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2008 Pro-Am Stages and Par Times released!

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Oh yeah, sorry.

They're attached as well.

They're listed by overall finish, with the stage wins in bold. Dave S. got a reshoot on Stage 3, but didn't want his score to count towards the stage money. That's why Stage 3 isn't listed as a tie.

Make sure to keep your eyes open for the Shooting USA episode to hopefully air in October. They've got some great ideas for the show. I can't wait to see it.

For those of you who weren't there, you missed a great time...at least that's what everyone told me!

Till next year.


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Wow - where to begin.... :rolleyes:

For starters: THIS WAS A FANTASTIC MATCH!!!! :cheers: Phil and crew did a truly outstanding job. The range looks fantastic, the stages were a blast and getting to see old friends like Gentleman Jim and the Las Cruces boys were icing on the cake. Got to meet several forum members and put faces to screen names which is nice as well.

The prize table was kick ass, I was well on down the list and still walked off with almost $200 worth of goodies off the prize table - and more importantly, goodies I can use like a new "camelback" from Blackhawk and a new Techwear shirt...

I don't think I've ever shot so sub par and had so much fun doing it. :roflol:

I will definately be back next time and I can't encourage those of you who missed out to come out and play.

Yeah, it was REALLY hot - my car thermo was reading 111 when we finished, but it didn't look like anyone fell out during the day.... Hats off to the RO and range staff for hanging in there and working in those conditions - they were great.

Can't wait till next time!!

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This was an amazing match! Those of you who didn't go - :P Nyah - Nyah! :roflol:

The stages were fun. The match ran sooo smoothly. The prize table and awards were a model to be followed by all others!

We each got a list of the prizes numbered. As people were called in to the room, the number of the prize the took was then called out. You'd check it off your list and so by the time you went in, you knew what you could get (and what you wanted). It sped things up considerably!

Got to do a shout out to the supper squad as well. It was big fun and I'd shoot with you all again!

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How do you describe this match........

F%#@en awesome. :cheers:

I know that some of the old timers realise that this is an old match revisited, but for those of us that have never been involved with the first type of a new match, this was a real experience. I was amazed at what a great facility Tulsa is. The bays, parking, clubhouse, catered lunch wagon, shade, water available everywhere you turned, static RO's who were all as happy to be there as we were ( even in the heat ), grass, staff, vendors, sponsors, Shooting USA, distance to restuarants, Hotels, and the airport, all make Tulsa's USSA the best place that I have ever shot a match. Don't get me wrong, I love lots of other places and matches too, but , in my opinion this is the next level of making Pistol Shooting Sports, public and spectator friendly. Low dust, easy access, friendly and safe.

I have non shooting friends, that could grasp the concept of this match and watch as a spectator. The stages were difficult enough to allow different solutions, and easy enough, that you could never solve them. :wacko:

Phils' no nonsense and common sense approach to rules and match design, made things simple and final. If a plate falls, it is a hit, if it doesn't it's a miss. Fantastic. Shooter briefing was just that " Brief " no lawyers required. We who shot the match all owe Phil a beer, because without his persistence, this never would have happened. He told me several months ago that he expects that this could be the next big thing. I agree.

The RO's and range staff were fantastic, and without them, these drive up and shoot single day matches couldn't happen.

The prize table was exceptional, and simple, with only one category. Industry support was phenominal, with vendors, and prizes, that rival most big ( expensive entry ) matches. Shooter bags were a boutny in themselves, including a beverage opening device from La Rue which is one of my new favourite things. :cheers:

For those who didn't make it......sorry, but you missed out on the first chapter of what could be the best fun match of the shooting calendar. I know that I would be prepared to sacrifice some regular matches to squeeze this one in.

Thanks to all the USSA support staff, sponsors, vendors, Dave T, for lending me a gun ( really cool SVI ), Mick N for loading the ammo, Phil for doing this, and Secure Firearms for everything else.


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Ditto on what Mark said....... :cheers:

Phil set the bar pretty high. It was the first time I had been to USSA, and it wont be my last. Quality range, personnel, and Phil ran the match right the first time. I know he beat his head against the wall a couple of times, but from the first time he told me about the match over beer I was hooked, and I will be back for the next one. I just hope that it gets scheduled for later in the year......it was hot, but I missed the balmy humidity from Iowa that I left to go down there.... :wacko: I figure in the last four days I shot over 1200 rounds in two steel matches.....

Prize table was better than most matches I have been to since the Pin shooting days, and he borrowed the SC format with the prize lists.....KUDOS to you for that. It went smooth and I didnt hear any carping about anything except for people wishing they had hit more plates.....

I also want to congratulate my traveling buddy Jay Tappe on the performance of his two sons, Craig and Phillip.

These two young men, both under 16, placed highly at the BIG DAWG match in stock and open. A day later at the PRO-AM Craig won B class and High Junior, and Phillip won High D class and the junior drawing as well. I was so happy for Jay, who admitted that this was one, if not the happiest day of his life thus far. I was so privileged to be with these guys and get to share in the good times. This is what good shooting matches are for, the memories with friends, and I got a lot packed in with this match.

Keep tuned for the match when it hits the tube, this is something that should have a lot of potential for growth in the future!


thanks to you and your staff for all the hard work......

Doug Carden

editted to add......I got to meet a bunch of BE'r there too.....nice to put faces to names on the forum! Good times!!!!!

Edited by DougCarden
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Here is video of Dave and Manny on the last stage. Manny had to get one more piece down in order to beat Dave, if not it would have been a tie breaker and Dave had a faster time on the tie breaker stage.

Dave shot first


Manny was the second to last shooter on the stage


Edited by fortyfiveshooter
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This was a great match. Phil, you and the staff were above and beyond :cheers: . Water on all the stages. Fun courses of fire. Simple rules. Huge prize table and the manner in which the prizes were distributed set a whole new standard. Mark this one on your calendar everyone. It is worth the trip, and then some. AND, you can learn as much about yourself at this match as you can doing multiple trips to the range or lessons. I have enough practice material to keep me busy for months. This match is going to get HUGE, don't get left out next year.

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I've lived and worked in REAL deserts before and I think sunday was the closest I've come to being a heat casualty.

Awesome match! It was pretty cool hanging out in the club house and seeing many of the shooters I watch on TV. I wanted to watch them shoot, but couldn't afford the energy to walk 4 bays over and back... :sick:

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Amazing match - thanks Phil and all who helped get this together. Phil, I love the rules, the lack of rules, and especially because of the way you set it up, the lack of need for rules - really made things smooth.

The weather was way too far out of hand. My only suggestion for next year is a different time of year please. I don't care if it's raining, snowing, or a tornado is on it's way - just not 100+ degrees, blazing sun, high humidity and little/no wind... I'll take our -40*F over that, any day :D

Got my video's cut up and uploaded:



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what do you mean?; we had a pretty nice breeze! ;)

My trick was that from the time that I rolled out of bed,to the end of the match, Id either have a bottle of water in my hand or a gun.

I did blow a stage when I got confused and tried to do a slide lock reload on my aquafina.

Edited by mike cyrwus
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Thanks for a great match Phil. I will definitely keep this one on the calander for good. The vendors really came through on the prize table. I got my match fees back in prizes so I am good to go. I would like to see another Pro-Am done with Open guns with 10 round mag restrictions in the future. The short loaded mags would make things more challenging and give us a insight on what the Canadian shooters have to go through.

I let Mark (pinshooter) borrow my sightracker to win a gun. I think in the future I will have to get a cut of any prize table swag that is won with one of my pistols. I won't have to try nearly as hard to win a prize if I can put 3 or 4 of my guns in hands of good shooters like Mark :cheers:

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Thanks Phil for the opportunity to showcase our products. We had many great comments on our popper design (Stage 8)

Also to our sponsored shooter Mark for his great performance and to Doug C. and The Tappe's. It was a pleasure. Little FFL had some gun and feeding problems and therefore did not perform as well as I had hoped. I will take the appropriate steps in the future to fix the problems he had. It started off bad for him on the first stage he fired as the gun safety rules I have pounded into his head took over and prevented him from a higher score.

He had to shoot 8 shots from a M&P and replace it on top of the barrel and then move to other targets and shoot them.

Instead of just dropping the M&P on the barrel and going he unloaded the empty magazine and laid the gun and mag on the barrel. That took to much time. He shot well, his old man screwed up and did not use the proper ammo. (I was free so I figured I would use it). Wrong thing to do.

We will be back


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I let Mark (pinshooter) borrow my sightracker to win a gun. I think in the future I will have to get a cut of any prize table swag that is won with one of my pistols. I won't have to try nearly as hard to win a prize if I can put 3 or 4 of my guns in hands of good shooters like Mark :cheers:

I'll swap you the gun I won, for the gun I used....... :roflol:

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Here's the first video I've got up from the match. I haven't laughed so hard in quite some time....

For those that weren't there, the shooter had to place the colored cans on top of the similarly colored sticks before any shots were fired from that stick's box... Watch what happens when Rhonda's (theGirl here on the forum) green and yellow cans hit the ground.... and then listen to the comments in the background (if you can hear that over my cackling like a nutjob) and then watch the poor RO who lost count of how many penalties he should give the poor girl.


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I was really thinking about tossing the cans like she did but luckily for me Jim and Nanci told me what happened to her......

The RO needed to be barefoot to have a chance on that run LOL.

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Here's the first video I've got up from the match. I haven't laughed so hard in quite some time....

For those that weren't there, the shooter had to place the colored cans on top of the similarly colored sticks before any shots were fired from that stick's box... Watch what happens when Rhonda's (theGirl here on the forum) green and yellow cans hit the ground.... and then listen to the comments in the background (if you can hear that over my cackling like a nutjob) and then watch the poor RO who lost count of how many penalties he should give the poor girl.


You should be ashamed for laughing.

I made the colorblind comment, so I'll take a window seat on that flight to hell.

Reminds me of the stage at Nationals last year, where you had to keep that stupid can below your waist.


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