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GA 2008 State Match website and general information

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I sent mine off the week it opened but have heard nothing since then. I'm confident the powers at be will get everything taken care of soon, or I hope so anyway. I have no idea when I'm shooting or who I'm shooting with!

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Ladies and Gents,

I just spoke to our treasurer, Jeffrey Abraham, the one receiving the applications, and he is going to send email confirmations for everyone we have so far and for new apps as we get them. In addition I am working on the online squadding setup and that will be live by Friday. If you sent your app before Friday last week and do not get an email confirmation by Wednesday please check your junk mail box first and then email me and I will get back to you.

And Both TruStreet and Charles are correct, shopping is close and River Bend has been called a country club by many so it will be a good time for all (moonshine or not)!


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Just got my email confirmation, this is what it said:

Thank you for your recent application to the 2008 USPSA Georgia State match being held at the River Bend Gun Club. Please let this email serve as notification that we have received your application and have been added to the competitors list.

Thanks and see you at the range.


Looks like they are getting things going.

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Ladies and Gents,

I just spoke to our treasurer, Jeffrey Abraham, the one receiving the applications, and he is going to send email confirmations for everyone we have so far and for new apps as we get them. In addition I am working on the online squadding setup and that will be live by Friday. If you sent your app before Friday last week and do not get an email confirmation by Wednesday please check your junk mail box first and then email me and I will get back to you.

And Both TruStreet and Charles are correct, shopping is close and River Bend has been called a country club by many so it will be a good time for all (moonshine or not)!


If moonshine is not available, I would hope that some apple brandy might be available.

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Ladies and Gents,

I just spoke to our treasurer, Jeffrey Abraham, the one receiving the applications, and he is going to send email confirmations for everyone we have so far and for new apps as we get them. In addition I am working on the online squadding setup and that will be live by Friday. If you sent your app before Friday last week and do not get an email confirmation by Wednesday please check your junk mail box first and then email me and I will get back to you.

And Both TruStreet and Charles are correct, shopping is close and River Bend has been called a country club by many so it will be a good time for all (moonshine or not)!


If moonshine is not available, I would hope that some apple brandy might be available.

I don't LIKE Apples, but Brandy sounds GOOD! :cheers:

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Mooshine, brandy or just plain old water, this match at River Bend is going to take our Ga State Match, which is already a match not to be missed, to an entirely new level. It has gone from a large venue (South River) to a restrcticed can't shoot on Sunday venue (Cherokee). Now the match goes to what is likely one of the largest venues in the southeast with facilities to match. For those of you who have not yet seen River Bend, think of Tulsa with hills and shade trees.

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On a topic related point, I was just nosing around the site for RBGC and ran across a statement -

"As a reminder, +P ammunition and hollow-point ammunition can no longer be used at Action Pistol events at RBGC.

Ammunition should be standard velocity and lead, jacketed, or plated bullets only"

If this is true, I need to come up with a non-JHP load. Or is this waived for this match ?


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On a topic related point, I was just nosing around the site for RBGC and ran across a statement -

"As a reminder, +P ammunition and hollow-point ammunition can no longer be used at Action Pistol events at RBGC.

Ammunition should be standard velocity and lead, jacketed, or plated bullets only"

If this is true, I need to come up with a non-JHP load. Or is this waived for this match ?


I'm not Mark, but I shoot at River Bend every month at their monthly USPSA matches. That Rule doesn't apply to USPSA events.

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Indeed that rule is for the local Action Pistol match (a home-grown club specific event) and for the general membership. You never know when someone is going to decide to move in front of the tables provided and stand 10 feet from a plate rack and and start shooting +P hollow points at it.

At USPSA events the rules are consistent with the ones you are all used to.



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Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have moved the late date for entries in the 2008 Georgia State Match back two weeks. Late fees will not be collected for any entry postmarked by September 1st. For those who included late fees on anything they sent this week the late fee will be refunded.

Please get those RO and Competitor Applications in!



P.S. Online Squadding is up and going. Those who have registered prior to this week should have received an email with their pin already. We are processing those apps that were received in the last 3 days so if you sent your app this week you will get an email shortly.

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have moved the late date for entries in the 2008 Georgia State Match back two weeks. Late fees will not be collected for any entry postmarked by September 1st. For those who included late fees on anything they sent this week the late fee will be refunded.

Please get those RO and Competitor Applications in!



P.S. Online Squadding is up and going. Those who have registered prior to this week should have received an email with their pin already. We are processing those apps that were received in the last 3 days so if you sent your app this week you will get an email shortly.

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have moved the late date for entries in the 2008 Georgia State Match back two weeks. Late fees will not be collected for any entry postmarked by September 1st. For those who included late fees on anything they sent this week the late fee will be refunded.

Please get those RO and Competitor Applications in!



P.S. Online Squadding is up and going. Those who have registered prior to this week should have received an email with their pin already. We are processing those apps that were received in the last 3 days so if you sent your app this week you will get an email shortly.

Thanks for the southern hospitality.


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C'mon Jack! Squad 1 is the place to be that Saturday! Bring John and we can battle to see which of the three of us can find the dot on his draw first. :rolleyes:

In addion to kgunz, Bruce Wallace is on Squad 1 too.

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What happens if only 50 people sign up?

My guess is those 50 are going to be really happy during the trip home. Match sponsors have donated several guns and numerous other prizes which will be awarded as I understand it, via match finish or random draw.

Edited by cpty1
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First, we currently have 50 shooters and still have 60 days to go. We are receiving an app or so per day and I am told that most shooters are fashionably late with registration. I know of many local folks who have not sent in their applications yet so I expect to see at least 50 more registrations.

As with any other cash payback match most of the donated items will be reserved for the RO drawing. I am considering sweetening the pot with one or two competitor drawings but I have to see what we have before making any final decisions and, like the competitors, the vendors are now getting more active.

I still need ROs but like I said there are quite a few local folks who have said they are ROing but have not sent anything in yet. Additionally, River Bend members are very supportive and I am sure that I will get from them whatever I cannot get from the USPSA pool.

As for why the turnout thus far is lower than I wanted or expected: gas, bullet, and primer prices are up and nobody knows if the economy will tank tomorrow or not. The date I chose in January, when nothing else was on the calendar, now conflicts with several other events both USPSA and non-USPSA. The date I chose is also the 1st or 2nd weekend of deer season depending on your state and county. And finally, the price of the match did go up from prior years as the format changed.

If you cannot afford to come by all means I understand! If you have a conflict with another event I am sorry that it turned out that way but this match was not given to River Bend until December of last year and there was no way we could have pulled it off in the same month as in prior years. I will also apologize for being a little (OK a lot) too anal and trying to get this on the calendar and decide in December/January rather than waiting to see how the calendar developed before putting a stake in the ground for a match date.

If you are making a political statement by boycotting this event I leave you with this thought: "This is your sport, you make it what it is or isn't based on your participation and support or lack thereof. There are about a dozen of your friends and fellow shooters trying to make this a great event for you! It is a new venue, it is a new host team, and and it is in a new place on the calendar. It takes a ton of time and effort on the part of a very few to make this event happen and I assure you that it is no cakewalk for us so your participation this year will indeed determine ours for next."

For those who have already registered or will be registering, thank you! This WILL be a great event and a great time WILL be had by all. For those not attending I hope we are in a position to have this party next year and we will see you then!!!

Mark Leeber

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Mark you are correct. You are too anal. That is the reason that your match will be a whooper of a success.

Can't wait to shoot in the mountains with a fall breeze rather than the heat of the summer. Promise me during the match you will keep reminding me I am actually at a Georgia match since the climate will be totally outside the scope of what I have to date experienced at the Georgia State.

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