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Phone Solicitors

Patrick Sweeney

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I'm in the middle of writing three books, developing two class outlines for State approval, moving my gunsmithing shop and my wife's printing business. When I finish my 16-18 hours of work each day, I want some peace and quiet.

So, I'm relaxing for the evening watching a PBS show on divers going down to a sunken U-Boat, and the damned phone rings five different times in two hours, with some moronic slack-jawed underacheiver asking me if I want to....fill in the blank.

If I had a button that immediately melted their phone, I swear I'd use it. If it administered an electric shock, so much the better.

Telling them to take me off their list seems to make no difference. I guess I'm just going to have to keep a log, tell them to eat shjt and die, take me off their list, and then see if I can collect a bounty from the FCC when they fail to cease and desist.

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I'll work on it for my senior project. I'll give you the second prototype, but I hope you don't plan on getting a percentage or anything. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to buy Latin America in 5 years.


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Yeah well, I tried the PMOYDNCL thing once and the solicitor transferred me to a supervisor to take care of it, I was on hold, then the supervisor was actually a sales "closer." I was speechless.

Now I know better, just say PMOYDNCL and hang up.

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Man you blew your chance to make some $$$ By law they can't pitch anymore and you can tape them. IF they do it is a free $500 for you. :( Better luck next time, I am waiting for an idiot to break the law on me so I can get my free $$$

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I keep getting the ones that use a computer to put a 4 minute spiel on my answering machine.

I have a funky phone service that rings different if its not a local call. The telemarketers are never local.

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The trick with answering machines is to get the doo-dee-deep "This number is not in service" tones as the first thing on your answering machine. Then the auto-dialing computers hear that, hang up and remove you from their list since they think you don't exist there anymore.

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You all have the wrong idea about these people. When they call its the perfect outlet to vent or have some fun with the SOB. Lately I have been interupting them right after they say hello MR Dame, and ask " What the fu@! are you selling and how much is it?" that tends to rattle their cage abit. Then from there on I just keep putting them down and trying to trip them up. I also like to tell them to hold on a second, put the phone down then go do something else for a bit. Taking the phone into the shjtter with you is also fun. The key here is just to have fun, if they hang up then you win.

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(shred)The trick with answering machines is to get the doo-dee-deep "This number is not in service" tones as the first thing on your answering machine. Then the auto-dialing computers hear that, hang up and remove you from their list since they think you don't exist there anymore.
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I just registered every possible number a telemarketer could reach me at. I will miss those dinner interruptions to help me save a bundle on long distance.

:D MCI, Sprint, AT&T, and all those other long distance services can bite my A$$! :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

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Two better words:

Privacy Manager (may not be available in all areas, check with your friendly SBC operator)

I have a few words for the privacy manager... "worthless waste of $5".

Better solution:


Blocked numbers are about to become a thing of the past. As of this year they will be illegal for businesses to have.

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