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First - I'm all for saving the planet BUT...

SCOOTERS Stay off the highway!! So I'm merging on to the highway in rush hour traffic - behind a scooter - #$%^#!!! This guy can't go 55 much less 65. When I merge I figure I should be going at least the speed of everyone else...here comes scooter guy - with a bag of shopping held between his legs WFT. I can't pass him and he can't go faster. It is like he's oblivious to the traffic...maybe it is a death wish...must be there's no other reason

If you can't do the speed limit stay off the roads - highways or sidestreets - it is like they are too cool to obey the laws.

And then they way they ride with their legs in front like sitting on a chair - that just makes me mad looking at them. :ph34r:

Motorcycles - I give a wide berth to as I have great respect for all riders. Plus I know they have plenty of power to keep up and/or get out of the way...but the little vespa-latte-capa-crappa-cycle wanna be's really hack me off. If you are going to go that slow you should be pedaling your fat a$$ off...and stay off the highway...!

I say they should = 50 points...

Thanks I feel better now...maybe 75 points?!

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most freeways 55 and above and no traffic lights

also have a ban on less that 200 cc engined vehicles.

Scooters exist with up past 500 cc,

so the givaway here is that it was not really doing 55.

that ignoramous needs to get a citation.

very frustrating.


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I thought it was illegal to drive scooters on the highway? At least I believe that's the way it is here in Illinois. Either way, that would drive me crazy.

In Michigan, a motor must be at least 125cc's to go on the highway ( it is posted at all entrance ramps). THAT BEING SAID (sorry, couldn't resist), anybody who can't muster the 55 mph minimum should not go on the highway. If it is only a 45mph minimum, then I guess we have to deal with it...dems da rules (law).

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I have several friends with scooters and they all have more common sense to ride on anything other than city streets, and they avoid some of the busier ones for the simple reason that they don't trust motorists to give them the right of way when they should.

These same friends also acknowledge that their own biggest problem is other scooter owners who don't obey the laws of the road or those of common sense. They fully admit that far too many scooter owners ride them in heavy traffic and use the side of the road the same as a bicycle would when it suits them.

The other main problem is the inconsistencies in the laws from state to state and town to town. Different sizes (classes) of scooters exist and need rules specifically designed for them. One of my friends has an electric scooter that does not even have to be registered as a motor vehicle despite the fact that it has the same horsepower as a small gas powered scooter which does have to be registered. She uses this only in a narrow range of travel and only in the same way that a bicycle is used because that is how the law says to use them and how they were designed to be used. But, it can be very confusing for a car to see this because the average person cannot tell the difference between any of these classes of small motorized cycles.

But with gas unlikely to see the south side of $3.50 ever again, there are more and more of these hitting the road (figuratively and literally) and if municipalities don't start to be proactive on legislation (like that's ever going to happen), there are going to be more and more accidents.

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I hope the USA scooter commuters don't take a lesson from their asian counterparts. In Taipei, the scooters are like swarms of insects, that swoup down on each intersection in great mass, splitting lanes, cutting intersections on sidewalks, pushing to the front of the line into the cross walk, and making left turns by turning right + U-turn.

I'm sure some egg-head entomologist could do their doctural thesis on the the correlation between moped and insect swaming mentality.

Edited by Jeff686
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A lot of 4 wheell people are going 2 wheel. Problem is they believe the rules does not change. Note to them: 2 wheels does not take a car parking, cars do. 2 wheels needs to stay away from guys weighing 10 times their weight. The guy in the car say "sorry" I did not see you - you bleed and lastly yes it is unbelievably cold on a bike comes winter.

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but the little vespa-latte-capa-crappa-cycle wanna be's really hack me off. If you are going to go that slow you should be pedaling your fat a$$ off...and stay off the highway...!

Oh yeah....freakin' scooters. The other day I was driving home from fly fishing and noticed one of the larger scooters going the other direction on I25....it's a 75mph zone where most folks are cruising right around 80 and near where we've had a couple of tragic, fatal, wrong way drunk driving accidents. I was thinking how you'd have to be crazy to ride a scooter there! :surprise:

Yesterday I'm on my road bicycle cranking up a big hill (have a great frontage road with a dedicated bike lane) and some dork goes past me on a bicycle with a tiny gas engine attached over the rear wheel...sorta like a weed whacker engine...and gives me a little "ha-ha smile" as he passes. I really wanted to smack his lazy ass :devil:

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Oh, I got a video e-mailed to me the other day of a scooter merging into

rush hour traffic in some busy Asian country (traffic cam) :surprise::sick::sick:

Well lets just say that I could not post this video here ... :sick::sick:

It is not a very smart idea to pull out doing 20mph 3 feet in front of a fully loaded semi

(cabover design at that) doing 40mph. The only thing the driver of that truck knew was

thump,thump.....thump, thump,thump...God Bless!!

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Fast enough, maybe....

Hmmm. May be fast enough but I don't think I would want to ride around with a jet engine 12 inches from my butt and a plastic milk carton full of jet fuel 6 inches from my Cojones.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got me a scooter Friday last, in heavy traffic slow moving, he came up the inside (on left here) as I was turning left. The guy 3 behind me had a real good view, scooter goes across the traffic behind him and tries to cut up the left, I was making a left turn, seeing as I was close to the curb I indicated and then made my turn. He head butted the mirror, layed himself all over the footpath and his scooter bundled up in the gutter. We all got out, made sure he was fine, (unfortunately he will live to be a dickhead again) and we dropped his (or what was left of it) scooter on the grass and drove off.

I drive a Dodge 2500, no extra marks on the mirror. One less scooter polluting the roadway.

This is the 3rd scooter accident on that road in the last 2 weeks. All of them cutting across traffic. I reckon we should get a bounty for each one we clobber. That might just cover the gas to get to work.

At least those that drive real bikes just go haring down the wrong side of the road. Way safer!!!

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2 wheels does not take a car parking, cars do.

Actually, a lot of places they have to by law and can be towed for parking two bikes in one car spot. Also, a lot of places they can be busted for their orientation to the curb regardless of how well they are fitting into the parking space.

I'm with the OP's point that if you can't keep up with highway traffic, you should stay off the highway. However, if you find yourself getting POed at 2 wheelers for taking you off guard, you might want to look into the deficiency of your own situational awareness and improve your driving by being more alert to everything around you. Might save your bacon when that idiot has 18 wheels instead of two.

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