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Friday Flame War - 06-27-2003


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It's Fried-Day once again and time unburden the soul in preparation for the baccanal of shooting, bbq and yard work (blech) that the weekend brings.

Cast forth thine demons and purge thine soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate that weekends are only 2 days long.

I hate Spam email and telemarketters who clog the internet and interrupt my life. A pox on you all!

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I hate the fact that after 2/3rds of my life is over, I am made to feel like I am poluting the environment and turning into an alcholic if I want to indulge in a good cigar and a glass of single malt scotch after a hard days work. Having some busybody criticize my actions who does not even know me, kind of takes all the fun out of it.

I didn't want to be as rude to her as she was to me, so instead of spewing forth a stream of profanity that would take the bark off my elm tree, I just told her thanks; but I hoped that when she arrived at her home, her mother ran out from under the house and bit her on the ankle.

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I hate how much I have to do today and tomorrow before leaving for the Mid-Atlantic and the FG Nats. I think I need a sherpa or a caddy who packs the truck, drives, carries the range bag from stage to stage, sets up the chair under an umbrella, breaks out the palm frond fan to cool me off after shooting.......

Those Brit colonialists had the right idea....

I hate that I haven't thought of a useful argument to convince Carol to do most of the above for me.........

I'm pretty sure I'll hate traffic and driving this coming week.....

And I'm sure I'll forget all about it as soon as I arrive in York and Barry......

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Well said! Very well said!

Yeh, and what KIMEL said about WEEKENDS, TOO!!!!

PS--I utterly and completely, totally loathe low wages!!!!!!! Not enough $$ to shoot as often as I NEED to or WANT to!!!!!! Gahhhh!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

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Freakin' heat wave. Freakin' mosquitos. Freakin' insomnia. Bring back the fog.

The only good thing about going to bed at 3 AM two days in a row is finally getting around to creating some stages for submission to USPSA. If the powers-that-be like 'em, maybe you'll see 'em at a future nationals. Dante's Sixth Level, Tom Sawyer, Broken Arrow, and Another Tangled Mess. Neither a port nor a swinger among them! ;)

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Jeez-Louise!!! They just opened two more damned Starbucks in Eugene!!! Cripes, that makes eleven--ELEVEN!!!!!!--in this puny little town!!! (over 6,900 worldwide, BTW.) GAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! :angry::angry: (...fume, smolder, fume, flare-up, explode...!)

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if I want to indulge in a good cigar and a glass of single malt scotch after a hard days work.  Having some busybody criticize my actions who does not even know me, kind of takes all the fun out of it.

Nils bastardo carborundum (Don't let the bastards grind you down).

I'm with you on the Single Malt whisky.. Laphroaig...Lagavulin...Highland Park... :P

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Jeez-Louise!!!  They just opened two more damned Starbucks in Eugene!!!  Cripes, that makes eleven--ELEVEN!!!!!!--in this puny little town!!!  (over 6,900 worldwide, BTW.)  GAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!  :angry:  :angry: (...fume, smolder, fume, flare-up, explode...!)

That's what you get in a town full of drug addicts....sorry...no offense...(well, not much anyway... ;) )

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Ohmygod...!!! Drugs, you say...? Hah! After ten years in this town I just now--just now!--found the right word to describe this place: SPINELESS!!!!

'Spineless!' Yes. It's hopeless. We're going nowhere fast here. Nowhere. Moreover, nobody's home either.

It's the weirdest place I've ever lived in. :angry:

Except for the shooting range. B) How DID they ever manage to make THAT one work...? (I heard it wasn't easy.....) <_<

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I hate being too busy to drop in on the forum. :(

But, it looks like the Friday Flamer is going strong! Cool!

Starbucks coffee is too weak, too expensive, they make you wait in line, and then they give it to you in a paper cup. Drinking coffee served in a paper cup, no matter how good the blend, is like smoking a cheap cigar.

I hate watching the way our society is addicted to borrowing money. The prime rate at 1%! What happens next? Is the "Wizard of Fed" going to start paying us to borrow money? Doesn't anyone understand that regression to the mean is an irrefutable law of nature?

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I told my broker nearly two years ago that this interest-rate-dropping flummery was NOT going to help ANYTHING. NOTHING. He gave me the Oregon Blank Stare and I raved on... like, "Mark my words, it's NOT going to help ANYONE. Moreover, it's going to both ruin AND piss off the investors who rely on income investments and the whole deal will backfire in less than two years if it keeps up." We're right there right now. Like, who wants to tie up, let's say, their $200,000 hunk of cash into an account that'll pay less than what it's going to take to process the paper on it and pay the taxes on the income??!! H-E-L-L-O-O-O...???!!! It's all a very, very bad bit of corruption. :(:wacko::ph34r::angry:

And I heard we just gave $3-billion to Pakistan...? Didn't see it on the news, didn't read about it in the local paper (useless rag!!!!!), didn't even catch a WHISPER of it........ Did I miss something here.....? Whatta ripoff. :ph34r::angry:

One Percent. I didn't think we'd really stoop that low...!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

We are a global laughing-stock.

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"It's all a very, very bad bit of corruption" Yep, I'm with you, Siggy!

When Greenspan announces his "retirement", ostensibly to spend more time with his family, that will be the two-minute warning. Then enter the new scapegoat Fed Chairman to take the fall. A bursting credit bubble can be a real character building experience for a whole generation of people.

Friends are more important that careers. Family, more important that finances. Some things will last. Blessed be the balanced, for they shall out last us all!

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Back to Star*ucks for a moment... One of my all-time fave comedians, Lewis Black(The King of Rant), did a long bit on Starbucks' disgusting (and excessive) ubiquity last week that had me DEF-initely LMAO!! He described a shopping mall that had TWO (count 'em--TWO) Starbucks that faced each other on the same aisle. After degrading the hell outa the strategy of this (and everything else that Starbucks does), he concluded it was there for the benefit of eldery Alzheimer's patients who would walk from one Starbucks to the other without knowing they'd just been to one. [You had to have been there.] :lol:;)

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Like, who wants to tie up, let's say, their $200,000 hunk of cash into an account that'll pay less than what it's going to take to process the paper on it and pay the taxes on the income??!!

Hmmm, I wonder what would happen if everyone took exception to receiving no return on their money and they all withdrew their funds??

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