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Posting Attitude


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Why do so many people reply to other's posts with sarcasm and attitude? It seems to me that many people can't wait to attack someone in their posts or topics. It just gets old to me. I guess some just want to pick fights. This is a forum of peers, right?

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I see some posts that are just people joking...(sometimes with people they know) and we are unaware of the relationship.

There are those few ..that are out of line...(quite uncommon)...and all of us are prone to make a misteak now and then.

I give the 1% a pass...and enjoy the other 99%


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Jim has a point. This forum has been in the ether now for several years and many congenial relationships not only developed as a result, but many were already in place when the forum was launched. They've come to produce 'inside jokes' (sarcastic and humorous digs) and are familiar perhaps only to the members about whom they concern.

On the other hand, there is always an online stratum or two of unhealthy twits who, indeed, DON'T "have a life" and use the Internet as a platform for neurotic venting and infantile abuse. Jim's right again--it doesn't happen too often here, but when it does you can be sure it's being discussed or otherwise handled in the Admin section, owing to our vigilance and ethics. Sometimes it takes a few days to secure an abusive asshat and go thru the process of dealing with them, but you can be assured that the Mods and Admin are acutely strict about true abuse and ultimately won't/don't tolerate it.

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Yes, the Twitology analyses on the Admin forum are forever ongoing. Perhaps even never-ending. I agree about some twits not getting the boot as quickly as others--for some unknown reason. But when we 'mix it up' in the Admin forum--and seek sensible solutions--the final word is Brian's (if need be) and we go with that. Other twit issues are simply handled routinely if possible. Some, admittedly, are persistent and require specialized, 'prolonged treatment'. Sometimes Free Speech privileges are abused and we walk a fine line about it--but default back to what Brian would like to see as his standard for decency here. In a nutshell, it's not always easy.

The forum is also a lot BIGGER than it used to be. With growth comes the like-herding-cats management challenges. More Mods, more Admin discussions, more problems to iron out.

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I see some posts that are just people joking...(sometimes with people they know) and we are unaware of the relationship.

There are those few ..that are out of line...(quite uncommon)...and all of us are prone to make a misteak now and then.

I give the 1% a pass...and enjoy the other 99%


Jim said misteak .......... Freudian slip there Jim ? B):):rolleyes:

Mmmmmmmm .... steak!

Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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I see some posts that are just people joking...(sometimes with people they know) and we are unaware of the relationship.

There are those few ..that are out of line...(quite uncommon)...and all of us are prone to make a misteak now and then.

I give the 1% a pass...and enjoy the other 99%


Jim said misteak .......... Freudian slip there Jim ? B):):rolleyes:

Mmmmmmmm .... steak!

YEP that must be it :roflol:

I guess I will just have to fix that darn oven....have a nice broiled steak...and my spelling will improve :cheers:

Jim :roflol:

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Why do so many people reply to other's posts with sarcasm and attitude? It seems to me that many people can't wait to attack someone in their posts or topics. It just gets old to me. I guess some just want to pick fights. This is a forum of peers, right?

Honestly, it's a byproduct of internet anonymity. It allows people with insecurities to adopt an arrogant persona they would never dare try to carry in real life because somebody would snap their pencil neck and stuff them in a dumpster. I hope it makes them feel better because it sure makes the people that they fire on wonder what's wrong with them.

It happened to me the other day. I posted a question on another forum. I didn't realize that particular forum was situated as a "sub forum" ona different forum I post on... so I had two listings for it in my preferences list and I posted my question twice by mistake.

later when I went back, I had a PM from one of the moderators telling me they don't tolerate people double posting and I would be banned if it ever happened again.

I asked the guy what was wrong with him and wondered if such an antagonistic response was necessary for such a trivial (and completely accidental) transgression. The ridiculous thing is the forum in question had about two posts on it that day, so it wasn't like a double post was clogging up the server. That place is a ghost town.... I wonder why?

I have no idea what his reply was, but I am quite sure I am now banned.

Some people just seem to turn into little Hitlers when they get a tiny modicum of internet "power".

Edited by bountyhunter
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Seems to me that some people need a life.

Ever watch the show "Titus"? The kid was in a store with his dad and they came across another kid and his dad looking at a .22 riflr.

Little Titus: "Can we get a gun daddy?"

Dad Titus: "We don't need one son. All the men in our family have large penises."

I often wonder what a study of internet agression versus male endowment would reveal.... :roflol:

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Rebuttals are not allowed in "What I Hate" so please don't take this as argumentative.

I'm not sure who or what makes you feel that some members are behaving badly.

From my point of view, the discourse on this forum is mostly friendly and cordial.

The moderators stay on top of things, sometimes a little over zealously in my humble opinion, but generally do a good job.

There are many controversial issues within practical shooting and a lot of shooters are passionate in their viewpoints.

I've seen some spirited disagreements from time to time, but nothing that was allowed to get too far out of line.

We can agree to disagree without the personal attacks and flaming that mark so many other forums.

A great many of the members here are people I know and shoot with regularly.

There are many more I haven't met, but have done business with.

I have sent thousands of dollars in secured funds to members across the country.

I did this in good faith and have always received the goods.

That would seem to indicate that most members here abide by a code of honor.

If not, I wouldn't hang around.



Edited by 38superman
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I see some posts that are just people joking...(sometimes with people they know) and we are unaware of the relationship.

There are those few ..that are out of line...(quite uncommon)...and all of us are prone to make a misteak now and then.

I give the 1% a pass...and enjoy the other 99%


Jim said misteak .......... Freudian slip there Jim ? B):):rolleyes:

Mmmmmmmm .... steak!

YEP that must be it :roflol:

I guess I will just have to fix that darn oven....have a nice broiled steak...and my spelling will improve :cheers:

Jim :roflol:

This thread inspired me to grill the steak over a charcoal grill tonight. Thanks!


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And, as always, PM your favorite mod if you think there's something we should be aware of (or people you think are getting or deserve special treatment ;) )

I think I deserve special treatment. It is like me to get special treatment. I like it when people treat me special.

(Lanny quit that!!!! You'll get me in trouble....)

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And, as always, PM your favorite mod if you think there's something we should be aware of (or people you think are getting or deserve special treatment ;) )

I think I deserve special treatment. It is like me to get special treatment. I like it when people treat me special.

(Lanny quit that!!!! You'll get me in trouble....)

PM my favorite mod?

I'm supposed to have a favorite moderator?

Who knew?

If I pick the right one can I then get special treatment too?

There are plenty of polictical threads I've been dying to start. :roflol:


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If you folks think that what goes on here is bad you should try lurking in the "PlasticPistol"Talk forum... :ph34r:

Or Glocktalk, Political Crossfire Forum, Sig Forum, Firing Line, XD Talk, and a lot of others I could name.

I can't remember the last time I saw something here that even registered on the meter.

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I see some posts that are just people joking...(sometimes with people they know) and we are unaware of the relationship.

There are those few ..that are out of line...(quite uncommon)...and all of us are prone to make a misteak now and then.

I give the 1% a pass...and enjoy the other 99%



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Posting with attitude is quite rare on this forum but it does happen from time to time. On one topic I asked for advice and had two guys go all stupidly aggressive to each other. I just PM`ed a poster that seemed to know what he was talking about and left the two "unpleasant types" to wee-wee on each other. In the end I still got the answer I needed, and from a world renowned gunsmith non the less. Over all the best forum for shooting advice.

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It allows people with insecurities to adopt an arrogant persona they would never dare try to carry in real life because somebody would snap their pencil neck and stuff them in a dumpster. ++1

While we all have our off moments here, it seems everyone on this forum tends to have more decorum...maybe not 100% but dang close.

I've been to many other boards and this one is one of the most "civil".

I must admit that I was banned on SF for disagreeing with a mod. who was berating some newbie over some non-sense...so be it...I signed up with new alias but now instead of being a productive member I just lurk there...feels kinda dirty but not everyone there is like some of their mods...most are nice folks with a common interest and a true desire to learn.

Heck I like a good arguement as much as anyone but there are times/places for that too. :cheers:

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