenty of beer and I am waiting on my cigar order which should come today. The kids have all the junk food they dreamed of and my wife has some good books and a bottle of wine or three. I am actually reloading some 45 right now to ease the tension of it plus both kids are home right now. It is amazing how a 5 and 9 year old can drive you crazy :roflol: Hope everyone stays safe and there beer cold :cheers: Thanks, Eric

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Since its scheduled to be in SA on saturday, Scout will be going to work with me. I just hope when I get back home, home will be intact.

Since the media likes to over exagerate things for the sake of a story, i'm hoping this isn't as bad as they claim or speculate it will be. Especially since I'll be at work and not able to tend to any problems at home, when they occur.


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Since the media likes to over exagerate things for the sake of a story, i'm hoping this isn't as bad as they claim or speculate it will be.


You know, I couldn't agree more. Around here (southeast TX) it's a madhouse, everyone is at DefCon 1. Gas stations are mobbed, grocery stores are more like a MMA ring, and don't get me started on how folks drive.

I've been living here for 35 years now, have never left for a storm. It's like its something to brag about after its over with, how long you drove, how far you went, how much you had to spend to do it. OMG!!! Grow up people. This ain't Haiti. Buy some non perishable food, H2O, batteries, generator if you got it, ande spare fuel, and live your life.

Here at work it's the same. I'm the only one working today out of the whole shop (19 guys). Live 6 mi from here, both vehicles are fueled, spare cans full, pantry stocked, freezer full of ice, four 5 gallon Igloo coolers full of ice water. Expect the power to die sometime Saturday (had to cancel Sat's match too, sux!) probably be off for a few days, JUST LIKE NORMAL. I refuse to succumb to the madness of the over sensationalism of hurrucane hype. Heck, I slept through Rita three years ago. Was back at work Monday morning, set up the 125k generator to the building and kept on like normal fot he whole 3 weeks the real power was off. Didn't miss a lick of work, got all my normal pay plus a hefty bonus from the company for my efforts. All the rest of the guys in the shop finally came back and were crying about all the $$$ they spent being gone and not working. Boo hoo. Cry me a river.

Argh. Off my soap box now, I aplogize for my rant.


ETA: Let me clarify something: I do believe there are some areas that do benefit from an evac, like the Corpus/Victoria areas. And even here there are some people that will benefit from leaving, like specian needs such hospitals, elderly, nursing homes, ect. But we are some 200 miles from projected landfall, yeah we will get some high winds and rain, I realise. But this just ain't the apocolypse, and it jsut makes little sense to me that folks who can stay safely run to the hills. heck, we just got the area back up running from the last evacuation order 2 weeks ago, when absolutely nothing happened. Because of this, many folks who left last time are not leaving this time. Either they just can't afford it or are tired of it all.

Now, I believe I've said my peace, and have not tried or was intending to offend anyone. If I did then I'm sorry. Really. But all you Coastal Bend shooters, get the heck outta Dodge. I think ya'll is about to get hammered.

Edited by ken hebert
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I think Benny and Merlin and Larry are at the local Hooters offering rides to any of the girls that want to leave town!!!!!!! :roflol:

Last I heard on the radio was "new" projected landfall closer to Galveston/Houston area???????????

I'm going to the range, its eerily windless right now at my house, a perfect day to rezero rifles!!!!!


Edited by bigbrowndog
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www.stormpluse.com to track IKE

Guys, I have been through this all of my life (I live near New Orleans) and know the feelings and danger involved. If you live anywhere near the coast or on a river within 25 to 30 miles of the coast...get out! Don't try to be macho or brave. You or a family member could lose you life. Just being surrounded by water and not able to leave is a horrible experience.

You are in my prayers, may GOD bless you.


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Yes it looks like it will miss us here, but the Galveston and Houston area looks like they will get a direct hit. They are already getting storm surges in Galveston. I hope many of you in that area have already left.

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The wind will be pretty bad. The big loss of life and property will be from surge and flood. There are still people on the West End of Galveston. No seawall and maybe 4-5 feet above sea level.

Those left should punch a hole in their drivers license and tie it to their big toe with a coat hanger.

Edited by Merlin Orr
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Think I'm gonna leave my DL unmolested for now, but I do have a coathanger.

At time of this post, despite what the national news services are reporting, we've got sustained winds of 20mph. Whatever we are going to get will probably whack us beginning at about midnight. Expect to lose power sometime in the night, so ya'll will have a repreive from having to put up with me for a while. <_<

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Ken, we have been having strong winds since I got up at 05:15 hrs. The river behind my house had dropped 18" since the first of the week and now it has risen more than Gustav, Katrina, or Rita. Well about the same as Rita, but it is still rising. The river has white caps coming out of the South. I think we have twenty-five to 30 mph winds with gust to 50 mph. I went in the back yard with my dog and the wind was almost pushed me over.


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