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New Revo Master

Tom Freeman

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Thanks guys, but I have mixed emotions. I shot four classifiers in a special and only one of them had a reload. The classifiers were very revolver friendly and all of the M and A class guys have done as well or better on those classifiers. Acheiving the title on paper was the easy part, living up to it might prove a bit more difficult. BTW, my reloads suck.

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Hey..I still think that is way cool..you should see me try and pull the trigger for six shots with my revolver...you could probably shoot six and reload and shoot that six in that time...

no matter..congratulations...

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Ron congratulations. Yes, reloading is definately a basic revolver skill. Nevertheless, if you can make master with a revolver (,even with only one reload), that still means you can kick serious ass with it. Way to go.

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Well I shot my revolver in a match yesterday and even with a few minor problems (ok major misses and a no-shoot) I managed to come in right in the middle of the pack with all divisions combined. I am learning to hate all of those standing reloads, lol. We shot CM99-49 (Speed-E-Standards) as the classifier and I missed the second target weak hand. The Mike really hurt my score. I had a decent time of around 12 seconds and that's good considering my horrible reloads. Still, you can't miss fast enough to win, lol.

I love the wheel gun but it just seems so out of place in IPSC with the high round count stages and 8 shots per position. Still, I have to admit that the matches where I shot the wheel gun were more fun than I have had in years. I think the most gratifying part is that I have had people ask me to continue shooting the revolver from time to time so they can watch me shoot. Heck, I want to see guys like Bud Bond, Jerry M. and Richard Bitow shoot. Now those guys are revolver shooters.

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Way to go! That is a goal that I still think is pretty near impossible to achieve. I guess talent and dedication can make it happen (and also not having to deal with those darn reloads!).



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I guess years of Bullseye are good for something. Congragulations! Now quit beating yourself up ---- I think shooting four classifiers in one match is tough to do without screwing at least one of 'em up royally. Looking at those four in particular --- yeah, they were revolver neutral, but I think they tested a good mix of skills, from long range to weak hand to a mini field course....

Good Job! Now that open classification could use some work.... :lol::lol:

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Good grief not you too, lol. The local guys kid me about being an open sandbagger and a revolver grandbagger.

As for "beating myself up" it's more a matter of wanting to have a classification that is more reflective of my ability over time. I called the folks at USPSA about my classification and they are aware that with the lack of a seperate revolver database revolver shooters may experience spikes in their scores from time to time because of the way the high hit factors were determined. After quite a bit of discussion we agreed to take a look at my scores in a few months and to come up with a totally honest classification based on my ability on a variety of classifiers over time.

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