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The Dark Knight


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Saw it on an IMAX screen today. Ledger was good, Bale not as much. I recall Bale being better in this role with "Batman Begins".

I got tix to check it out on an IMAX too. I hear some of it was filmed in that format, but most was not... how'd it look?

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Saw it on an IMAX screen today. Ledger was good, Bale not as much. I recall Bale being better in this role with "Batman Begins".

I got tix to check it out on an IMAX too. I hear some of it was filmed in that format, but most was not... how'd it look?

Looked pretty good, the sound was awesome almost shook you in your seats.

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Saw it yesterday and thought it was very entertaining. They set the bar pretty high with "Batman Begins" but I do believe that they cleared it. I too thought that Bale was a little better in the first movie, but he was still good and still one of my favorite actors. I guess the gravelly voice was supposed to be a little melodramatic, after all it is a comic book movie. <_<

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I'd say that in Batman Begins, Bale had more storyline/character development. Here, there was so much stuff going on...with so many characters (including/especially the Joker).

I'm glad it wasn't shorter. There was so much story that it would have likely turned out choppy if they cut some of it. And, all of it was good story.

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Bale/Batman/Bruce Wayne had all his character development in the last 10 minutes of the movie. Before that, it was all Joker, and Dent.......

Great flick, none the less. Some very interesting social commentary woven into the plot, but it was handled pretty well.

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The only weak link in the whole cast was Maggie Gyllenhaal. I thought her performance was weak. She lacked any qualities which would make her the woman that the two of the most powerful men in Gotham would chase. My movie critic buddy thinks I am too harsh on her and that poor writing is to blame for her characters lack of depth. I am sure a combination of factors lead to her blah performance.

Fortunately we won't see that character again.....


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I'd say that in Batman Begins, Bale had more storyline/character development. Here, there was so much stuff going on...with so many characters (including/especially the Joker).

Well put, I definitely agree.

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I'm glad it wasn't shorter. There was so much story that it would have likely turned out choppy if they cut some of it. And, all of it was good story.


Got to see it today. Very well done. After so many reviews talked about how long it was I kept wondering what part seemed like it took too much time or dragged on. I thought it was the perfect length.

These new comic book based movies are becoming incredible. Each one sets a new standard for the next ones to have to top. Not sure how much more intense the effects can get, but I'll keep coming back to see whats new for sure! I've never been a comic book type so I don't know the stories that well, but I'm thinkin I've been missing out! Wonder how much increase the comic book sales have gotten from the movies?

Ledger's Joker was awesome. Perfect balance of sinister and amusing. I laughed out loud several times. Shame we won't get to see him do that again. Bale was perfect again. He makes the Wayne/Batman struggle very human unlike some before him. Hopefully Caine and Freeman will stay healthy and play their parts till the series is over. Can't imagine anyone playing those roles now. BTW, how is it that Micheal Caine isn't aging? He looks the same as he always has. It's weird to see him adeptly hovering over a computer. Who knows maybe it wasn't really him, maybe they CGI'ed him too!!! lol...

I really liked the way they ended this one. Brought you right back to the title again. I'm looking forward already to the next movie!!!

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Heath Ledger was incredible, and dare I say, better than Jack Nichelsons portrayal of the joker.

I must be the only person on Earth who was so very unimpressed with Jack Nicholson as the Joker. Really, I thought Caesar Romero made a better Joker. Bleh.

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They set the bar pretty high with "Batman Begins"

I hate to come across as negative, but I truly, deeply did not enjoy Batman Begins.

To start with, if you're a comic book fan (SPOILERS AHEAD), from the moment Liam Neeson first appears, you know he's R'as al Ghul. I mean, he LOOKS exactly like the character. No "shock surprise" there.

When I heard that Christian Bale had been tapped to play Batman, I thought it was excellent casting. For one thing, he's built enough in real life I figured they wouldn't have to use rubber muscles in the suit. Having said that, I was fairly unimpressed with his physique in this film. I don't believe his body had time to fully recover from nearly starving himself to death for The Machinist before he had to shoot Batman Begins. So we get more fake rubber muscles. Sigh!

Cillian Murphy as the Scarecrow is just WAY too cleancut and wimpy looking to make a convincing villain.

And I had to shake my head in amazement at any movie that thinks it's a good idea to reimagine the Batmobile as a giant black dune buggy.

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I must be the only person on Earth who was so very unimpressed with Jack Nicholson as the Joker. Really, I thought Caesar Romero made a better Joker. Bleh.


And I thought I must be the only one. I have never understood why anyone thought Nicholson was worth the price of admission, going back to Easy Rider.

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I must be the only person on Earth who was so very unimpressed with Jack Nicholson as the Joker. Really, I thought Caesar Romero made a better Joker. Bleh.


And I thought I must be the only one. I have never understood why anyone thought Nicholson was worth the price of admission, going back to Easy Rider.

Jack Nicholson plays Jack Nicholson. So, if you don't like Jack Nicholson, you definitely won't like him when he plays.... :goof:

I've enjoyed most of his stuff.


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I've liked a lot of Nicholson's stuff. For instance, in my opinion As Good As It Gets just about was. However his turn as the Joker was not anywhere close to as good as it gets.

I agree with my brother Duane on both points --- thumbs down as the Joker, thumbs way up for As Good As It Gets....

I suspect we have the same movie watching DNA running through our veins though.....

....and I say this even having liked Batman Begins.....

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Okay...I'm posting this because it was just to darn funny in the "non-sequitur" thread


We went and saw Dark Knight last night and I thought it was very good. Heath's performance as the joker was incredible! Having bought the Frank Miller Dark Knight series when DC published it, I wish the movie were a bit different. I just can't help but wish that the director was Frank Miller instead of Christopher Nolan. I am looking forward to Miller directing the movie adaption of The Spirit. I'm am also hoping that Watchmen is watchable...one of my fav comics. Maybe someday Mage or Question will make it to the screen.....

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And I had to shake my head in amazement at any movie that thinks it's a good idea to reimagine the Batmobile as a giant black dune buggy.

I absolutely go nutz every time I see the new Batmobile. I'm also a fan of how the movie sort of walks you through Batman "tech", i.e. how he gets his toys and to a degree how they work.

Did I mention teh new Batmobile ROCKS!!! Think of how cool that would be to pull up in to a match.... :bow:

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Having seen the movie, as I have, what do you think of this?



I am uncertain that Dark Knight is symbolically a movie about the war on terror. And I can't comment directly on that subject as that would be a political speech however I can offer up this little tidbit. I thought the following quote was interesting.

The true complexity arises when we must defend these values in a world that does not universally embrace them -- when we reach the place where we must be intolerant in order to defend tolerance, or unkind in order to defend kindness, or hateful in order to defend what we love.

People are generally uncomfortable with the idea of paradox and yet it seems to me that nearly all universal truths are a paradox. When everything is black and white with rigid rules, choices and decisions are easy.

After seeing the movie, I made the comment to my husband that wouldn't it be odd if a few thousand years from now after some catastrophic event that erases history, some archeologist found a sci-fi geek's cache of DVD's and declared them to be the mythology of our era - similar to the greek or roman pantheon.

In that vain, I actually know someone that wrote a literature paper in college regarding the symbolism of costume color choices for super heroes and villains. Super heroes generally wear primary colors (purity) and villains do not was the conclusion. She also did a paper associating Jungian archetypes with super heroes. I'm kinda thinking that Bob Kane (creator of Batman) was probably looking for a paycheck....not to say he didn't consider these things...but I bet having a meal on the table was more important.

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Riddler, I fear.

Probably not, Riddler was in Batman Forever along with Two Face.... Speaking of two face, with this latest film, the batman movies have a "crisis of infinite earths" thing going don't they? All though I for one would be happy to see that Val Kilmer thread of existence vanish...

Well, well...you may be right on this one...

Depp to play Riddler?

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